Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem - PPGEL

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    A sexualidade como resistência em Ninfomaníaca, de Lars von Trier
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-08-28) Gianvechio, Hortência de Melo; Borges, Luciana;; Borges, Luciana; Ferreira, Renata Wirthmann Goncalves; Grisolio, Lilian Marta
    This research aims to analyze events and elements of the sexual life of Joe, protagonist of the film Nymphomaniac I and II (2013), by director Lars von Trier, in order to explore how the character traces forms of resistance based on her sexuality. Through the frames and the filmic narrative, this research will approach three episodes that demonstrate how the character's conduct reflects ways of (r)existing in the face of attempts to normalize, standardize and control that fall under her. Initially, approaching its cinematographic language, its patriarchal values ​​and the representation of women in mainstream (Hollywood) cinema. Subsequently, it will present the elements and paths of the narrative, such as synopsis, characters and narrator, reflecting on Joe's narration of herself and, lastly, will seek to contemplate reflections on sexuality as a form of resistance for the protagonist. For this, the study will rely on theorists from the cinematographic fields, such as Laura Mulvey (1973) and E. Ann Kaplan (1995); narrative fields, Pierre Bourdieu (1986) and Contardo Calligaris (1998); sexuality fields, as Foucault (1999); and related topics, such as motherhood, Elisabeth Badinter (1985), to discuss the myth of maternal love, among others. The analysis will be explored by mixing elements of the corpus with the theoretical material that supports this research.
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    Experiências vividas em um espaço de (não) conversação em inglês com aprendizes do sexto e sétimo ano em uma escola pública de Catalão – GO
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-25) Santiago, Amanda Magalhães; Bengezen, Viviane Cabral;;; Bengezen, Viviane Cabral; Xavier, Vanessa Regina Duarte; Mello, Dilma Maria de
    In this narrative inquiry (CLANDININ; CONNELLY, 2015) I sought to understand the experiences lived in a space of (non)conversation in English language entitled Let's Talk, created by me, with sixth and seventh grade students of a public school in Catalão-GO. I had as specific research goals to analyze the conversation space with a focus on how the participants, Jessica and Nathan, narrated their experiences in Let's Talk, to narrate my experiences in Let's Talk as a teacher of the space, and to problematize, through the stories of the lived experiences my anxiety in leading the conversation space and Jessica and Nathan's stories in using the conversation space as a place to live their English learning stories, of how we can build learning spaces for oral English language proficiency. I used, to direct the research, the following questions: what stories did I experience as a teacher in the conversation space at school? What was the role of the school talk space in the participants' learning? How did the conversation space transform into a safe place for me and the participants? I used the field texts of the meetings in the conversation space, field notes of the conversations with participants, audio recordings of the conversation meetings, text conversations via WhatsApp, and video conversations via cell phone and computer. I theoretically based myself on Leffa (2012) and Paiva (2018) to discuss foreign language teaching in Brazil. On method and post-method, I relied on Kumaravadivelu (2002) and on discussions about secret, sacred, and façade stories, I used the concepts proposed by Clandinin and Connelly (1995). As research results, to understand that the myth of the "native speaker" of English is present in notions of learning English in public school, to realize the transformation of a conversational space into a safe place (CLANDININ; CONNELLY, 1995) where the participants and I could live secret stories of teaching and learning in conversations about what it is to know and learn English in public school.
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    Diálogos neoliberais: o discurso coaching financeiro em Meu nome é Bettina
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-25) Pereira, Maximiano Antonio; Stafuzza, Grenissa Bonvino;;; Stafuzza, Grenissa Bonvino; Paula, Luciane de; Borges, Guilherme Figueira
    The socio-historical result of neoliberal politics in Brazil allows for the appearance of varied phenomena ranging from physical healing in a few days, a perfect body in a few weeks or, as in the case of financial coaching, having an enviable purchasing power and itis in relation to these events that are utteranced by multiple semioses (verbal, vocal, visual) convey and, sometimes, dialogue with fields of academic-professional activities in a polemical way, seeking to convince their interlocutor that it is science, however, without foundations that demonstrate their scientificity . These discourses that present themselves as science, not being science, reach the informal market that is oriented according to the capitalist system: in Brazil, institutes with international ties present proposals for coachees to become coaches in a few days. Financial coaching appears in this scenario, which can bebroadly characterized by a discourse of minimum investment with certain profit to reach the largest possible audience, being, above all, a phenomenon based on liberalism that findsthe conditions of achievement in hypermodernity. It is in relation to this event that multiple utterances arising from the financial coaching discourse are constituted by discourses produced by capitalism such as the neoliberal discourse, the selfhelp discourse and the discourse of automation of science. Given this, especially from the philosophical foundations about the language of Bakhtin and the Russian Circle, it is proposed to analyze the financial coaching discourse, as well as their dialogues, in Empiricus' publicized video "Meu nome é Bettina", published in March 2019 on Empiricus' YouTube channel and viralized on social networks. The results obtained indicate that the financial coaching discourse is based on the neoliberal and self-help discourses to promote itself as an empirical truth.
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    A transgressão de Hilda Hilst: representações do corpo em O caderno rosa de Lori Lamby
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-03-01) Souza, Sandra Siqueira; Borges, Luciana;;; Borges, Luciana; Carneiro, Fabianna Simão Bellizzi; Ferreira, Renata Wirthmann Goncalves
    This dissertation proposed to comprehend the body's representations that appear in the literary work O Caderno Rosa de Lori Lamby, by Hilda Hilst, published in 1990. It especially interested us in analize how the author used the language to compose such representations, taking this encounter between corporeality and language as central to the narrative. We started from the character's categorization in three occurrences: which are infantile, feminine and masculine bodies. We seek to elucidate the ways in which Hilst represents the knowledge of the body and sexuality, above all, since they are representations that go beyond purely biological conceptions. In addition, we analyzed the author's relationship with writing and what reception her supposedly pornographic text had in the face of literary criticism and the public, considering that the work is quite transgressive. Our hypothesis is that all the bodies / characters that Hilda Hilst developed in her narrative, have been diverted from their usual places in Western culture, which ended up moving pornography itself from its traditional discursive rules and its tolerance's zone. For the construction of the research we found theoretical support in the studies of Eliane Robert Moraes (1999, 2013, 2013, 2018), Luciana Borges (2006, 2009, 2013), Elódia Xavier (2007), Sigmund Freud (1905, 1916, 1917, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1927, 1931, 1933), Jean-Jacques Lacan (1956-1957, 1957-1958, 1964, 1972, 1973, 1984), Paul B. Preciado (2014, 2018), among others.
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    Uma pesquisa narrativa sobre o feminino e as experiências de uma mulher cis e uma mulher trans
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-12-17) Santos, Sarah Thayne Rodrigues Silva dos; Bengezen, Viviane Cabral;;; Bengezen, Viviane Cabral; Xavier, Vanessa Regina Duarte; Mello, Dilma Maria
    In the present work, I tried to describe and commend meanings of the experiences lived, in an ethical relationship, between me, a cis woman, and a trans woman, pointing out the narrative threads that permeate our stories, in addition to describing and analyzing the experiences lived by the participant seeking to understand how she expresses herself as a trans woman and how I express myself as a cis woman. The theoretical-methodological path is narrative inquiry, according to Clandinin and Connelly (2015) and the study is based on a queer indisciplinary perspective of Applied Linguistics (FABRICIO, 2017; JESUS, 2014, 2019; LIVIA, LIVIA, HALL, 2010; MOITA LOPES, 2006a, 2006b) addressing the language studies of performative genres (BUTLER, 2006), as well as concepts and problematizations of the transfeminist movement (DUMERASQ, 2014a, 2014b; RAMÍREZ, 2014; BAGAGLI, 2014; LUPPI, 2019). The composition of meanings was made according to Ely, Vinz, Downing and Anzul (2005), with the research participant, focusing on the tensions between her conceptions and mine, as researcher and participant, in the three-dimensional space of narrative inquiry. I used as search tools: photos, Whatsapp messages, field notes and timelines. The results of this research point to the construction of a safe space and the sharing of secret stories of the stories that constitute us, as a cis woman and a trans woman.
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    Neologismos da moda e consumo: inter-relações entre revistas de moda no Instagram e lojas de vestuário
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-05) Barbosa, Pauler Castorino Oliveira; Xavier, Vanessa Regina Duarte;; Xavier, Vanessa Regina Duarte; Paula, Maria Helena de; Souza, Vivian Regina Orsi Galdino de
    Lexicon and fashion are essential elements in human life from birth to death. Based on this, this study aims to discuss the confluence between these two subjects, reflecting on how the ephemerality of the clothing field mainly affects their terminologies, given that every six months or less terms are created, resignified and/or adopted to supply updates in the area. Therefore, our specific objectives are: i) to analyze the neologisms present in the captions of the posts of Harper's Bazaar Brasil magazine, one of the most respected fashion magazines in the world, on the social network Instagram from January 1st to June 30th 2019; ii) to investigate whether these neologisms are used in the main clothing stores in the city of Catalão-Goiás; iii) to discuss whether owners and sellers of partner establishments understand that these neological items attract more customers, leading them to consume the goods designate by them. Our methodological path was divided in two moments, the first in which we selected publications and extracted the neologisms based on the assumptions of Corpus Linguistics, and the second, in which we conducted two (2) interviews with owners and applied six (6) questionnaires with clothing store vendors in the city where the research is based. As theoretical support, we can mention several studies, such as: Biderman (2001a; 2001b), Carvalho (1987; 2000), Cabré (1993; 2002), Orsi and Almeida (2019), among others. The central relevance of this study lies in the fact that it questions whether terminological innovations in the field of fashion are related to the consumption of these outfits.
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    #Brumadinho, a tragédia: uma análise de avaliatividade segundo o subsistema de atitude
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-25) Prefeito, Fernanda Gurgel; Almeida, Fabíola Aparecida Sartin Dutra Parreira;;; Novodvorski, Ariel; Gonçalves, Sheila de Carvalho Pereira; Almeida, Fabíola Aparecida Sartin Dutra Parreira
    This research is part of the Postgraduate Program in Language Studies (PPGEL), of the Federal University of Goiás - Regional Catalão (UFG) / Federal University of Catalão (UFCAT). It aims to investigate, by way of lexical-grammatical elements, through the Attitude subsystem within the Evaluative System (HALLIDAY and MARTIN, 2005), how users of the social network Twitter position themselves and express their opinions on the 1st anniversary of the rupture of the dam of Córrego do Feijão mine in Brumadinho - MG. Thus, analyzing the Attitude subsystem in the investigated tweets, this work aims to contribute to the studies in Applied Linguistics, as well as in the Systemic-Functional Linguistics presented by Halliday (1994), which starts from the argument that language is a system of choices and that, by these choices, the interaction of individuals is possible. This theory is divided into three metafunctions of language, namely: ideational, textual, and interpersonal, which are understood and describe the linguistic components of a sentence. In addition to the theory used for this investigation, the computer program WordSmith Tools 7.0 was used to identify and contextualize the lexical-grammatical elements of Attitude present in the corpus. The Assessment System enabled the recognition of the types of Attitude (affection, judgment, and appreciation) about the tragedy that occurred in Brumadinho - MG, in which the participants demonstrate feelings, judgments, and values when mentioning what happened in their timeline. Therefore, in qualitative analysis, it is possible to note that users' tweets evaluate the event by three macro-categories: a) Brumadinho and Vale and their directors; b) Brumadinho and the victims and c) Brumadinho: tragedy or crime? Through the results achieved and the theoretical-methodological references, this study understands the occurrence of negative polarity in the analyzed tweets, in which users expressed their opinions. Most of the type of impact reaction was found through the Evaluation System compared to the other subtypes.
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    Gêneros discursivos e estrangeirismos lexicais: uma proposta didática elaborada a partir da análise das atividades de um livro didático para a educação de jovens e adultos
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-24) Silva, Patrícia Maria da; Dias, Anair Valênia Martins;; Dias, Anair Valênia Martins; Xavier, Vanessa Regina Duarte; Alvarez, Maria Luisa Ortiz
    Foreignisms are a means of frequent and productive expansion in the language. In the context of English Language teaching for youth and adult education, EJA, foreignisms, especially anglicisms are studied in order to verify the marked presence of English in the Portuguese country. Based on these considerations, this research aims to contribute to the improvement of the activities on foreignness proposed in an EJA textbook, aiming to highlight the importance of lexicon studies as a component of textuality. To this end, we raise how the official documents for the English Language teaching of EJA high school approach the studies of foreignness. After verifying that, in these documents, the studies of grammar and lexicon should be centered on the text, we collect and analyze the exercises in which foreignness appears linked to discursive genres. Our analysis focused on the: "Languages and cultures: language and codes: high school: youth and adult education" (ALMEIDA, 2013), currently used in English language classes. So, we reflect on how the activities exploit the foreignness, seeking support in the theoretical assumptions of loan neology, looking at the study of the lexicon in the classroom. Among the scholars of the subject, we highlight: Alves (1994), Biderman (2001), Carvalho (2009), Fiorin (2001), Rodrigues (1992), Timbane (2012). Finally, we suggest pedagogical proposals that explore the presence of foreignisms in authentic texts intended for the general public. We consider important in the elaboration of these activities the recent discussions undertaken in the Common National Curriculum Base (BRASIL, 2018), for the teaching of languages based on discursive genres, among them the digital genres present in practical situations of language use in contemporary times.
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    A abordagem da variação e mudança linguísticas no ensino médio: dos documentos oficiais às perspectivas de professores
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-08-07) Alves, Diogo de Campos; Xavier, Vanessa Regina Duarte;; Xavier, Vanessa Regina Duarte; Paula, Maria Helena de; Arruda, Niguelme Cardoso
    Linguistic heterogeneity is an undeniable reality, being an extremely important assumption for a context of democratic and reflective teaching of the Portuguese language (LP). However, it has questioned its approach in the regular LP teaching, due to the historical space of traditional grammar in the school context. In light of this, this master´s dissertation had the purpose of analyzing and problematizing the space of the linguistic variation and change approach, referred as socio-historical aspects of the language, in the high school of public colleges in Catalão-GO. For this purpose, it was carried out the analyses of three corpora: (i) official teaching documents, namely LDB (BRASIL, 1996), PCNEM (BRASIL, 2000), BNCC (BRASIL, 2017) and the Currículo Referência de Educação do Estado de Goiás (GOIÁS, 2012); (ii) two textbooks collections approved by PNLD (BRASIL, 2018) and used by the participants of this research; and (iii) qualitative questionnaire, with thirteen questions, applied to six public school teachers in the city of Catalão-GO. Supported on the discussions of Educational Sociolinguistics (BORTONI-RICARDO, 2004; 2005) and the pedagogy of linguistic variation (FARACO, 2008), we seek to debate the importance of addressing the socio-historical aspects in the corpora mentioned and the barriers identified in them. The starting point of the analyzes undertaken was the conception of language present in each corpus under analysis, based on the course of linguistic and grammatical studies, according on different theorists, such as Martellota (2015), Soares (2002; 1998), Ilari (2009; 2011), among others. The results show that the linguistic variation approach is more present in the corpora, in relation to the linguistic change, which, in most cases, proved to be inexpressive. Nevertheless, the sociolinguistic processes do not assume a significant dimension, receiving a concise and undistinguished treatment both in official documents, exception to the BNCC and PCN+, in the textbooks and in the perception of participating teachers. As a result, it is deemed necessary to expand and improve the space of socio-historical aspects in the teaching of LP, empowering the professor to deal with the linguistic and social heterogeneity present in the classroom.
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    A representação do outro na tradução intersemiótica da novela História da sua vida ao filme A chegada
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-09-15) Silva, Gabriela Spinola; Silva, Alexander Meireles da;; Silva, Alexander Meireles da; Carneiro, Fabianna Simão Bellizzi; Costa, Daniel Padilha Pacheco da
    Today, five out of the world's top 10 highest (unadjusted) grossing pictures are either based on a novel or a comic book. Given the remarkable cultural relevance intersemiotic translations (as defined by Jakobson, 1974; plaza, 2003; and Diniz, 1998, the transposition of something from one semiotic system to another) have, this work intends to deliver a comparative analysis between two works: the novella Story of your life, by Ted Chiang, and the picture Arrival (2016), directed by Denis Villeneuve. The present research regards the particular elements presented in each of the narratives (both the literary and the cinematic one), as it gives a critical eye to the representation of Otherness in both the film and the short story.
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    O demônio da sexualidade: perversão, desvio e medicalização em Eudemônia e A volúpia do pecado, de Cassandra Rios
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-05-20) Silva, Andressa dos Santos Xavier; Borges, Luciana;; Borges, Luciana; Carneiro, Fabianna Simão Bellizzi; Leite, Suely
    El presente trabajo propone el estudio de dos novelas de Cassandra Rios, A volúpia do pecado (1948), y Eudemônia (1952), en los que se pretende analizar la representación de mujeres lesbianas, buscando observar aspectos constituyentes de las dos novelas, como las relaciones de imposición patriarcal, el discurso médico que propagaba la homosexualidad como una enfermedad que podría ser sanada, las violencias patriarcales como la sumisión al matrimonio, la imposición de la maternidad. Observamos también cuales son los desarrollos de las relaciones amorosas y sexuales entre los personajes en ambas obras. Consideramos una línea de tiempo que muestra las condiciones para la escrita de las mujeres, analizando los problemas afrontados por varias autoras para publicar sus libros, teniendo en cuenta la manera como el sistema literario brasileño aún privilegia la producción literaria masculina. Para llevar a cabo tal análisis buscamos apoyo en los estudios de Castro Azevedo (2007), Bailey (1999), Duarte (1997), Piovezan (2005), Butler (2005), entre otras, tendo en vista la necessidad de revisitar la producción literaria de Cassandra Rios críticamente.
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    A constituição identitária do sujeito dialógico na trilogia divergente de Veronica Roth
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-08-31) Ferreira, Cairo Joseph dos Santos; Stafuzza, Grenissa Bonvino;; Stafuzza, Grenissa Bonvino; Vieira, Evelyn Cristine; Américo, Ekaterina Volkova
    The present study aims to reflect on the identity construction of the dialogical subject Beatrice Prior, known as Tris, in the series Divergente, by Veronica Roth. Thus, in keeping with the proposed theme and purpose, the corpus consists of utterances chosen from the novels: Divergent – one choice can transform you (2012); Insurgent – one choice can destroy you (2013); and, Allegiant - one choice will define you (2014). The research is motivated in three areas: the academic, due to the fact that it examines the dialogicity of the utterance in the functioning of the novelistic language; the philosophical, for understanding that the sphere of the philosophy of language, in particular, guarantees a better and greater understanding as to the constitutive function of the word, of the language and of the speech in the multiple forms of discourse, here, the novel; and, the social, directed to Brazilian Basic Education, for favoring the engagement of children and adolescents in the universe of reading literary works, as well as in the construction of critical, reflective and autonomous readers about their own formation as a social subject. The study is also theoretically based on the theoretical conceptions of Bakhtin and the Circle, especially in the works: Marxism and philosophy of language: fundamental problems of the sociological method in the science of language (2017), by Volóchinov; Theory of the novel I: the stylistic (2015), by Bakhtin; Notes on literature, culture and humanities (2017a), by Bakhtin; The genres of discourse (2016), by Bakhtin; Utterance structure (s/a), by Voloshinov; Freudism: a critical sketch (2017b), by Bakhtin; Towards a philosophy of responsible action (2017c), by Bakhtin; among others. The research presents methodologically on the tripod of description-analysis-interpretation of utterances, through collation, and has a dialectical-dialogical approach, because from a socioideological perspective, it relates the utterance with the socio-cultural experience, the architectural foundation of a project to say subjects, set in peculiar chronotopes, mainly constituted by dialogical relations. In this sense, this study hypothesizes that the identity of Beatrice (Tris) is socially formed by the discursive interaction with the other characters, because it is a dialogic subject constructed in and by the language of the novels.
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    Arquegenealogia bajubeira: uma análise de práticas de poder e resistência
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-04-01) Camarano, Pedro Anácio; Franceschini, Bruno;; Franceschini, Bruno; Fernandes Júnior, Antônio; Araújo, Cristina Batista de
    Submerged within the Discourse Analysis (AD) of French line, this dissertation, whose research uses qualitative and theoretical-descriptive-analytical methodology, deals with the understanding of bajubá as resistance to the heterocisnormative device from the works of Michel Foucault. Based on the questioning of the philosopher “who are we today?”, In The subject and the power (1995), this study concerns the contemporary subject, more precisely the bajubeiro subject. Considering Foucault's commitment to attesting that the exercise of power is not dissociated from the practices of resistance, this work aims to demonstrate this functioning from the counter-conduct of some Education professionals. It is also a question of certifying this same functioning through escape practices, seeking to understand how the subjects are subjectified in order to perform paradigmatic identities and how the bajubeiro subject, considered abject within this system, resists through the bajubá. Therefore, this production analyzes the power games referring to the expressions and roles of sex / gender in the current Brazilian society, having as a corpus a great discursive event, the proof of the ENEM 2018, in which a question about the bajubá discursive object emerges, enabling the establishment of an associated field, functioning as a possibility condition so that this question could appear in the exam. For that, in an archegenealogical and cartographic endeavor, a theoretical-methodological instrument of Discourse Analysis is used to think about the processes of subjectification related to sexuality issues as a result of a socio-historical discursive construction. The results obtained point out that resistance to heterocysnormativity occurs through permanent confrontations, and not through the search for absolute freedom, since, in Foucault's perspective, this is not possible to accomplish. As the bajubá is a powerful technique of subjectivation, this confrontation takes place by combating essentialist gender thinking and heterocysnormativity, either through counter-conducts or through a “self-care” technique; that is, the bajubeiro subject performs subversive identities, experimenting with other modes of conduct, in a work of himself on himself, in a process of fighting against subjectivities developed from the conception that physiological factors determine sexuality in all its dimensions.
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    Protagonistas de narrativas juvenis contemporâneas: de mãos dadas com o jovem leitor
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-02-27) Santos, Dayse Rodrigues dos; Carrijo, Silvana Augusta Barbosa;; Carrijo, Silvana Augusta Barbosa; Carneiro, Fabianna Simão Bellizzi; Ferreira, Eliane Aparecida Galvão Ribeiro
    The reflection on the representation of identity in the feminine authored youth literature raises questions about the elements that constitute it, including the situations that may bother the reader. The books that make up the corpus of this research are authored by the award-winning writer Heloisa Prieto, Lenora (2008) and Ian – a música das esferas (2015), published by Rocco - Young Readers, in the series “To Die in Fear”. In these narratives, she thematizes the supernatural power of music, its influence, and the bond that unites the lives of the two homonymous characters, as well as that of the protagonist of the second book. The choice of these books is justified because they constitute a series not yet analyzed together, both shadowy youth novels of female authorship, in which there is an evident search for identity. In this sense, the debate on the concepts of Identity and youth will be held mainly by theoretical framework of Contardo Calligaris (2000), Zygmunt Bauman (2005) and Stuart Hall (2014). The theoretical references on youth literature and literature in a broad sense are centered on João L. Ceccantini (2000) and Maria Zaira Turchi (2002) and Antonio Candido (2011), among others that may endorse this research. Among the final results, there is a dialogue with the potential young reader as it addresses identity and overcoming in a respectful way to the target audience's psyche.
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    Estudo da variação diatópica em dicionários escolares de tipo 4 e das marcas de uso do Estado de Goiás no Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa Evanildo Bechara
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-02-17) Souza, Khézia Cristina de; Gonçalves, Sheila de Carvalho Pereira;; Gonçalves, Sheila de Carvalho Pereira; Costa, Lucimara Alves da Conceição; Siqueira, Kênia Mara de Freitas
    The diatopic variation is a subject that must be contemplated in school dictionaries type 4. In view of that, our general goal is to perform a study comparing the lexicographic criteria used for registering the diatopic variation in school dictionaries type 4 and a survey of the diatopic marks from Goiás in Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa Evanildo Bechara; Dicionário Unesp do Português Contemporâneo; Novíssimo Aulete Dicionário Contemporâneo da Língua Portuguesa; Dicionário Houaiss Conciso. The methodology we used was to catalogue the collections of dictionaries type 4 for a compared study about lexicographic criteria on diatopic variation. Then, we selected the Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa Evanildo Bechara to collect the entries with diatopic marks with the purpose of checking how the record of these marks is done. After that, we did a survey of entries that registered, especially, marks from Goiás for, then, write our comparisons with the Projeto Atlas Linguístico do Brasil e, finally, discuss the contributions from ALiB for making dictionaries. Our results show that de state of Goiás had 16 diatopic marks over the Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa Evanildo Bechara and still none of these entries was found in ALiB project as a mark from Goiás.
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    O subsistema de atitude no discurso de cinco professoras de letras que atuam fora da área específica de formação em Catalão - GO
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-02-18) Gomes, Ingride Chagas; Almeida, Fabíola Aparecida Sartin Dutra Parreira;; Almeida, Fabiola Aparecida Sartin Dutra Parreira; Bengezen, Viviane Cabral; Silva, Edna Cristina Muniz da
    This work has the main objective of investigating the discourse of teachers of basic education in Catalão-GO, who teach subjects that are not of their specific training. To do so, I use the Appraisal System as a theoretical basis, which falls within the scope of Systemic-Functional Linguistics. The aim was to find out how the teacher who works outside the area of his education sees himself within this social context where he works, identifying and analyzing the lexical-grammatical elements used by the participants when analyzing their teaching practice. The corpus used was extracted from semi-structured interviews conducted with five teachers graduated in Literature and who teach other subjects besides the Portuguese / English Language and work in the municipal education system in the city of Catalão-GO. These interviews were recorded and transcribed. Then, the corpus was submitted to the computational tool WordSmith Tools 4.0, which was used to assist in the quantitative analysis for the categorization of the data collected. This research is directed from Applied Linguistics, from Functional Systemic Linguistics and, more specifically, from the Appraisal System proposed by Martin and White (2005). This System is subdivided into three types: attitude, engagement and gradation. Of these three, our qualitative analyzes are based on the Attitude Subsystem that expresses the evaluations of affection, judgment and appreciation. The theoretical framework is based on the studies of Halliday (1994) and Martin and White (2005), who are the researchers who disseminated the Systemic-Functional theory and the Appraisal System. This system has the function of systematizing, describing and analyzing evaluation in language, a factor that led us to choose the Appraisal System to be the basis of our analyzes. I also based myself on the postulates of Almeida (2010), Vian Jr. (2010) and Fuzer and Cabral (2014), which are references regarding the spread of research developed within the scope of the LSF and the Appraisal System in Brazil. The results showed that there is a large amount of self-assessments of affection and judgment, evaluations that indicated the discomfort felt by these teachers when working outside their specific area of training. In addition, the participants also provide assessments of appreciation of classes, disciplines and the management team. It was possible to note that the conduct and analysis of the interviews with these teachers promote a critical reflection on this reality in the educational context, that is, that of teachers deviated from their specific training. I hope that this research will contribute to future works developed in the area of Applied Linguistics and Functional Systemic Linguistics.
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    O volume da ausência: sujeito, diálogo e morte em João Anzanello Carrascoza
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-01-27) Oliveira, Bruno; Stafuzza, Grenissa Bonvino;; Stafuzza, Grenissa Bonvino; Fernandes Júnior, Antonio; Américo, Ekaterina Volkova
    João Anzanello Carrascoza is a writer who specialized in national and international scope. His writings bring real depth and sensitivity to life and human relationships. Loss, absence, and death find their place in many of his writings, but because they are little discussed in everyday life. In Trilogia do Adeus, chosen work for analysis, death and absence are the nodal subjects. The trilogy is formed by the works Caderno de um ausente, Menina escrevendo com Pai, and A pele da terra. To investigate these three works we base ourselves on the theoretical postulates of the Bakhtin, Volochinov and Medvedev Circle in order to show how the protagonist subjects are constituted in relation to death. We look at the works of the Circle, theoretical foundations that help us in understanding the way the systems are constituted. We aim to understand how the construction of subjects in and through dialogues about death act in the constitution of subjects. For this, we verified, through bibliographical revisions, the operation of the concepts of gender, subject, dialogue, chronotopy, and exotopia. Our method of research is dialogic and follows the methodological tripod describing, analyzing and interpreting. The research led us to understand how narratives and subjects are constituted in the clash established between presence and absence. This clash is the guiding thread of the three narratives, appearing with their particularities in each.
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    A constituição do sujeito bandido Juliano Vp em Abusado: o dono do morro Dona Marta, de Caco Barcellos
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-09-17) Silva, Martha Tereza Santos; Assunção, Karina Luiza de Freitas;; Assunção, Karina Luiza de Freitas; Fernandes Júnior, Antônio; França, Thyago Madeira
    By considering the countless possibilities of researches and approaches in the area of Language Studies, we use as theoretical support the French Discourse Analysis, more specifically in the Michel Foucault’s theoretical contributions, who was not a discourse analyst but presents discussions about power, subject and truth, that will be fundamental to analyze the constitution of the thug subject in the journalist Caco Barcellos’ report book, Abusado: o dono do Morro Dona Marta (2004). Abusado (BARCELLOS, 2004) tells the Juliano’s history VP, codenamed by Rio's drug dealer Márcio Amaro de Oliveira, Marcinho VP, who for a few years continued to lead drug trafficking at Dona Marta Hill in Rio de Janeiro. In addition to the modus operandi of Juliano's gang, the author describes in detail his object, as a (social) body, detainee, slum, chief and the other discursive spaces that integrate it. We aim to analyze the constitution of the subjectivity of the discursive subject Juliano VP, and to further understand how power relations are instituted in the book and corroborate their constitution as a subject. Juliano VP's position evades the bandit discursive subject patterns, in this sense, our corpus represents a discontinuity of the existing discourses about the criminal subject, breaking with the historically instituted common sense discourse. This is a paper in which we propose an archaeogenealogical analysis, based on the various statements that intersect and explain a regularity in its operation. In our analysis, we could observe, among other aspects, that the constitution of subject positions in these statements occurs not only from a social memory motivated by the construction of truths, but also by power devices that subjectify and qualify the subjects in the book. In addition, we observe the deconstruction of meanings already appropriate to the bad guys, and explain others that emerge in his speech.
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    O erotismo desentranhado da voz feminina: a transgressão do silêncio em muito prazer e o prazer é todo meu
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-08-26) Soares, Michelle Gomes; Borges, Luciana;; Borges, Luciana; David, Nismária Alves; Carneiro, Fabianna Simão Bellizzi
    The struggle of women for an egalitarian space in society is constant. The standards and norms by which we are governed still determine the behavior and position of women in the environment in which they operate and consequently contribute to the resistance of prejudice. In the literature, the situation is no different, especially if we are dealing with themes that until today are considered as male subjects. Eroticism is a theme that still involves many taboos and uncertainties, generating a prejudgment around the texts that surround it. The difficulties encountered in approaching erotic texts become greater when women produce these. It was in the perception of the scarcity of publication and dissemination of erotic texts of female authorship that arose the interest in studying the anthologies organized by Marcia Denser: Pleasure (1980) and Pleasure is all mine (1984) that bring together erotic tales of renowned authors and who wrote in a socio-cultural context marked by patriarchalism. In the anthologies, we find the eroticism represented by different perspectives, pointing to the multiplicity of possibilities in the approach of the erotic produced and represented by women. We have women, who through the erotic literature of female authorship, gained voice and began to contest the place of women in the "world" and "bed". This research analyzes tales of these collections and establishes an intertextual dialogue between the works and their immediate historical and social context. The theoretical foundation will be based on the conceptions of: Guacira Louro (1997), Georges Bataille (1987), Michel Foucault (1994), and Octávio Paz (1994) among others.
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    A relativização do absoluto: o enunciado como unidade real da comunicação verbal no discurso jurídico-judicial pelo prisma do Círculo de Bakhtin
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-07-09) Abrão, Luciano Rogério do Espírito Santo; Stafuzza, Grenissa Bonvino;; Stafuzza, Grenissa Bonvino; França, Thyago Madeira; Vieira, Evelyn Cristine
    It is a Dissertation that files the main reflections of a research whose corpus covers the production conditions of the multiple discursive materialities originated from the legal-judicial discourse analysis, in particular on the relativization of the legal prohibition of the university professor salary garnishment through judicial decisions of the Goiás’ state Judiciary Power: one in the first instance (Judge of Law), at the Public Prosecutor's Office request, in a Execution process of the debt contracted to the Municipal Executive Power; the other in two appeals filed before the Goiás’s State Justice Court, in the frustrated attempt to cancel the illegitimate garnishment of 30% (thirty percent) of the salary perceived by the aforementioned federal public education professor to satisfy debts that had no nature of human rights protection argument that in order to adopt judicial measures there was no coherence between the legal-judicial discourse and the production / interpretation / application of the Normative Texts statements that regulate the subject, especially on the fact that the law , at the time, ensure the absolute garnishment of wages and the counterparts. Other decisions were also part of the materialities involved in the discursive event that is this research object, due to the need for a broader approach to legal-judicial discourse in the proposed terms. For this, the Materialist Dialectic method was used under the privileged focus of the Bakhtin Circle's Dialogical view, which, although it did not specifically, on the discursive production examination in the juridical arena, offers, by means of his Philosophical-scientific contributions to the language studies, in particular by the concepts of: concrete utterances and ideological sign (by us appropriated as categories of analysis), the basis for understanding the contradictions underlying the Legal-Judicial Discourse, emphasizing the vicissitudes of an interpretive system in a linguistic community, whose conclusions directly impact property, freedom and the life of the people, as well as its reflections in the juridical arena, especially in the scope of human rights, revealing, as a background, the legal ideologies involved in such dialectical / dialogical process.