“Reposter Skol – redondo é sair do seu passado”: o enunciado verbovocovisual na campanha publicitária da cerveja Skol
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
In March 2017, Skol beer brand published on its Facebook page and YouTube channel a video called Reposter Skol, in homage to women for the International Women’s Day. The proposal of the video was to repost previous advertising posters of the brand on which female bodies were objectified and the featured women were white, blond or brunette, with bare built bodies, in some cases in sexy positions. Women artists were invited to take part in Reposter Skol, with the task of remaking posters from advertising campaigns that had been run at previous times. The artists should remake the posters so as to deconstruct the female body stereotype, disseminated for years by Skol, of the perfect woman with a sculptural body. Based on this and on the theoretical and methodological contributions proposed by the Bakhtin Circle, in the first chapter the reposted posters were analyzed, with a view to reflecting upon the dialogue established between the previous posters and those of Reposter Skol. It was possible to analyze the responsiveness of the brand to its interlocutors, and also to observe Skol’s strategy to repost artistic designs instead of photographs. In the second chapter, Reposter Skol allusion was analyzed as a verbivocovisual utterance bringing up Bakhtin’s and the Circle’s theoretical notes about intonation, imagery, gestures, words, and valuation, and taking into consideration the verbal (words), vocal (sound/voice), and visual (imagery) extracts, in order to assemble the architectural whole of the material being studied. It was noticed that in order to understand the verbivocovisual constitution of the utterance, it must be considered that its boundaries are undefined and that verbal, vocal and visual elements operate as a set, thus evoking several meanings. The soundtrack of Reposter Skol was analyzed too, and it was seen that the chosen electronic music style evokes the notion of modernity, innovation and the future, echoing the idea of reposting old posters. And in the third and last chapter, Skol’s dialoguing subject was analyzed in order to understand how Reposter Skol’s marketing strategy was set up. The discourses applied to the utterance, such as capitalism, sexism, empowerment, among others, were analyzed too. In order to do so, contributions from Bakhtin and the Circle were applied upon which to base the concepts of subject and discourse, and from JENKINS (2009) and CANCLINI (2008) to ponder on Media. The research method applied was the dialogue-based one, as it allowed for understanding language based on its ties to daily life and dialoguing relations. Therefore, the corpus was described, analyzed and interpreted. This way, this study is expected to allow for the discussion about the meanings produced in Reposter Skol, as well as to show the dialoguing function of language. Moreover, this work is expected to somehow contribute to other studies of verbivocovisual utterances.
Diálogo, Enunciado verbovocovisual, Sujeito, Discurso, Mídia, Dialogue, Verbivocovisual utterance, Subject, Discourse, Media
CAMARGO, G. C. V. “Reposter Skol – redondo é sair do seu passado”: o enunciado verbovocovisual na campanha publicitária da cerveja Skol. 2019. 111 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2019.