Saúde mental na escola: uma análise da relação entre cultura organizacional e estresse
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
Teachers' occupational disease surveys has been attracting the attention of researchers worldwide. Stress has also been
extensively investigated with regard to teachers, as it affects both physical and psychological aspects, even causing the
individual's disability. Some surveys are dedicated to understanding an existing relationship between the phenomena
that corroborate or impair work and map these factors of the company's environments considered harmful to health, as
they understand that sick employees are unable to work efficiently, and are often on leave, which damaging the entire
organization. whether in public or private institutions. Thinking about this relationship between illness and work, this
research aimed to investigate the stress situation of teachers from public schools in the city of Catalão and its
relationship with the organizational culture of the schools of which it is a part. Participated in the research 81 teachers,
effective servants of the state public network, from 4 schools. The instruments used for this survey were the Lipp's
Stress Inventory for Adults (ISSL), the Brazilian Inventory for the Assessment of Organizational Culture (IBACO) and
a semi-structured questionnaire for the analysis of sociodemographic data and qualitative analysis regarding the
teachers' perception about the investigated theme. As a result, it was found that 83.95% of the participants were under
stress. In relation to organizational culture, it was found that two schools obtained results for culture and Integration
and the others obtained results for culture of Relationship. About Kendall's the Tau correlation analysis was performed
between IBACO and ISSL, there was no correlation between the variables. Regarding the qualitative analysis, it was
found that with regard to the stress factors of the profession, 44% of teachers consider that the factors that generate the
most stress are students and parents. In relation to stress factors in the work environment, in the first place, teachers
considered Management as the main stress driver. When verifying the number of teachers who considered work as a
source of stress, a large number of teachers who are in the context of stress (45%) considered the work environment,
that is, the school, as the main source of this suffering, which in this sense is characterized as an expressive number.
Adoecimento docente, Cultura organizacional, Estresse, IBACO, ISSL, Teaching illness, Organizational culture, Stress, IBACO, ISSL
SILVA, J. D. Saúde mental na escola: uma análise da relação entre cultura organizacional e estresse. 2020. 110 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Gestão Organizacional) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2020.