Discurso e atuação das instituições públicas no debate sobre a questão ambiental em Catalão(GO)
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The research developed at the Graduate Program Stricto Sense in Geography, Federal University of Goiás / GO-Campus Catalão, is an analogy in three public institutions of Catalão: City Hall, prosecutors and UFG and their roles in environmental issues City of Catalão-GO. The research aims to analyze these three institutions from the context of industrial expansion and economic growth that occurred in the last twenty years in the Catalão city, with emphasis on environmental issues inherent in this process. The clash generated by industrial expansion, dictated by the capitalist mode of production, by appropriating the territory, threatening and trampling values, cultures and identity of the population of the place. Obviously this problem extends to the Catalão population living the great dilemma of accepting the new without losing its identity. With the expansion of multinationals and the decentralization of industrialization from the 1980s, Catalão was greatly affected by this expansion, transforming your entire county. In a second stage in the 1990s, the city undergoes significant changes in the field of supply of services, mainly in health, legal and education. These sectors had to act and refer to the terms of techno-scientific and legal questions and to answer questions that arise as a result of the dynamics of city growth, thus characterizing a debate between the discourses perceived by society. The academic discourse, which in addition to a presentation of technical and scientific facts, casually comes accompanied by an environmental discourse of strong political and ideological appeal. The municipal government, on the other hand, prepares a speech with a strong progressive argument, in which economic development / industrial conservation overlaps the models suggested by the existing norms. The prosecutor, in turn, will prepare a set speech mediating these conflicts, indicative of a supposed neutrality since it is based on legal,arguments. The methodology applied, a predominantly qualitative research study and how to support this discussion, will be supported by a theoretical and institutional information. Parallel to this theoretical support, we carried out a fieldwork directed public institutions placed as the object of research. This phase uses as a methodological procedure a research study both qualitative and quantitative. Interviews were conducted structured and semi-structured, directed at characters who have played an important role in the unfolding of issues related to environmental issues in Catalan. And then these interviews and these data will be: organized, checked and analyzed so that they can support or demystify certain assumptions about the industrial growth / economic development in the municipality and that have been raised by the,research project. An analysis of each segment will give us many opportunities to read the problem. Thus, you can check the legality and consistency of each argument. To investigate the role of these institutions is important because it is through the understanding of their role will be possible to realize that political logic, legal and scientific this process of growth of the city of Catalão happens. And so, develop actions to mitigate the impacts that will be caused The deepening the discussion on the role of institutions in these conflicts makes it essential, in that the process of aggression in a wide region in the industrialization process becomes so fast that sometimes there is no time for a technical and systematic survey of the phenomenon of aggression. Given this, the debates function as engine pressure for institutional actions are taken to occur even before the real inpact.
Catalão-GO, Indústria, Instituições Públicas, Meio Ambiente, Catalão-GO, Industry, Public Institutions, environment
DUARTE, Edson Jose. Speeches and actions of public institutions in the debate on the environmental question in Catalão (GO). 2012. 96 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2012.