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    História de vida de mulheres no curso técnico em agropecuária do IF GOIANO – Campus Urutaí (1979-2020)
    (Universidade Federal de Catalão, 2021-12-29) Santana, Thatiany Santos de; Honório FIlho, Wolney; Honório FIlho, Wolney; Barros, Aparecida Maria Almeida; Soares, Sebastião Silva
    In spite of the women achievement in the modern society, at the end of the century 20th, the presence/absence of women in places said to be masculine still is something that call the attention, such as the women in engineering, agronomy, aviation, among others areas seen as areas only for the masculine public. Until today we can see this distinction and in the education isn’t different. This research is situated in theorical universe from History of education and research (autobiographical). In this universe, there are still no studies focused on the issues of women inserted in so called masculine places, based on life stories. Thinking about it and from my own experiences at the Goiano Federal Institute – Campus Urutai we purposed in this research answer the following leading question: How does training in the Agricultural Technical course at IF Goiano – Campus Urutai relate to the life story of egress women?. We have as an object from this research the story of life of women that attended the Agricultural Technician at IF Goiano - Campus Urutai. The general objective is: Analyse the relationship between the technical course in agriculture at IF Goiano – Campus Urutai and the life story of egress women. In order to achieve this objective, we discussed, first, about life story and biographization; Then, we sought to know the women who were students of the Technical course in Agriculture at IF Goiano - Campus Urutai and, finally, we analyzed the life stories of women who graduated from the Technical course in Agriculture at IF Goiano - Campus Urutai. For the theoretical foundation of this study we studied authors such as Cristhine Delory-Momberger (2008;2011;2012), Maria da Conceição Passeggi (2012), Antonio Bolívar (2012), Gaston Pineau (2006), Pierre Dominicé (2006), António Nóvoa (2010), Galvão (2005) and Josso (2007). Our time frame is from 1979 to 2020. 1979 was the year in which the first female enrollment in the course was registered. For the development of this research we used the narrative-autobiographical method, from the narratives of women who graduated from the Technical course in Agriculture at IF Goiano – Campus Urutai. We carried out an interview-conversation with three women entering the course, in 1993, 2013 and 2018. After the transcriptions and analysis of the interviews, it was possible to choose the following categories: Arrival at the course: first impressions; Difficulties faced in the course; Course contributions to your life stories X course expectations. From these categories, it was possible to perceive the relationship between the technical course in agriculture and the life story of the participants, the meaning that each one brings about it, bringing social and individual aspects. It was possible to see contributions from the course, both in professional and personal training, which led them to gain autonomy and criticality.
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    Concepção de alfabetização no livro didático e no manual do professor: legitimação de uma política pública curricular
    (Universidade Federal de Catalão, 2021-08-30) Marques, Rosângela Carneiro; Peres, Selma Martines; Peres, Selma Martines; Rossi, Maria Aparecida Lopes; Macedo, Maria do Socorro Alencar Nunes
    This dissertation worked with the concept of literacy and brought as a problem-question which concept of literacy can be inferred from the textbook and the manual for teachers of the 1st and 2nd years of the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD) de 2019. It aimed to understand which literacy concept supports the didactic works of the Buriti Mais Português collection, the most acquired work produced by the Moderna publishing house, which obtained the largest number of collections for the subject of Portuguese approved by PNLD-2019. Its specific objectives were to identify and characterize the structure of the textbook and the 1st and 2nd year teacher's manual; analyze texts and exercises contained in the textbook and in the teacher's manual, as well as problematize their relationship with the concept of literacy; investigate, in the pedagogical guidelines of public policies regularly implemented by the federal government - which act as control mechanisms over the production and use of texts in textbooks, from the definition of contents and proposals for teaching and learning reading and writing - , the conception of literacy that is manifested in this material. For this, theoretical-methodological assumptions of qualitative research were used, using the method or procedure known as document analysis. As for the level, we opted for exploratory research, with the intention of providing an approximate view of the concept of literacy that is present in didactic works of Portuguese Language, considering that they are also source-objects of analysis. In order to answer the problem-question, it takes as its theoretical support: to conceptualize the literacy process historically – Frade (2007a), Freire (1992), Frago (1993), Mortatti (2000), Soares (2018) and Cagliari (2007); to identify the contrasts between perspectives and paradigms related to literacy – Kleiman (2004), Soares (1998, 2018), Ferreiro and Teberosky (1999), Street (2014), Smolka (1993), Goulart (2005), Geraldi (2005) and Britto (2007); to know the characteristics and evaluation parameters of literacy textbooks – Batista (2003), Bittencourt (2004), Munakata (2012); among other scholars in the areas of education and language.
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    Biografização no roteiro do filme CIDADE DE DEUS: o personagem BUSCAPÉ
    (Universidade Federal de Catalão, 2021-12-10) Rosa, Olinda Inês Areda; Honório FIlho, Wolney; Honório FIlho, Wolney; Araújo, Juliana Pereira de; Soares, Sebastião Silva
    Since the 20th century, the cinema has been considered as a powerful historical source, mainly with regard to youth. The present research is situated in the field of History of education and research (auto) biographical. There is a lack of research in education that takes the process of biography about movie characters. The paper aimed to analyze the script of the film City of God, highlighting mainly the narratives of the character Buscapé. Most film research is tied to image analysis, and this led us to realize that there are other possibilities to be explored through the script. We chose, therefore, the script of the movie City of God as the main source of research. The objective was understand the experience of biographization of character Buscapé from the narrative of script of movie City of God. The used method was the narrative biographical. To approach the concepts of biographization, narratives and life history, we anchored in the studies of Delory-Momberger, (2008) (2012), Antônio Bolívar (2012), among others, as Buscapé's narratives gave us several clues and elements for that we could get to the analyzes and find the answers we were looking for. We used as data analysis the categorization technique approached by Badin (1997), leading us to conclude that, through the biographization process, from the return to the past, the reflection of today and the search for the future, the character Buscapé does, through their narratives, the history of their trajectory, their obstacles, difficulties, behaviors, experiences and leads us to understand the relationship between their life experiences and the process of building themselves.
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    Letramento de jovens e adultos com deficiência intelectual
    (Universidade Federal de Catalão, 2021-11-23) Fonseca, Juciléia da Silva; Flores, Maria Marta Lopes; Flores, Maria Marta Lopes; Sadoyama, Adriana dos Santos Prado; Almeida, Fabíola Aparecida Sartin Dutra Parreira
    Special Education began to be contemplated by the schools of the Public Education Network in Goiás from the 1990s, with more emphasis on an inclusive perspective. Thus, considering the reality of access and permanence of students with disabilities, through enrollment in common classrooms and the provision of support services for school inclusion in the Youth and Adult Education (EJA) teaching modality, the following question emerged: how do literacy practices of students with Intellectual Disabilities occur in EJA? In this sense, the object of study of this research is the literacy practices of students with Intellectual Disabilities, in EJA. The general objective of this research is to understand and analyze the meanings and senses attributed by teachers to the literacy practices of young people and adults with Intellectual Disabilities. The specific objectives are to understand the teaching-learning process of these students; analyze literacy concepts and practices offered to students with Intellectual Disabilities; and discuss literacy practices developed with students with Intellectual Disabilities in EJA. Theoretical- methodological discussions were based on Vygotski's Historical-Cultural Theory, emphasizing the collection “The Fundamentals of Defectology” to understand the development of the individuals, especially those with Intellectual Disabilities. The research universe is 3 State Schools in the municipality of Catalão, Goias State, which offer the EJA modality. The research sample was composed of 6 teachers – 4 teachers from the common Portuguese language classroom and 2 pedagogical support teachers – who attend these students in common classrooms. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews via WhatsApp due to the impossibility of face-to-face contact during the Covid-19 pandemic, as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Then, the collected information was transcribed and analyzed by the perspective of meaning cores, elaborated based on the studies of Aguiar and Ozella (2006; 2013), and on the principles of Vygotsky's Historical-Cultural Theory. The results point to the predominance of low expectations in relation to the learning of young people and adults with Intellectual Disabilities, the need for continued teacher training and the urgent social, politic and school redefinition of the teacher's role and the pedagogical literacy practices in an inclusive perspective.
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    Experiência de leitura: tertúlia literária dialógica de forma remota com adolescentes no município de Marzagão-GO
    (Universidade Federal de Catalão, 2021-09-30) Andrade, Polliany Vieira de; Peres, Selma Martines; Peres, Selma Martines; Rossi, Maria Aparecida Lopes; Carrijo, Silvana Augusta Barbosa
    This research has as its object the reading experiences and, as a guiding research question, the question: are dialogical literary gatherings configured in reading experiences based on the narrative of teenagers remotely in the city of Marzagão-GO? Thus, the general objective was to understand the reading experiences narrated by teenagers through virtual dialogic literary gatherings; specifically, the objective was to characterize the reading practices that already exist in other contexts of the participants' daily lives; identify the reading experiences that occurred remotely from the virtual dialogic literary get-togethers and describe and analyze these reading experiences through these get-togethers. To carry out this investigation, we worked with virtual dialogic literary gatherings, which are remote encounters mediated by the reading of a work of universal classical literature; this activity encouraged the participation, remotely, of a group of teenagers from the city of Marzagão-GO, who performed the shared reading of the literary text and context. Egalitarian dialogue, cultural intelligence, transformation, instrumental dimension, creation of meaning, solidarity and equality of differences are the seven principles that compose and guide dialogic learning and that, together, are articulated and corroborated for practices with dialogic literary gatherings (FLECHA; MELLO, 2005). As theoretical support, the research was supported in different scientific areas that support the concepts explored, such as: reading, in Freire (2019a, 2019b, 2019c, 2011); literary reading, in Cosson (2019a, 2019b); experience, in Larrosa (1996, 2002, 2003, 2004); dialogic literary gathering, in Girotto (2007, 2011), among others. Therefore, we sought to carry out a qualitative approach research guided by the Critical Communicative Methodology (CCM), which, in addition to describing and explaining reality, intends to understand it, interpret it and, above all, transform it, with meanings that are communicatively constructed through dialogue (GÓMEZ et al., 2006). In the construction of the data, the techniques offered by the CCM were used: communicative report, communicative observation and discussion group. First, a semi-structured interview was carried out, which are the communicative reports; at that time, we tried to get to know the participants, as well as their literary reading practices, and then we moved on to communicative observations remotely, which were the virtual dialogic literary gatherings, and, finally, at the end of each work reading, the meetings took place. As a result of the analysis of the subjective data, the contributions of the dialogic literary get-together were highlighted, through the transforming, exclusionary and recommendation elements; from the participants' speech, it can be seen that these gatherings provided opportunities for reading experiences for adolescents in the city of Marzagão-GO.
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    O CEPROFA em Goiandira-GO (1973-1989): missão e inserção na realidade local
    (Universidade Federal de Catalão, 2021-09-28) Silva, Deusníria Maria da Silva e; Barros, Aparecida Maria Almeida; Barros, Aparecida Maria Almeida; Erbs, Rita Tatiana Cardoso; Santana, Fátima Pacheco de
    CEPROFA, Promotional Center “Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Fátima”, in Goiandira- GO, an institution created by the Italian volunteers Ingrassia Francesca and Amália Pasin, had a pioneering experience in the social assistance service for children and teenagers, with several actions involving reception, care, hygiene, health, formation of habits and socialization, promoted in the institutional space, according to the prescriptions of the creation statute Therefore, we asked as a question of study: what is the institutional nature of the Promotional Center “Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Fátima”? with the interest of knowing its institutional mission, permeated by the actions, purposes and scope of care, as well as its insertion in the local reality, during the cut-off period. In this perspective, the study aimed to know how CEPROFA was configured in Goiandira-GO (1973-1989), the attributions, institutional purposes, the immersion and participation of the local society. The research, theoretically situated in the field of investigation of school institutions, was based on the theoretical framework of the History of Education, in official documents, activating the empirical basis for the study of oral statements as sources to obtain the data presented and interpreted. Through the investigation, it was possible to know the institution, with emphasis on its mission and educational social insertion in the local reality. From the results, we evidence the relationship of this institution with the social context where the actions were developed, as well as we know the purposes and scope of the service provided in the institutional space identified as “nursery”. Through the interpretations of the sources obtained and produced, we perceive the coexistence of different relationships involving the actions of the educational institution, of a social nature, marked by singularities of the context, by the conditions and ways in which the institutional mission was configured, with mixed participation of sectors public and private, volunteers and donors, becoming a pioneer in socio-educational care in the city.
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    Just a little game: semiformação e indústria cultural
    (Universidade Federal de Catalão, 2021-08-31) Simões, Bruno Aires; Silva, Altina Abadia da; Silva, Altina Abadia da; Campos, Maurício; Lima, Daniela da Costa Britto Pereira
    The rise of electronic sports opened up the possibility of working as a professional player. Proving that the game was able to change the course of their lives, players from a Brazilian Free Fire team got a tattoo: Just a little GAME. Considered one of the most profitable games of the year 2019, Free Fire became popular by making use of a light and easy-to-play software, democratizing its access. From the transcription of comments from fifteen (15) broadcasts of the Rei do Solo championship of the Free Fire game, and expanding the concept of education to something beyond school education, it was possible to understand this game as an educational practice mediated by technology. The research question was: what is the intention of the formative process that takes place in the dialogue between the commentators of the Rei do Solo championship, of the Free fire game, and its audience? This was an exploratory research carried out by using objective hermeneutics as a method. We analyzed the data by using the concepts of the Critical Theory of Society. The results revealed that this training process aimed to select the most adapted subjects to the new communicative competence, whitch is regulated by commercials. The Rei do Solo championship presented itself as a “shop window” where the fight for survival seems to be a true mediatic shootout, i.e., fight for the perception of the spectators and possible talent scout. In this context of absolute reification, emit gains an existential connotation to the extent that whoever fails to make himself perceived is nobody, he is dead in the media. Finally, to resist to such generalized half-education we think we need to provoke the bending of imagetic shock into a reflexive shock, as a form of expression of real impotence and also as a protest against that same impotence In this way, we advocte the use streaming platforms and social networks to create some contents that provoke that reflection shock, even if there is a risk that these actions may be swallowed by the force of the gigantic flow of information.
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    Desenho universal para aprendizagem: concepções e práticas pedagógicas de professoras dos anos iniciais
    (Universidade Federal de Catalão, 2024-06-10) Costa, Márcia Macêdo; Resende, Wanessa Ferreira Borges;; Resende, Wanessa Ferreira Borges; Silva, Wellington Jhonner Divino Barbosa da; Cavalcante, Lucelia Cardoso
    The research aimed to understand the approaches of inclusive pedagogical conceptions and practices to the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), of regular and Special Education teachers who worked in the initial years of two school units in the municipal network in the interior of Goiás. The research objectives were: to identify the conceptions that early years teachers attribute to their inclusive pedagogical practices regarding the teaching and learning process of Public Special Education (PSE) students in the common room; describe and analyze these pedagogical practices developed by the participating teachers; and relate whether there is proximity or any relationship regarding the concept of the UDL. The research was developed in a qualitative approach with a descriptive typology anchored in the Historical- Cultural Theoretical approach (1896-1934). The data were produced based on the participation of eighteen teachers who worked as leading teachers and support teachers in the early years of elementary school. As data production instruments, field notes were used, interviews using a semi-structured script that were recorded and transcribed, as well as the questionnaire to identify the participants' profile. The data were organized into 239 (two hundred and thirty- nine) pre-indicators, organized into 28 (twenty-eight) indicators, which in turn constituted 6 (six) meaning cores, analyzed, following the perspective by Aguiar and Ozella (2006; 2013). From the teachers' narratives, it was evident that the conceptions revealed by elementary school teachers, regarding students with disabilities focused more on socialization, combined with the integration model, and in the PSE schooling process are correlated to the formative aspects of teachers and lack of resources. The descriptions and analyzes of the pedagogical practices developed that guarantee the participation of the PSE student, remained in the traditional method, restricting themselves to verbal forms, textbooks and sometimes the showing of videos. Despite the traditional aspects, nuances that are close to UDL were identified, and play was identified as one of the tools used in the schooling process of people with and without disabilities. It was found that the teachers were unaware of the UDL concept, and from a fictitious case, pedagogical proposals were revealed that met the needs of the class and the student with visual impairment. It is considered that the UDL is still a little-known concept in the schools in the municipal network where the research was carried out.
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    Professores de Apoio à Inclusão na Rede Estadual de Goiás: Atuação, Formação e Práticas Pedagógicas
    (2024-02-29) Moura, Celsineide Mendes de; Borges, Wanessa Ferreirra; Tartuci, Dulceria; Pletsch, Márcia Denise
    A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo descrever e analisar as percepções das docentes que atuaram como Professores de Apoio à Inclusão auxiliando na inclusão educacional dos estudantes com deficiência em instituições educacionais da Secretaria de Estado da Educação de Goiás (SEDUC-GO) em relação à atuação, formação, e práticas pedagógicas. Parte da hipótese que os serviços de atendimento educacional especializado (AEE) ofertados em classes comuns, são indispensáveis para a escolarização de alguns estudantes da Educação Especial e que compreender sobre a atuação, formação e práticas pedagógicas das docentes que atuaram nessa função pode ratificar essa importância e fornecer dados para a elaboração de diretrizes mais eficientes para a prestação desse modelo de serviço. A pesquisa é de abordagem qualitativa e tipologia descritiva. Inicialmente, foi consultado o referencial teórico que discorre sobre a temática, seguido da realização da pesquisa de campo, por meio de instrumentos de acesso aos dados, como questionários e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Sete docentes, que atuaram como Professoras de Apoio à inclusão no ano de 2022 em instituições educacionais da Coordenação Regional de Educação (CRE) de Campos Belos-GO participaram da pesquisa. A análise dos dados foi realizada a partir da metodologia dos Núcleos de Significações, e como resultados principais, constatou-se a existência de indícios do ensino colaborativo entre as Professoras de Apoio e Professoras regentes, no entanto, as suas práticas necessitavam ser fortalecidas para atender a proposta desse tipo de ensino. Quanto a formação, constatou-se que as participantes não eram graduadas em Educação Especial e que não receberam conhecimentos relacionados a essa área durante suas formações iniciais. Contudo, durante a atuação na função, realizaram cursos de aperfeiçoamento na área da Educação Especial ofertados pela SEDUC-GO e também por iniciativas próprias. Pode-se apontar, por fim, que as práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas pelas Professoras de Apoio, segundo as suas percepções, eram voltadas para fortalecer o ensino ministrado na sala de aula, e que essas docentes faziam uso de diferentes estratégias, metodologias e dos recursos disponiveis na escola para enriquecer o ensino e a aprendizagem dos estudantes com deficiência matriculados nas classes comuns do ensino regular.
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    “A gente não quer só comida, a gente quer comida, diversão e arte...”: projetos de extensão universitária na UFG-RC/UFCAT (2017-2020)
    (2021-06-15) Oliveira, Amanda Graziela de; Araújo, Juliana Pereira de; Honório Filho, Wolney; Lima Lana Ferreira de,
    No Brasil as atividades de extensão universitária tiveram início entre os anos de 1911 e 1917, quase cem anos após as primeiras universidades serem criadas, mas são até hoje o elemento mais desvalorizado no tripé ensino, pesquisa e extensão que sustenta essa instituição. A Universidade Federal de Catalão nasce na década de 1980 ainda como campus da Universidade Federal de Goiás (tendo a extensão como atividade prioritária) e vem desde então buscando a consolidação dessa atividade. Mais recentemente, sobretudo devido a democratização do ensino superior, esse tema tem ganhado força nos debates com destaque para a questão da curricularização da extensão que pauta a obrigatoriedade da extensão nas trajetórias formativas dos discentes. O histórico da extensão e o cenário atual na Universidade Federal de Catalão foram cruciais para realização de uma pesquisa de mestrado estruturada a partir da questão: -Como se configura a extensão universitária na UFG-RC, atual Universidade Federal de Catalão, a partir dos projetos desenvolvidos entre os anos de 2017 e 2020? Logo, o objetivo geral definido foi o de analisar os projetos de extensão universitária na UFG-RC/UFCAT de 2017 a 2020. Como objetivos específicos buscamos: a) compreender a universidade pública brasileira e nela a extensão universitária; b) produzir um panorama dos projetos de extensão na UFG-RC/UFCAT cadastrados entre os anos de 2017 e 2020 e c)analisar os objetivos e as metodologias descritos nas fichas de cadastrais dos projetos de extensão universitária na UFG-RC/UFCAT entre 2017-2020. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa é documental e descritiva e tendo como corpus de dados aquilo que se estruturou com base nos seguintes documentos: 1) planilhas do Excel com as ações via SIEC; 2) a relação de bolsas concedidas do Programa de Bolsas de Extensão e Cultura (PROBEC) e do Programa de Voluntariado de Extensão e Cultura (PROVEC) de 2016 a 2020 e 3) as fichas de inscrição dos projetos cadastrados no SIGAA, entre janeiro de 2017 a julho de 2020 (totalizando 163 projetos). A análise desse material, guiada pelo referencial teórico relativo ao tema principalmente a legislação atual revelou que está em curso uma profunda transformação da universidade que se afasta da ideia de “Torre de marfim” elitista e encastelada e se aproxima de uma “Torre de Babel” com sua polifonia e pluralidade e que esse processo influencia positivamente a extensão universitária nela produzida que vai paulatinamente ganhando solidez. Nesse sentido é que a interdisciplinaridade e a dialogicidade vão ganhando espaço nos projetos realizados o que corrobora com o cumprimento das expectativas do Plano Nacional de Extensão Universitária. Contudo, persiste a realização de projetos de extensão alicerçados em uma extensão assistencialista ou como complemento do ensino e-ou da pesquisa o que foi notado em objetivos e metodologias típicos dessa visão. São projetos que apesar de congregarem os vários sujeitos da comunidade universitária (professores, alunos e técnicos) pouco se espraiam para fora dos muros da universidade. Conclui-se que é preciso refletir e debater de modo ampliado sobre a importância e o papel da extensão na UFCAT para que em tempos tão retrógrados a universidade não volte a se encastelar.
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    O Ensino da Escrita: o papel da mediação do professor
    (2021-08-23) Nunes, Geicielle da Silva; Rossi, Maria Aparecida Lopes; Peres, Selma Martines; Fernandes, Eliane Marquez da Fonseca
    Fundamentada nos estudos da mediação (Vygostsky, 2000), na perspectiva dialógica da linguagem (Bakhtin/Volochinov 2012) e na concepção sócio interacionista da língua (Antunes 2003 e Geraldi 1993/2001), esta investigação parte da compreensão de que o domínio da língua escrita é essencial para ampliar as possibilidades de interação social dos sujeitos, aqui compreendidos como atores histórico sociais que constituem a si próprios e a língua a partir das interações sociais, mediadas pela linguagem nos processos interlocutivos. Assim, este estudo buscou compreender como a mediação, no processo de ensino da escrita, contribui para a construção do aluno escritor. E se, é possível mediar o processo de apropriação da língua escrita pelos educandos através do ensino remoto. E teve como objetivos: perceber a contribuição da mediação do professor no processo de apropriação da escrita pelos educandos a partir do desenvolvimento de atividades de produção textual com alunos do Ensino Fundamental; enfatizar o papel da mediação do professor no processo de ensino/aprendizagem da escrita; construir com os alunos atividades de produção de textos que contemplem as condições necessárias para se produzir textos; trabalhar atividades de revisão de texto com os alunos com o objetivo de perceber quais os aspectos do texto são contemplados por eles quando buscam reescrever os próprios textos; utilizar a revisão e a reescrita como partes fundamentais do processo de produção textual; levar os alunos a atribuir sentido ao ato de escrever à medida que se identificam como sujeitos dos discursos de sala de aula; perceber a possibilidade de a mediação ocorrer através do ensino remoto. O estudo foi desenvolvido a partir da metodologia da pesquisa intervenção, em que a pesquisadora foi também a mediadora e realizou as intervenções na turma de 4º ano do ensino fundamental, participante da pesquisa. Foram utilizados como dados as gravações em áudio das intervenções, as produções de textos realizadas pelos participantes, bem como diário de campo da pesquisadora. Através do desenvolvimento das intervenções com os participantes percebemos que os alunos se apropriaram dos gêneros textuais trabalhados, perceberam a necessidade de verificar fontes, argumentar, ter um posicionamento crítico, aprenderam estratégias de leitura que ampliam a compreensão leitora, adquiriram recursos linguísticos e textuais para produzirem textos e compreenderam a função da revisão textual. Evidenciou-se assim, o papel do professor mediador, não apenas em intermediar o contato com variados gêneros textuais e propostas de leitura e produções escritas, mas em fazer parte da tessitura dos sentidos que a linguagem vai adquirindo no processo interacional.
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    A formação inicial dos professores de Educação Física e os alunos público alvo da educação especial
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-07-16) Oliveira, Tatiane Pereira de; Flores, Maria Marta Lopes;;; Flores, Maria Marta Lopes; Borges, Wanessa Ferreira; Lima, Lana Ferreira
    This research is linked to the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Catalão/UFCAT, in the line of research Teacher training, educational practices and inclusion. The guarantee of access to the Target Audience of Special Education students in regular classrooms in the regular school has given the teacher different challenges, among which teacher training stands out. In this perspective, it is important to broaden the reflections on the initial training of teachers in the field of Physical Education and understand how this training has prepared future teachers to work with the PAEE student. Thus, the present research entitled "The Initial Training of Physical Education Teachers and PAEE students, has the general objective: To investigate the initial training of Physical Education teachers for the inclusion of PAEE students, considering the narratives of undergraduates and teachers, and, by specific: Identify and analyze the Pedagogical Project of Courses (PPC), regarding the offer of subjects and contents related to Special Education and its target audience; to analyze the way in which subjects and other academic activities contemplate the education of PAEE students based on the speech of undergraduates and teachers; understand the training of trainers and initial training in order to meet PAEE student. Thus, the theoretical framework that guides the discussions is based on Vigotski's historical-cultural approach and on qualitative research with the aim of understanding social phenomena in their active process, therefore in their historicity. Within this perspective, this research will be developed in public institutions of higher education, UFCAT and ESEFFEGO/UEG. The procedure for data collection was a semi-structured interview in the virtual space of the WhatsApp application through audio recording with undergraduates and teachers of Physical Education courses at UFCAT and ESEFFEGO/UEG. In addition to the semi-structured interviews, subsidies were also sought through the document discussion process in which the analysis of the (PPC) made available by higher education institutions was carried out. Data were analyzed from the perspective of Bardin's (2011) content analysis technique. As a result, it is evident: that the Special Education debate is not limited to specific disciplines, but that it enables discussions to be held regarding the work with target public students of Special Education in other disciplines; regarding the internship, it was found that the courses offer the possibility for the academic to carry out the internship in Special Education schools. However, during the internships in regular schools, work involving the inclusion of PAEE students was not observed; the results show that it is important that undergraduates not only experience the mandatory curricular components of their courses, but that they seek to take advantage of the various possibilities that the University offers in the context of teaching, research and extension and other training activities; in this context, extension was found to be an important space in the professional training of the interviewed undergraduates, as it allowed various educational possibilities for academics. It is also found that despite the teacher trainers have contemplated specific disciplines in the area of Special Education during their academic training, it is necessary to ensure that these professionals are prepared through continuing education to act in an inclusive perspective.
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    A escola Professor Alberto de Morais Holanda em Corumbaíba-GO (1989/2019): o que dizem os pais?
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-12-11) Silva, Milene Garcia; Honório Filho, Wolney;;; Honório Filho, Wolney; Araújo, Juliana Pereira de; Barros, Aparecida Maria Almeida; Almeida, Maria Zeneide Carneiro Magalhães de; Soares, Sebastião Silva
    The object of this research is the Professor Alberto de Morais Holanda School, located in the rural area of the municipality of Corumbaíba / GO. The present study was guided by the understanding of the school based on the narratives of the students' parents. The intention of institutional biography, through this perspective, was based on the understanding that parents are protagonists in the education and schooling of their children, and the need to hear their voices within the school institution. In view of this, we searched, in official documents, located in the school collection and in the education department of the municipality of Corumbaíba, for historical and legal records that would give us subsidies for the Historical, Cultural and Institutional characterization of the School. We tell the life stories of the narrators, based on their reports, and, finally, we analyze the Professor Alberto School from the parents' narratives. This entire interpretative process was intermediated by the studies of (Auto) Biographies, used in the construction of this dissertation. Our time frame is 1989/2019. We try to answer the guiding question, how is the Professor Alberto de Morais Holanda School constituted, based on the narratives of the students' parents? For the theoretical foundation of this study, which is located in the field of History of Education, with specificity in school institutions, we made connections with the authors, Justino Pereira de Magalhães (2004); Miguel Gonzalez Arroyo (1999); Roseli Salete Caldart (2004); Antonio Bolívar (2012); Delory Momberger (2012); Maria da Conceição Passeggi (2010); Marie Christine Josso (2004); Wolney Honório Filho (2017) André Cellard (2008). The method used was Biographic-Narrative. We sought, through the parents' narratives, the production of data, and, later, its analysis. For that, we used Bardim (2016), Bolívar (2012), Delory Momberger (2011), which made the scientific writing of the dissertation feasible.
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    Experiências de formação dos discentes nativos da etnia Xacriabá no IF Goiano Campus Urutaí-GO (2014-2019)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-04) Silva, Marilene Aparecida Santana da; Honório Filho, Wolney;; Honório Filho, Wolney; Araújo, Juliana Pereira de; Soares, Sebastião Silva
    The theoretical universe in which this research is located is that of the history of education and research (autobiographical), which supports the narrative biographical method. In view of this, for the foundation of this work, the reflections of Bolívar (2002), Delory Momberger (2011), (2012), Galvão (2005), Carino (1999) were important. Such authors postulate the meaning of the subjects' narratives, when they attribute meaning to the story itself. Thus, we will use, for this research, the biographical-narrative method, through the narratives of the Xacriabás students, having as data production the interviews conducted with the Xacriabás students, about their training experiences, at IF Goiano, in these three years of training, in technical high school. Thus, we formulated the following question, which guided this research: What are the training experiences constructed by the narratives of the Xacriabás students, at the IF Goiano campus Urutaí-GO, from 2014 to 2019? The objective of this research, therefore, is to understand the training experiences narrated by Xacriabás students, at the IF Goiano campus Urutaí-GO, from 2014 to 2019. Thus, the specific objectives of this research are: to discuss the concepts of training and experience; then, try to get to know the Xacriabás students, then, in the third specific objective, analyze, through the Xacriabás students' narratives, the experiences of their training. For the thematic analysis of the narratives, we take Laurence Bardin (2016), Marie Christine Josso (2002) (2007) (2010), Maria da Conceição Paseggi (2011) (2012) (2016), Jorge Larrosa Bondía (2002) as a reference, Carlos Rodrigues Brandão (2002) (2007), Cecília Galvão (2005), Inês Bragança (2011), Dermeval Saviani (2008) and Durkheim (2007). The biography of the Xacriabás students allowed moments of construction of meanings of the lived, moments of conflicts and rupture between what I was and what I became, making them independent beings from overcoming difficulties, it is also understood that The experiences of these three years have been valid and transforming in the human sense, to make them more capable and safer people to face new experiences.
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    Potencial das músicas do compositor Antônio Baiano para a promoção da educação ambiental na formação de professores da educação do campo no estado de Goiás
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-12-04) Vieira, Luciene Francisco; Silva, Wender Faleiro da;; Silva, Wender Faleiro da; Peres, Selma Martins; Rocha Filho, Ulysses
    Concern about the environmental theme has been increasingly highlighted in contemporary days. The degradation of nature, due to anthropic actions, raises the need for measures that can minimize the lack of care for the planet. In this scenario, the role of education acquires relevance in the context of the formation of environmentally conscious individuals, as well as special attention is drawn to the teachers of the most varied subjects, regarding the dissemination of sustainable attitudes. The present work approaches the Environmental Education, to be worked critically and reflexively, - from the valorization of the artistic richness present in the popular musicality, - according to the legislation in force in Brazil. The main objective of this research was to analyze the content and the potential of the songs of the composer and singer Antônio Baiano, in the promotion of Environmental Education in the formation of teachers of Rural Education, with qualification in Natural Sciences, in the state of Goiás. the brief biography of the popular militant, in order to understand how his relationship with the field influenced the discourse given in his works. The investigated musical lyrics were fragmented and classified according to their main characteristics, in order to make it possible to verify which are the semantic elements most present in the lyrics of the studied songs. For the development of the research, besides the analysis of the artist's musical work, discussions were promoted about the capitalist system, the landlord domination and the poor distribution of land in the country, based on the literary revision of authors such as Marx (1996), Arroyo (2014), Freire (1987), Loureiro (2003), Capra (1996), Lowy (2013) and Konder (2008). In order to better detail the opinion of the authors involved with the issues inherent to the environmental cause and Rural Education, interviews were conducted with the author of the songs analyzed, and with teachers from two university campuses. It was found that the discourse present in the investigated songs contributes to the promotion of Environmental Education, and the popular musicality, represented here by Antônio Baiano, brings a great contribution to the academy, although the education professionals do not know the environmental tonic in its entirety. , and use music little as a didactic tool in the classroom. Antonio Baiano's music perfectly matches Marx's theory of capitalism, which governs every society and generates social inequality and the destruction of nature. It was concluded that there is a need to develop pedagogical strategies that are able to encourage both students and teachers of rural education to effectively discuss aspects related to environmental education in the school environment.
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    Tempo integral na perspectivas de alunos do ensino médio
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-04-27) Vaz, Orizeni Martins; Erbs, Rita Tatiana Cardoso; Erbs, Rita Tatiana Cardoso; Abrahão, Maria Helena Menna Barreto; Barros, Fernanda
    The research with the theme Full Time from the perspective of high school students, aims to understand the full time from the perspective of high school students, in the State Education network, in the cite of Catalão-Goiás. To achieve this goal, we chose the following research problem: what is the perception of high school students in relation to full time? We use the (Auto)Biographical method as an approach. As a theoretical foundation, we are anchored in the concepts of full-time and full-time education, under the ideas of Anísio Teixeira. For the collection of the narratives, interviews were carried out with eight participants and them analyzes took place in stages that we chose as groups of ideas. These groups of ideas were classified as follows: group 1 - Dimensions: Autonomy and Norms; group 2 - Narrative Forces; and group 3 - Narrative emphases. These groups of ideas supported us for the reflections of the participants narratives, their conceptions about Full Time, crossed with the conceptual basis of some authors and / or with the proposal of the Institute of Co-responsibility for Education - / Ginásio Pernambucano / Superintendência dos Centros de Teaching in Full Time - Goiás. As it is still a controversial topic and a divisor of the opinion of educators, managers and the community as a whole, in view of the survey of theses and dissertations, specifically, in relation to high school, we are aware that our research is classified as an investigation unprecedented, which makes it a research of great importance to contribute to future reflections on Full Time in High School, as well as for the school community itself. As a result and / or possible response of this research, we observed that the Centro de Ensino em Ensino Integral - Polivalente, in Catalão-Goiás was idealized and designed to meet primarily a government policy and that, despite the participants in some situations, praise the model showed that it has not yet met the demands of young people, since the number of enrollments did not guarantee the stability of the school. In order to solve this problem, the Military School model was put in place, stagnating, the central axis of the previous proposal conveyed by the diversified Nucleus and its methodologies stagnated and began to excel by the rigidity and norms of the Teaching Command of the Polícia Militar de Goiás.
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    As percepções de uma escola da roça: narrativas de crianças
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-07-27) Barbosa, Márcia Gizella Nunes; Erbs, Rita Tatiana Cardoso;; Erbs, Rita Tatiana Cardoso; Passeggi, Maria da Conceição Ferrer Botelho Sgadari; Faleiro, Wender
    This research with a qualitative approach falls within the scope of (auto) biographical research in education and takes children's narratives as the source of the investigation. The choice to listen to what children in the countryside say about school is justified because they are the majority public, served in these spaces, for whom, therefore, education policies are primarily intended. The general objective of the research is to understand the reality of the only school operating in the countryside in the city of Campo Alegre, in Goiás-GO, perceived by the children. We start from the following question: How does Escola da Roça present itself from the children's perspective? The research participants were 06 children from 5 to 11 years old, enrolled in the researched school. From the methodological point of view, we used as sources collection procedures 6 (six) Narrative Workshops, elaborated based on playful actions and in the following protocol: Luísa, a rag doll, comes from the city to visit the school in the countryside. The purpose of the doll in the investigation is to encourage children to narrate what they experience at school, thus serving as a mediator, creating bonds with the children and between the children and the researcher. The analyzes show the meanings that children attribute to the school. The perceptions of the school found in their narratives represent the view of the children who attend that space. The research results show three aspects: a) school as a place of social construction, involving values, meanings and experiences; b) school as a cultural space in the construction of knowledge, c) school as a place for the personal transformation of the child and for contributions to changes that transform the environment and especially the people who participate in it. We conclude that the investigation with children's narratives brings theoretical and methodologies for understanding the child, while being reflective, participative and mobilizing, enabling new ways of conceiving the child and thinking about the school, making it clear that the school in the countryside contributes to social development as a place at the same time of passing and promises, a place where the child is fully involved and where his childhood is felt by them as a specific moment of his awakening to life, for himself and for the world, involving longings for cultural, experiential learning, recognition and valuing the opportunities that the school provides them.
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    Mediação na sala de leitura: o protagonismo dos alunos
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-31) Nascimento, Rosane Ribeiro do; Peres, Selma Martines;; Peres, Selma Martines; Arena, Adriana Pastorello Buim; Rossi, Maria Aparecida Lopes
    Reading and especially the formation of readers has been the target of intense reflection, since one of the primary activities inherent to the school is to form readers. In this sense, the present work is configured seeking elements involved in this formation and in how it is effective in the school. Based on the premises that the spaces for reading, such as the school library and the reading room (already marking that the school where the research was carried out has the space called reading room), have a formative character acting as an aid in the process of formation of readers, thus configuring itself as a formative environment, and that in these spaces reading is usually mediated by the professional who works in them, this research has outlined as a general objective: to understand the mediation process carried out by the professional who works in the reading room of a school in the municipal network of Catalonia. It was also sought not only to bring elements for understanding the process, but also to promote actions that contribute to this mediation, thus constituting a collaborative work. Specifically, the work aimed to map the elements and resources that make up a reading room and the articulations that take place in it in the process of reading mediation; to get to know the teacher in the reading room, identifying how he or she understands reading and the formation of readers, and to intervene in the process of mediation and the formation of readers. In this way, the research was methodologically constituted as an intervention research, based on the elements of action research. The instruments used in the construction of data were observations, field diary recording, semi-structured interview, conversation wheel and the realization of the action: the formation of new mediators to act in the reading room. The data constructed during the research made it possible to answer the question: How does the mediation process take place by the person in charge of the reading room and how some actions can contribute to the improvement of mediation? Theoretically, it is based on the studies of Teresa Colomer, Magda Soares, Paulo Freire, Bernadete Campello, Michel Thiollent, René Barbier, Sueli Bortolin, Rovilson Silva, Vigotsky, Elie Bajard, some MEC documents and others. The research revealed that the reading room is an active space within the school unit, it has a teacher who acts as mediator, but because the reading room is a multifunctional space, and the teacher in it does not only fulfill assignments assigned to the position he occupies, the mediation process is limited. In this sense, the interventional action has been configured, training students as mediators to accentuate the mediation sessions in order to involve the school community and thereby collaborate with the training of readers.
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    A formação em Psicologia e a atuação no âmbito da educação
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-30) Vinhal, Jóice Macedo; Tartuci, Dulcéria;; Amaral, Cláudia Tavares do;; Amaral, Cláudia Tavares do; Paschoalino, Jussara Bueno de Queiroz; Silva, Janaina Cassiano
    This Master's degree research is linked to the Educational Practices Research Line, Teacher Training and Inclusion of the Graduation Program in Education at the Federal University of Goiás - Regional Catalão. The main objective of the research was to investigate the educational process of students of Psychology Courses and the training processes experienced to work in the area of Education. In this sense, the theoretical foundation problematized the interfaces between Psychology and Education. The Historical and Dialectical Materialism was adopted as a theoretical-methodological assumption for the research. The research participants were students from three Higher Education Institutions in the State of Goiás, who were attending the last year - 9th and/or 10th periods - of Psychology Courses. In all, 8 semi-structured interviews were conducted, and 68 questionnaires were applied. For the analysis construction of the questionnaire data, we used the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and we used the interviews in the form of excerpts to be analyzed. As a result, it was evidenced that the discussions between the fields of Education and Psychology are still present today, pointing to the difficulty of understanding that both are areas that complement each other and that could dialogue more closely. In addition to the evident field of contradictions that affect the work of the Psychology professional in the school environment, it is proposed that, in the initial training courses in Psychology Courses, it is possible to work on essential issues, such as curriculum revision, the positioning of teachers and the elaboration and development of projects and research that are socially engaged. We sought to highlight the indispensability of commitment and sensitivity in the face of the fields in which we propose to work, as well as to foster a political and critical environment that values the development of practices that emerge from a given social context and from its problems and boundaries.
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    Escola Técnica de Goiânia: a institucionalização do ensino médio profissional em Goiás de 1942 – 1950
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-04-10) Bastos, Adailton Sousa; Silva, Henrique Martins da;; Barros, Fernanda;; Barros, Fernanda; Silva, Henrique Martins da; Chiozzini, Daniel Ferraz; Barros, Maria Aparecida Almeida
    The object of this research is the analysis of the Technical School of Goiânia, as a professional high school institution in the city of Goiânia from 1942-1950. The problem that guides the work is: What are the political and social dynamics that guided the process of institutionalization and that of professional high school in Goiás at the Technical School of Goiânia between 1942 and 1959? The study of the Educational Institution to understand the aspects that made up the institutionalization process of the newly created capital of Goiás is the field of studies that guides the analysis of the object through its political and social organization. The History of Educational Institutions supports the collection and analysis of documentation, from various supports, in order to understand what was the Technical School of Goiânia in the studied period. Organized under the technical education legislation proposed by the Capanema education reforms, the institution had an effective participation in the formation of specialized labor at the secondary level. This research is relevant from the point of view of the reconstruction of an important historical period of the Technical School of Goiânia in its institutional, social, political and, above all, educational aspects.