Mestrado em Gestão Organizacional - PPGGO

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    Análise dos registros da propriedade industrial em instituições científicas, tecnológicas e de inovação brasileiras
    (2021-11-05) Neto, Denísia Ribeiro
    O conhecimento que é produzido no Brasil pelas Instituições Científicas e Tecnológicas - ICT públicas ou privadas, incentivadas pelo Governo e utilizados pelas empresas do setor privado, acontece pela propriedade industrial e gera resultados positivos na economia do país. A propriedade Industrial a é um ramo específico da propriedade intelectual. Com o aumento de atividades voltadas para inovação e tecnologia, cada vez mais o Governo federal e os estaduais buscam incentivar práticas voltadas para estes conceitos com políticas públicas que fortaleçam ainda mais os sistemas de inovações tecnológicas, sejam eles em ICTs ou empresas privadas, como observamos na evolução das políticas públicas. Esta dissertação aborda uma análise detalhada das políticas de incentivo e dos registros das propriedades industriais realizadas em ICTs brasileiras e como essa relação do inventor com as ICTs e suas áreas que viabilizam o processo de registro que são os Núcleos de Inovação Tecnológica – NIT interagem com o Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial – INPI com o intuito de propor um processo voltado para o mercado externo viabilizando um processo de registro com maior eficácia para que estudos futuros retratem melhores resultados na produção científica brasileira, com um número maior de transferência tecnológica e licenciamento das tecnologias.
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    Análise técnico-econômica da mistura das farinhas milho, milheto e sorgo como depressor de nióbio da flotação de carbonatos
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-04-23) Silva, Luís Alberto; Silva, Elenice Maria Schons;; Silva, André Carlos;; Silva, André Carlos;; Silva, Elenice Maria Schons;; Oliveira, Michelly dos Santos; Sousa, Débora Nascimento
    Flotation is an operation that promotes the selective separation of minerals with different superficial characteristics through the addition of chemical reagents. Cornstarch is the most widely used depressant reagent in the Brazilian mineral industry due to its wide applicability and market availability. This reagent is purchased by companies at relatively high prices, since corn production in this country is mainly intended to animal feed and human consumption, followed by exportation. The objective of this work was the formulation of an alternative depressant, based on the mixture of flours from two more sustainable botanical sources, sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) and millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br), as a way of reducing dependence on cornstarch. The methodology consisted of obtaining, preparing and characterizing mineral, sorghum, and millet samples, followed by flotation tests and finishing with an economic analysis. Sorghum and millet grains went through stages of cleaning, drying, packaging, storage, grinding, and magnetic separation. Flours had their lipid content measured and the starches were extracted from them in order to characterize grains parameters and to determine the yield of this stage. The ore used came from Niobras, a company that extracts and process niobium ore in the city of Catalão, Brazil, and corresponded to the carbonate flotation feed. Samples of the ore were characterized by pycnometry, particle size analysis using laser diffraction, SEM and XRF. Bench flotation tests, in rougher stage, were performed in a Denver cell, following Niobras operational parameters. Lioflot® 502-A was used as collector and StargillTM 6172 (a cornstarch) was used as benchmark. The mixtures of the flours were proposed according to a mixtures simplex lattice design. The average extraction yield of sorghum and millet flours were 28.72 ± 6.70% and 26.62 ± 4.05%, respectively. The average lipid content of the sorghum and millet flours were 3.47 ± 0.002% and 7.62 ± 0.001%, respectively. The ternary mixtures had an average Nb2O5 metallurgical recovery similar in the sunken material (approximately 54%) in the flotation tests. The same metallurgical recovery was observed for the binary mixtures composed by 25% / 75% and 75% / 25% (sorghum / millet). In the other hand, the binary mixtures composed by the 50% / 50% stood out in relation to the afore mentioned results, with an average Nb2O5 metallurgical recovery of 63.54%. The highest Nb2O5 metallurgical recovery was obtained with sorghum flour (80.75%), similar to the results (80.95%) found using the depressant industrially adopted at Niobras, StargillTM 6172. Therefore, a lower dosage of sorghum flour could be a potential substitute for cornstarch in this stage of Niobium processing, obtaining a similar result of metallurgical recovery of medium Nb2O5 in the sunk material, as well as a result close to mass recovery and with a higher Nb2O5 grade.
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    A cultura organizacional e a qualidade da prestação dos serviços educacionais em instituições públicas na cidade de Caldas Novas/GO
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-05-27) Vellozo, Sarah Rachel Gonczarowska; Leal, Geraldo Sadoyama;;; Sadoyama, Adriana dos Santos Prado;;; Sadoyama, Adriana dos Santos Prado; Barros, Fernanda; Costa, Elis Regina da
    This study aims to analyze the organizational culture and the quality quality of the provision of educational services in two public institutions in Caldas Novas, Goiás. This of the quantitative research, cross-sectional, exploratory and applied study. The instrument used were IBACO- Brazilian Instrument for the Assessment of Organizational Culture (Ferreira, et. al. 2002) and SERVPERFService Perfomance, applied in two public educational institutions, with groups of parents, students, teachers and managers. Statistical software SPSS version 22 was used to process the data. As a result, in relation to IBACO, we obtained the cooperative professionalism as an organizational value, reaching na average of 4,14 and as an organizational practice external integration with 4,49 in the two institutions. Surveyed, with a total average of 3,44 points determining that all terms in general apply reasonably. Regarding SERVPERF we found a satisfactory quality, however some dimensions need monitoring by management, at the Municipal School they pointed out empathy as the dimension most perceived by the group of teachers reaching the average of 4,52, by the group of parentes and students the average of 4,61, while in the state school it was tangibility with average values between 4,78 and 4,4 among the groups surveyed. The ones that deserve management attention acoording to the there groups surveyed at the Municipal School were the tangibility with na average between 3,98 to 4,07, while in the state school in the group of teachers the item security reached an average of 4,37, while in the group of parentes and students, the trust dimension presented averages of 4,12 in both groups. Indicating the priorities to be worked on by management. We conclude that even though there is no significant difference between the groups surveyed, it is notiveable through the results which dimensions need mora attention by management. Which dimensions are more perceived showing us that in both institutions the groups are satisfied with the quality of services provided.
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    Cultura organizacional e cultura de aprendizagem: diagnóstico através de um estudo transversal
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-03-04) Lopes, David Victor Novais; Leal, Geraldo Sadoyama;;; Sadoyama, Adriana Santos Prado;;; Sadoyama, Adriana Santos Prado; Barros, Fernanda; Costa, Elis Regina da
    Organizational culture and learning culture are relevant factors in organizational processes because they understand the understanding of the behavior patterns of the individuals who form it, as well as the way they learn and exchange knowledge. An assertive reading of this scenario directly contributes to the organizations' decision-making. This study aimed to make a diagnosis for learning culture with a focus on institutional practices, individual and leadership and organizational culture, with emphasis on organizational values and practices. This is a descriptive research, for which the instruments QCAO - Assessment of the Culture of Learning in Organizations (MACEDO, 2007) and IBACO - Brazilian Instrument for the Assessment of Organizational Culture (FERREIRA et al., 2002) were applied ), applied to 177 leaders of an organization in the private sector in the states of Minas Gerais and Goiás, Brazil. The research approach is quantitative and, for its data processing, the statistical software SPSS version 22 was used. For its analysis of the QCAO tool, its 03 factors were considered, with a total of 43 questions and for IBACO, 07 factors for analysis, with a total of 35 questions, in its reduced version. As a result, the diagnosis of the learning culture of these leaders shows a balance / proximity between the 03 factors of the tool, with an emphasis on the factor 3 (Strategic use of learning by the leadership) which presented a higher value compared to those of -more, pointing out that these leaders understand that they contribute to and influence the learning of the organization more often than the organization on its platforms and than the individual in their development and learning movements. As for the diagnosis of organizational culture, the leaders of the organization presented practices aimed at external integration, indicating a focus on planning strategies that serve internal and external customers.
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    Desafios e possibilidades na implementação da coleta seletiva na Universidade Federal de Goiás – regional Goiânia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-03-25) Albuquerque, Natália Lopes de; Chaves, Manoel Rodrigues;;; Chaves, Manoel Rodrigues; Najberg, Estela; Almeida, Emerson Gervásio de
    In recent years, the term sustainable development has been the main focus of several global plans, international agreements, national policies and debates throughout the world. In Brazil it isn’t different. In the last decades, Brazilian government has been committed to promote the sustainable development in all of its territory by elaborating several management policies, among them, the Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos – PNRS [National Solid Waste Policy]. However, during the control process of these policies, meaning the execution of the established actions, a gap between management levels is noticed. As an example, when it comes to solid waste, according to data from Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Limpeza Pública e Resíduos Especiais - Abrelpe [Brazilian Association of Public Cleaning and Special Waste Companies] from all of Brazilian waste, 30% can be recycled, but only 3% actually are. Thus, the main goal of this work is knowing the major causes of the gap between policy management levels, based on the PNRS. In order to do that, a situation diagnostic on recyclable waste management at Universidade Federal de Goiás – UFG/Regional Goiânia [Federal University of Goiás – UFG/Regional Goiânia] was performed to identify the challenges faced by managers when applicating the selective waste collection in the University. The methods used were bibliographic and documentary analysis, field research and interviewing UFG-SUSTENTÁVEL program managers. The main results show that UFG’s selective waste collection is in its early implementation steps, with punctual actions and so far, the university doesn’t have its own program. Also, that the major challenges faced by the university are: environmental awareness from all university community and high administration’s commitment with the solid waste problem. With this work, it’s expected to contribute with UFG in the creation of its own selective waste collection program and invest on environmental education, aiming to raise awareness throughout the university of its environmental, ethical and social commitment, bringing the sustainability matter to the university’s daily life through courses and programs for the administrative technicians, professors and students, and also, continually conduct awareness campaigns and events emphasizing environment education actions.
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    Orçamento público como ferramenta de gestão no ensino superior: política de assistência estudantil na Regional Catalão/UFG e os desafios em fazer valer os direitos sociais
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-04-23) Bomdespacho, Laurita de Queiroz; Chaves, Manoel Rodrigues;; Sadoyama, Adriana dos Santos Prado; Almeida, Emerson Gervásio de; Silva, Neimy Batista da; Chaves, Manoel Rodrigues
    The current dissertation aimed to analyze the details of the implementation of the student assistance policy at the Federal University of Goiás- Catalão Branch in the period from 2007 to 2017. It presents theoretical and effective axes in the Budget - Program budget management for student assistance. In addition to knowing, identifying the budgets foreseen and directed in that period, the student assistance policy and the permanence of students in Higher Education, we sought to analyze the laws of the Pluriannual Plan (PPA), the Budget Guidelines Law (LDO) and the Annual Budget Law (LOA) what the Federal University of Goiás- Catalão Branch, arising from the Citizen Constitution of 1998. The work presents the budgeted resources budgeted and executed in this period for this Program. In this sense, it was envisaged to know and identify the actions, the budget path, as well as the services / actions of the investments in that period. Thus, several literatures were used, especially in Social Work, Planning and Budget Management, which highlighted the challenges of implementing policies in different economic, political and social contexts of the country and the institution, making it possible to state that no public policy, projects and actions cannot be implemented without efficient institutional planning and a guaranteed budget. The need for management and executors to analyze, monitor and understand the direction of the budget for the axes established in the PNAES is highlighted, as well as to propose changes, in order to guarantee, in the agendas and discussions of the University, the entry and permanence of / students, considered an essential pillar to be guaranteed in management. The role of the University today has supported the defense of Teaching, Research and Extension and Student Assistance, therefore, it essentially involves the presence and permanence of students. Considering this context, it is stated that thinking about all the stages of the implementation of this Program-Budget requires strengthening strategies from the University, establishing services and actions to attend students inserted in the policy of permanence in Higher Education. This agenda has been defended and expanded in the Ethical and Political Project of Social Workers within the scope of education and, in this understanding, the relevance of this research is justified. It is expected that the Federal University of Goiás Regional Catalão will be consolidated as a national and international reference in the management of public resources and management in public policies in student assistance. In this way, it is understood the relevance of deepening studies on budget management, political decisions, strengthening democratic spaces with the technical team, management and the public served and social control, as well as establishing ways of managing processes, indispensable conditions in the implementation of public policies for student permanence in public higher education. It was observed that the amounts passed on to students are not adjusted to keep up with inflation, as well as the number of vacancies not expanded even with REUNI and the Quota Law that increases the number of vacancies in higher education. It is understood that the program-budget is an essential tool in the implementation of public policies and the implementation of the universal law, which is higher education for public universities and student assistance.
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    Análise comportamental do direito: reflexões introdutórias acerca do direito penal
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-01-28) Neves, Fausto Teodoro; Silva, André Vasconcelos da;; Cury, Lacordaire Kemel Pimenta; Silva, Renata Limongi França Coelho; Silva, André Vasconcelos da; Bueno, Marcos
    The prison system in Brazil has unified national guidelines and specific federal legislation to be observed, namely the Law on Penal Executions. Each Federation Unit has its own prison system with its respective peculiarities, each functioning as a specific social group with a delimited and closed context, in the form of a functionally specialized social system. For a long time, scholars and scientists have been working on issues related to human behavior, especially with regard to the possibility of controlling such behavior. Adherents of the behaviorist school of behavioral analysis emphasize that it is possible to exercise control over human behavior through the adoption of reinforcement methods. In 1984, the Penal Execution Law was sanctioned, which brought advances to penal legislation by providing rules that made the reduction and reintegration of the convicted person into society viable. It was the Criminal Execution Law, No. 7,210 / 84 (LEP), which definitively ended the notion that prison is an instrument of violence and idleness. Its 204 articles provide for the rights and duties of prisoners. In the Penal Execution Law, penal remission is dealt with explicitly form, it is determined in articles 126 to 130, providing for the possibility of the convict serving a sentence in the closed or semi-open regime, the remission institute for work or for the study of part of the penalty imposed on him. There is discussion in the literature about the role of education and work within the prison system in the role of resocialization. There is a large group of criminal enforcement operators who see them in prisons as an occupational activity like so many others, being important only to help reduce idleness in jails. There are also defenders of the presence of formal education and work activities in prisons to the idea of resocialization, thus, the perspective that school and work activities help to combat idleness in prisons is also part of this discussion.
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    Excesso de confiança como uma experiência prévia: um estudo experimental
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-11-23) Moreira, Mirian Sousa; Silva, André Vasconcelos da;; Silva, André Vasconcelos da; Silva, Renata Limongi França Coelho; Zago, Ana Paula Pinheiro; Coelho, Ricardo Limongi França
    According to behavioral finances, the decisions made by individuals are not always completely rational, these individuals can be influenced by psychological factors such as bias and heuristics. And one of these biases is overconfidence, which, instead of making individuals make successful decisions, leads them to make decisions in impulsive and irrational ways, which has been widely discussed by cognitive and behavioral psychologists and behavioral economists. Based on the need to study the importance of the role of trust in the decision-making process, this research aims to understand the bias of trust as a previous experience and the ability to describe the experience and its effects, as well as to verify the effect of the previous experience (confidence) in the preference of choosing a game and in the reports about the experience lived in the game. The research was carried out with 96 university students who were divided into 4 groups with 24 participants each, combined with the independent variables. Software Invest 1.0, developed by Brasileiro et al. (2017). Through the software it was possible to simulate two Markets for investments, A and B, presenting in them four sectors: Bank, Electrical, Mining and Oil. The results obtained in the study show that the preference of the participants' choice was greater for the Market that presented a greater number of information, even when the Market did not present a return. Another result found was that even when individuals opting for markets with more information, when reporting why their choices were not able to identify the influencing variables in their choices. As well, the participants who went through the training, that is, who had their knowledge reinforced or acquired, showed a higher level of confidence in relation to investments, however, with the passing of the experimental sessions, the individuals without previous experience gradually increased their confidence .
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    A tomada de decisão no bojo das políticas públicas: mecanismos inovadores
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-09-07) Silva, Thaméya Lourenço Barbosa; Silva, André Vasconcelos da;; Ba, Serigne Ababacar Cissé;; Ba, Serigne Ababacar Cissé; Silva, André Vasconcelos da; Barra Neto, André; Silva, Renata Limongi França Coelho
    Decision-making in the field of public policies reflects the success or failure of public policy itself. Thus, the present study used the bibliographic review and the integrative review to structure decision-making within the framework of public policies within the behavioral economic analysis. Law has, among others, the scope of regulating human behavior while psychology brings the scientific study of human behavior and the economy seeks to analyze the process of decision- making of individuals in view of resources that are scarce. Aligning these three objectives with the study of public administration, we extracted elements for behavioral analysis of public managers, mainly with regard to decision making. Due to the studies, we noticed the existence of influences in decision making, called cognitive shortcuts, which have repercussions regardless of the level of education or position exercised by the individual, being the decision more intuitive than rational. At the end of the research it was possible to verify that the use of these cognitive shortcuts can assist in the decision making of the individual in relation to the public policies designed for the collective well-being.
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    Saúde mental na escola: uma análise da relação entre cultura organizacional e estresse
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-02-27) Silva, Jackeliny Dias da; Sousa, Bruno Marinho de;; Sadoyama, Adriana Santos Prado;; Sadoyama, Adriana Santos Prado; Sadoyama, Geraldo; Costa, Elis Regina da
    Teachers' occupational disease surveys has been attracting the attention of researchers worldwide. Stress has also been extensively investigated with regard to teachers, as it affects both physical and psychological aspects, even causing the individual's disability. Some surveys are dedicated to understanding an existing relationship between the phenomena that corroborate or impair work and map these factors of the company's environments considered harmful to health, as they understand that sick employees are unable to work efficiently, and are often on leave, which damaging the entire organization. whether in public or private institutions. Thinking about this relationship between illness and work, this research aimed to investigate the stress situation of teachers from public schools in the city of Catalão and its relationship with the organizational culture of the schools of which it is a part. Participated in the research 81 teachers, effective servants of the state public network, from 4 schools. The instruments used for this survey were the Lipp's Stress Inventory for Adults (ISSL), the Brazilian Inventory for the Assessment of Organizational Culture (IBACO) and a semi-structured questionnaire for the analysis of sociodemographic data and qualitative analysis regarding the teachers' perception about the investigated theme. As a result, it was found that 83.95% of the participants were under stress. In relation to organizational culture, it was found that two schools obtained results for culture and Integration and the others obtained results for culture of Relationship. About Kendall's the Tau correlation analysis was performed between IBACO and ISSL, there was no correlation between the variables. Regarding the qualitative analysis, it was found that with regard to the stress factors of the profession, 44% of teachers consider that the factors that generate the most stress are students and parents. In relation to stress factors in the work environment, in the first place, teachers considered Management as the main stress driver. When verifying the number of teachers who considered work as a source of stress, a large number of teachers who are in the context of stress (45%) considered the work environment, that is, the school, as the main source of this suffering, which in this sense is characterized as an expressive number.
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    O efeito de enquadramento na escolha de pacotes alimentares
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-02-28) Lucas, Sulamita da Silva; Silva, André Vasconcelos da;; Silva, André Vasconcelos da; Tannús, Silvia Parreira; Silva, Renata Limongi França Coelho; Bressan, Aureliano Angel
    It has been increasingly common, by companies, to adopt management strategies that allow the customization of products or services, leaving the paradigm of standard offers, thus seeking, attending with greater precision according to the different uses used. This study sought to analyze the effect of framing on the choice of food composition, as well as the influence of instructions during the decision-making process. In order to observe the decision maker's choice behavior, an experimental study was carried out applied to a sample of 359 cases in various experimental situations, an effect test or framing effect of the update and downgrade, as well as an influence of the variables generic and specific use in the composition of food packaging. Participants were given the task of choosing a composition from a food package for seven days. During the simulation, participants were informed that they can customize their food package through downgrades or upgrades, according to the scenario to which the individual was inserted. Of six experimental groups, four of them were submitted to specific and generic instructions, presented from a context that involved nutritional information that emphasized or not the importance of being attentive to some variables such as: price composition, quality certification, price among others. These instructions were made available in one step before the start of the experimental simulation. The results confirm, in the various experimental situations in which the variables were tested, the occurrence of the framing effect, as well as the influence of specific and generic instructions during the process of personalizing the food package. However, research in this field that seeks to evidence the framing effect is still desirable, as well as the influence of the information present in the instructions, in the food industry, seeking to test the occurrence of these variables in order to collaborate in order to consolidate the theory from the accumulation of evidence.
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    A influencia da vulnerabilidade ao estresse em professores da rede pública de Catalão
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-02-27) Ribeiro, Lucas Augusto de Carvalho; Leal, Geraldo Sadoyama;; Sadoyama, Adriana dos Santos Prado;; Sadoyama, Adriana dos Santos Prado; Costa, Elis Regina da; Ferreira, Anderson Luiz
    This study aimed to carry out an analysis of the factors that influence vulnerability to stress in public school teachers (municipal and state) in Catalão - Goiás. For this, the instrument EVENT - Vulnerability to Stress at Work Scale and of the content analysis method postulated by Bardin. The study included 95 teachers from the Public Teaching Network of Catalão - Goiás. Among the factors presented by the scale, factor 3, corresponding to routine and infrastructure, was identified as the greatest cause of influencing the vulnerability to stress in teachers in the municipality of Catalão. This study is expected to improve the visibility of the working conditions of the teaching profession.
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    Gestão pública municipal do controle populacional de cães e gatos em Catalão/GO
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-05-13) Barroso, José Eduardo Machado; Silva, André Vasconcelos da;; Silva, Renata Limongi França Coelho; Bueno, Marcos; Cury, Lacordaire Kemel Pimenta; Silva, André Vasconcelos da
    The overpopulation of pets, particularly dogs and cats, is a problem that affects, to a greater or lesser extent, most countries, offering risks to human health and public safety, animal health and the environment. Several proposals and techniques have been developed to control animal populations, and effective actions must be implemented together with education in responsible guarding, castration campaigns, combating abandonment and conducting adoption campaigns. It is necessary to discipline the environmental protection related to animals, through a set of municipal policies for the defense and protection of animals, according to the species, with a clear conceptualization based on technical and scientific guidance and in line with the federal legal and normative framework. and state. The study in question has total practical applicability since it seeks to understand the phenomenon related to the existing legal structure, allowing to provide managers in public policies involved with the theme with tools for decision making and performance. The objective of this exploratory study was to analyze and propose interventions in public management, in the Municipality of Catalão-GO, regarding the population control of dogs and cats. The result of this research was the elaboration of four articles that dealt with an integrative review of publications on dog population control, analysis of the population control of dogs and cats as public policy and its aspects of innovation, elaboration of a Program for the Control of Dogs and Cats for the Municipality of Catalão and proposal for a Health and Environmental Education Program on Population Control of Dogs and Cats. The guarding of dogs and cats is influenced by cultural factors, and the high population density of these species requires the adoption of official strategies that aim to minimize environmental and health impacts and that must be promoted in the form of public policies and actions of permanent health education and environmental. Castration campaigns can potentially reduce population density. It was found that there is a lack of standardization in the terms involved that guide the process of conducting research. Further studies are recommended to identify parameters as indicators of the effectiveness of the application of laws and the respective actions that involve the population control of dogs and cats.
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    Dimensões das ferramentas de avaliação em treinamento: revisão da literatura e reflexão teórica
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-27) Gomes, Marcos Alves; Silva, André Vasconcelos da;; Silva, Renata Limongi França Coelho; Bueno, Marcos; Cury, LacordaireKemel Pimenta; Silva, André Vasconcelos da
    The Brazilian Association of Training and Development (ABTD) has presented studies in the last decade on the growing increase in investments by organizations in training, development and education activities, mainly the evolutionary picture of organizational units that have transformed from training departments to centers of improvement of human talents and Corporate Universities, with the purpose of being instruments of integrated transfer of knowledge and innovation. This transfer integrated in the organizational context is called Corporate Education Systems (SEC) which includes three subsystems, the first being the Needs Assessment subsystem, followed by Planning and Execution, and finally the Training Assessment subsystem. The central axis of this research is the training evaluation field to identify the effects of training programs in the aspects of reactions, learning and behavior at work. In this scenario about investments in SEC, the formal educational processes brought with it the need to evaluate the effects of these activities with greater precision and strategically directed to organizational management. In this study, we sought to investigate the published scientific productions on the training assessment tools, showing what are their dimensions for an analysis of the literature review and theoretical reflection. Three scientific articles were composed in the structure of this dissertation with a multi-methodological approach, using the Integrative Review (IR), a method of researching secondary data in which the studies related to the proposed objective were analyzed to elaborate a synthesis of the knowledge produced on the theme under study. It was found that the Training Evaluation subsystem still has a long way to go in its complete development, the results obtained showed that there is a gap in the validated and systematized methodology that are the evaluation tools in training, as it was observed that the focus of the evaluation is centralized in the participant's learning, and does not integrate with the organizational strategy, resulting in a gap within the training process and the behavior in the position, therefore, it is necessary to expand the evaluation levels with the ability to obtain significant return coupled with organization's vision and mission, that is, dimensioning factors that intervene in the organizational strategy. The literature review was fundamental to think about new possibilities that guide the technological innovation of the Corporate Education System.
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    Avaliação da qualidade de serviços educacionais em uma instituição de educação profissional de Catalão/GO
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-04-30) Oliveira, Elcimara Rabelo de; Sadoyama, Geraldo;; Sadoyama, Adriana dos Santos Prado;; Sadoyama, Adriana dos Santos Prado; Barros, Fernanda; Costa, Elis Regina da
    The growing search for professional qualification has been a way for young people and those with few financial conditions to get a job and remain financially inserted in the Brazilian labor market. Therefore, research on Professional Education broadens the debate on education, since the educational level of the population is essential for the social and economic development of the country. Given this reality, this research intends to evaluate the perceptions and expectations regarding the quality of educational services provided by the Technological Institute of the State of Goiás (ITEGO) - Aguinaldo de Campos Netto, from the city of Catalão-GO, from the perspective of its students and collaborators. Quality control of services is a necessary tool to know whether customers are satisfied or not. The Service Quality Scale Model (SERVQUAL), developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1988), was applied, data were collected from May to June 2019 and the sample consisted of 154 students and 49 collaborators. The work has an exploratory, descriptive character, of an applied nature and with a quantitative approach. The results obtained show that the expectations of students and employees are higher than their perceptions, which demonstrates dissatisfaction with the services provided by the institution. Regarding the dimensions defined in the SERVQUAL Scale, it was noticed that tangibility and reliability were the dimensions with the worst evaluation among students and collaborators, respectively. Through the quartile test, it was identified the potentialities, weaknesses and critical aspects that can be prioritized in the search for the quality of educational services provided by the institute, being possible also identify the areas that need improvement and, thus, allow a guideline for future institutional planning and subsidies for strategic, tactical and operational decision-making.
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    A escolha sob o efeito da história de aprendizagem e o número de atributos: uma comparação
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-02-28) Rabelo, Liliane Guimarães; Silva, André Vasconcelos da;; Silva, André Vasconcelos da; Limongi, Renata; Bueno, Marcos; Cury, Lacordaire Kemel Pimenta
    Behavioraleconomicsis a themeconsidered new, addedtopsychologyand its empiricaldiscoveries, provenbyeconomicsand its theoreticaldevelopments. In addition, it addressesneuroscienceandotherhumanand social sciencesalsorelatedtothistheme. Thisresearchwascarried out toproducetwoarticles, whichhavetheobjectiveofinvestigatingwhether a choicecaninfluencethenumberofcharactersorthelearninghistory, thatis, thepreviousexperience in thecontent in question. The objectiveofarticle 1 issystematizingtheknowledgethatinvolvestheeffectsofthedecisionandthechoiceofthe individual whocangenerate a perceptionofhow a decisioncanbeinfluencedby a reality thatinvolveshiseconomiclife, in additiontoanalyzinghowtheanalyticalliterature - behavioralisorganized in the face ofproblemswiththe use oftheinvestmentconceptand its influenceontheusers' choicebehaviorbasedonselectedarticles, whichbringstheabilityto display thesevariables. The resultspresented show thatmanyaspectssuggested for decisionmakingcanbeinfluencedand / ormodifiedaccordingto, for example, theenvironment in whichthe individual isinserted, impulsivityandthe profile ofthedecisionmaker, humanbeingornot - human. The purposeofarticle 2 isresearchandverifytheeffectofpreviousexposuresofsituationalcontentand / orexperimentsonthebehaviorofchoice in theInvestmentMarkets. The resultsshown in numericalterms, thepreferenceoftheparticipants' choiceisnotinfluencedbythe Experience withconcepts, buttheseoptions are provided in quantityofinformationcontained in analternativeway, thatis, thereis a greaterpreferenceofchoice in the sector when: numberofhisattributes are greater.
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    Coaching e liderança a partir da análise do comportamento: uma análise teórica
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-12-20) Santos, Lucas Silva dos; Silva, André Vasconcelos da;; Bueno, Marcos; Silva, Renata Limongi França Coelho; Cury, Lacordaire Kemel Pimenta
    Coaching is a process of transformation and personal improvement that enables an individual (or team) to develop various skills so that you can quickly reach your goals, whether personal or professional. Despite the great expansion of the coaching process, there are still numerous gaps in scientific studies and Brazilian literature. Given this, it is important to relate this practice with similar and more robust studies in the area of human development, such as Behavior Analysis, which has a much more developed field of basic research, applied and theoretical-philosophical axis, and has produced a series of behavioral change technologies. These areas are related to the main objective of MPGO - Professional Master in Organizational Management - to enable professionals to work in teams, critically and creatively in solving problems of public and private companies in various areas. The general objective of this paper is to analyze the concept of coaching and leadership from the Behavior Analysis, as it will be possible to analyze how interventions can help to empower leaders in organizations. Thus, two studies were performed. The first sought to analyze research on coaching terminology, and for this, we opted for the adoption of the integrative review method, which identified 10 articles appropriate to the selection criteria. It was pointed out that the practice of this process has become of knowledge and interest on the part of organizations and that there is a need for further scientific studies of the practice. In the second study, an investigation of coaching and leadership was conducted in the light of behavior analysis and it was found that there are particularities about behavior analysis used in coaching: how it becomes important to leaders and how it implies positive action when coupled with the development of positive behaviors in professionals and the development of behaviors that favor people in general.
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    Avaliação da qualidade dos serviços prestados em escolas públicas de ensino fundamental II e médio da cidade de Paracatu/MG
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-11-27) Gomes, Maria Aparecida da Silva; Sadoyama, Geraldo;; Sadoyama, Adriana dos Santos Prado;; Sadoyama, Adriana dos Santos Prado; Barros, Fernanda; Gonçalves, Maria Célia da Silva
    This research is based on the study of the satisfaction of internal and external users of two school institutions, the Cacilda Caetano de Sousa Municipal School and the Altina de Paula Guimarães State School, in relation to the services provided. It is an applied research with quantitative approach, which had its data collected through the users' perspectives regarding their expectations and perceptions of services regarding the five dimensions of quality described in the Servqual instrument model (tangible elements, reliability, promptness, security and empathy). The main objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of services provided at both institutions and to know if there is a significant difference regarding the dimensions between each participant group and between each school. The methodology used for research and data collection was the application of two questionnaires - Servqual model - to each participant, one to evaluate expectations and the other the perceptions regarding the 22 variables distributed in the five quality dimensions; In addition to these 22 questions, some socio-demographic and other questions that assessed other criteria were also applied, including the degree of importance among the dimensions for the services to be provided with quality. For data analysis we used statistical tests as measures of central tendency (average), standard deviation, coefficient of variation, quartiles and Anova. Through the results of these tests the analyzes were made and the degree of satisfaction of the participants was evaluated by calculating the gap (differences between expectation and perception) and the correlations between each result. As a result the systematization is composed of a sequence of results for each dimension that will support those who are interested in identifying the gaps, checking which gaps are having very negative results and in more critical states, and thus, from the results. Each dimension should check why and apply actions to alleviate or even try to close these identified gaps that are interfering with the quality of the services provided
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    O controle interno na gestão pública municipal: um estudo multicaso em municípios de pequeno porte do estado de Goiás
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-12-11) Santos, Carlos José dos; Chaves, Manoel Rodrigues;; Sadoyama, Adriana dos Santos Prado; Rosim, Daniela; Chaves, Manoel Rodrigues
    The Federal Constitution of 1988 required the implementation of the internal control system in the three powers, reaffirming the need to maintain the internal control system intergrated by Brazilian municipalities. Thus, this research aims to diagnose the internal control structure implemented in the municipalities surveyed and propose suggestions for improvement in accordance with legal requirements, in order to meet the local reality. Therefore, we chose to research multiple cases, using an intentional sample, totaling four small cities in Goias, with an estimated population of up to 50,000 inhabitants. A descriptive, qualitative approach was performed, data were collected through semi-structured interviews, document analysis, questionnaire application and participant observation. Observations, interviews and application of the questionnaire were conducted between July and November 2019, with visits to those responsible for the central internal control agencies of the municipalities. The main documents analyzed were: laws, decrees, normative procedures, normative instructions, resolutions, LOA, LDO, PPA, balance sheets, balance sheets, among others. Data were analyzed through content analysis. For each specific objective was defined a category and the respective elements of analysis. Regarding the administrative organization, there is the absence of specific legal instruments at the municipal level. Regarding the hierarchy, the interviewees declared to be subordinate to the highest manager (mayor), or have secretarial status, as directed by the literature. Regarding the nomenclature, there was a diversity of terms used, this is due to the fact that there is no standardization by the legislation. It is noticed a limited scope and performance and low number of employees involved, revealing little understanding about the activities and control procedures. To verify the performance of these internal control bodies, we sought to list some of the main development activities based on the researcher's experience, namely: bidding, asset control, warehouse management and annual closing of government accounts and management accounts. With regard to bidding, it appears that the municipalities do not perform preventive controls in the internal and external phases of the bidding process. With regard to asset control, respondents revealed that the municipality outsources wealth management. All respondents are unanimous in revealing that there is no physical warehouse in their prefectures. As for the appreciation of government accounts and management accounts, revealed to leave to the accounting industry. Regarding the classification of the functions performed by the respective organs and the activities disciplined by the FC: accounting, financial, budgetary, operational and patrimonial supervision, it is verified that none of the four prefectures perform the five main activities by the Federal Constitution. Regarding the maturity level of the internal control structure, the four municipalities were classified at the incipient level (0). Thus, it is expected that the surveyed municipalities institutionalize their internal control system through specific municipal laws, adopt new control practices, procedures and activities, in order to comply with local legislation and reality.
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    Avaliação de desempenho individual na gestão pública
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-11-22) Borges, Maciel Rodrigues; Silva, André Vasconcelos da;; Ba, Serigne Ababacar Cissé;; Ba, Serigne Ababacar Cissé; Silva, André Vasconcelos da; Bueno, Marcos; Silva, Renata Limongi França Coelho
    Individual performance appraisal is an important tool for both private and public institutions in terms of identifying employee improvement points, and by identifying these points managers can improve the institution's performance and, consequently, improve the service provided to society. Evaluation also plays an important role individually, helping the evaluated employees realize what their purpose is within the institution to achieve organizational goals. The research aimed to analyze the importance of individual performance evaluation in public management and an analysis of models created for these institutions that used constructivism as a basis using the Multicriteria Constructivist Decision Support Methodology -MCDA-C. In the current scenario, Martins and Cassunde (2015) state that the performance evaluation of the public servant is meeting the needs and quality of the society where it operates, and whether its contributions are aligned with the institution's strategic objectives. A multi-methodological approach was carried out, with an integrative review of works in the database of the Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination - CAPES, National School of Public Administration - ENAP, Online Scientific Electronic Library - SCIELO, National Postgraduate Association. Graduation and Research in Administration - ANPAD and SCOPUS, quantitative and qualitative analysis researches found regarding performance evaluation and constructivist models created for public management. There was a large gap regarding this theme with few studies developed in the last 10 years. The importance of this tool for public management was identified as they are each under pressure from society for more efficiency and quality in the services provided.