Escolarização de alunos com deficiência intelectual: a construção de conhecimento e o letramento
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
In Goiás State, since the decade of 1990, the regular education school that compose its education network development teaching practices considering a special education in inclusive perspective. The access and permanence of intellectual disable students are effected through of matriculation in common classrooms and of offering support services to school inclusion. In this way, we ascertain the following issues: how does it happen the construction of knowledge and the literacy of the students with intellectual disabilities registered in common classroom and specialized educational assistance room? According to this problem this research aims to analyze the construction of knowledge and the literacy of the students with intellectual disabilities, matriculation in common classroom of the elementary school in the regular education. The discussions were based theoretically and methodologically from the cultural-historical epistemology of Vygotsky, emphasizing Defectology Essentials collection entitled to understand the person's development process with disabilities. The universe of this research was two state schools in the town of Ipameri-Goiás, where the fourteen students with intellectual disabilities live and are registered in common classroom and specialized educational assistance room and twelve teachers who worked with these students in these spaces. The data collected through of participating observation, focal interview and documental analyze. It was interpreted from as meaningful units senses that link with resulted that the practices experienced in everyday of the inclusive school are traverse by the dichotomy between common and special education and by discourses that show: the segregation of students with intellectual disabilities; the learning aspects centered in process of socialization; an assessment unlink of the everyday teaching practices; disregard about the evidence pointing to the learning content of school students and a vagueness about who has the responsibility to teach students with disabilities. These considerations were grouped into three general categories: the Pedagogical Work Organization: Common and Special Education School; Teaching Practices: Building knowledge and participation in literacy events; Reviewed monitoring tool of the learning process or legitimacy of the automatic approval of disabled students. As result showed the need to reflection on inclusive teaching practices pervaded by bidocencia to construct the real way that leading to learning; be required training for teachers that enable the construction of a new awareness of student learning opportunities with intellectual disabilities and construction and a procedural evaluation process and still able to foster decisions about educational processes from the common classroom context , in a dialogue between special education and common education.
ALMEIDA, Rosiney Vaz de Melo. Escolarização de alunos com deficiência intelectual: a construção de conhecimento e o letramento. 2016. 240 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2016
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