Biografização no roteiro do filme CIDADE DE DEUS: o personagem BUSCAPÉ
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Universidade Federal de Catalão
Since the 20th century, the cinema has been considered as a powerful historical source, mainly with regard to youth. The present research is situated in the field of History of education and research (auto) biographical. There is a lack of research in education that takes the process of biography about movie characters. The paper aimed to analyze the script of the film City of God, highlighting mainly the narratives of the character Buscapé. Most film research is tied to image analysis, and this led us to realize that there are other possibilities to be explored through the script. We chose, therefore, the script of the movie City of God as the main source of research. The objective was understand the experience of biographization of character Buscapé from the narrative of script of movie City of God. The used method was the narrative biographical. To approach the concepts of biographization, narratives and life history, we anchored in the studies of Delory-Momberger, (2008) (2012), Antônio Bolívar (2012), among others, as Buscapé's narratives gave us several clues and elements for that we could get to the analyzes and find the answers we were looking for. We used as data analysis the categorization technique approached by Badin (1997), leading us to conclude that, through the biographization process, from the return to the past, the reflection of today and the search for the future, the character Buscapé does, through their narratives, the history of their trajectory, their obstacles, difficulties, behaviors, experiences and leads us to understand the relationship between their life experiences and the process of building themselves.
Pesquisa (auto) biográfica, Filme Cidade de Deus, Juventude, Narrativa
ROSA, Olinda Inês Areda. Biografização no roteiro do filme CIDADE DE DEUS: o personagem buscapé. 2021. 84 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Curso de Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Catalão, Catalão (GO), 2021.