Mestrado em Geografia
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Item Noções espaciais e brincadeiras como mediação da aprendizagem na educação infantil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-07-26) Naves, Laila Maria de Sousa; Costa , Carmem Lúcia;;; Costa, Carmem Lúcia; Silva, Janaina Cassiano; Mendes, Estevane de Paula PontesThe space is the stage for the children's achievements and experiences; these, in turn, develop from the games, drawings, which they carry out with their peers in their daily lives. Based on their exploratory experiences, teachers can teach children about geographical notions, who are protagonists and have a voice in the teaching and learning process. In addition to looking at authors such as Callai, (1988) Castrogiovani (2006), who provided the basis for the construction of the study, readings were carried out on the theme of games and drawings as drivers of the mediation of the first spatial notions in Early Childhood Education. In this sense, it stands out: Arce (2013); Castelar (2000); Fani (2007); Leontiev (2004); Oliveira, (1996); and Vygotsky (2007). The specific objectives were answered during the analyzes carried out by scholars such as Castellar, Callai, and also throughout the readings carried out in the documents, because it was necessary to mediate the main activity such as understanding the development of play and encouraging children to listen carefully to the acquisition of knowledge. It was listed that through the readings of the theoretical references mentioned here, it was noticed that through the play of social roles and knowledge of one's own body, socialization with the other and the environment, they are instruments for the construction of space and are essential for the construction of this work. It was evident that the research method exposed here is the cultural history, as the social, economic and cultural interaction interferes in the child's development, as well as in the expansion of geographical notions. The methodology of this study permeates qualitative research, as a theoretical research was carried out by the authors mentioned above. To support the theory, a documentary research was carried out and concluded that it is necessary to update the Pedagogical Political Project of the Public School, since the Private College document was updated in 2020. It is concluded that there is an urgent need to involve games and drawings as knowledge of the first spatial notions for children in Early Childhood Education. In the documents and in the Political Pedagogical Project, first they point out more to games as the integral development of the child and do not clearly report on the spatial notions that are closely related, as it is necessary to add the main activities and explore the spatial notions, the laterality , and, later, design notions.Item Caminho das águas quentes: mapa pictórico da cidade de Caldas Novas (GO)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-07-21) Santos, Sthephany Alves dos; Lima, João Donizete;;; Lima, João Donizete; Rosa, Odelfa; Santos, Jean Carlos VieiraThe main intention of this project is to provide tourists a more laid back way to locate themselves in the urban space of the city of Caldas Novas (GO). There was research done to find out if the city as a touristic monopoly had this kind of artifice, and it was concluded that it doesn’t, thus the development of this project. For that reason the pictorial map was elaborated by the author and drawn by the cartoonist Leandro Rodrigues Faria, who developed the project based on what was previously planned. Therefore it was necessary to analyze and clarify what a pictorial map is, what it’s for, and the historical importance of thematic maps, in addition of demonstrating the importance of maps to people who don’t know the city that they are visiting, in this case Caldas Novas (GO). Because the layout of the city of Caldas Novas (GO) is very extensive and heterogenous, it was necessary to make a selection of the places that’d be cartooned. The places, once chosen, were the clubs and the most visited places by tourists in the area with the highest flux of visitors in the urban extent. The project also has a brief historical update of the city and modern pictures, that being so, making the constant modifications that the city encounters continuously, public. Lastly, approaching the finalization of the touristic pictorial map of the city of Caldas Novas (GO) that was developed.Item Diagnóstico geoambiental da microbacia do córrego Água Quente no município de Rio Quente (GO)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-04-16) REIS, Joel Cândido; Costa, Rildo Aparecido;; Costa, Rildo Aparecido; Mendes, Paulo Cézar; Orlando, Paulo Henrique KingmaThe hydrographic basins must be seen as an integrated system, where it can be analyzed from the water cycle, fauna, flora to the interference of man. In this sense, studying them can be a tool for human and environmental analysis. You should not attach importance of a watercourse just to its size. This dissertation brings into analysis the Água Quente Microbasin. Although its small size in volume, and in area, it brings with it an economic and social environmental relationship. Located in the municipality of Rio Quente-Go, its waters are the center of local tourism. In turn, thermal tourism is the main economic base. Tourism that possible herons to its own environmental characteristics, in particular outcropping of the thermal waters. The Geothermal gradient Responsible for thermal waters results from geology and morphology. From the source to the mouth, man enjoys the soil and water in specific ways, tourism and urban abstraction in the high course, real estate speculation, and livestock in the medium and low course. Arguably the various forms of use have an important environmental impact.Item A diversidade do trabalho por conta própria no Brasil: precarização e autonomia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-03-11) Santos, Jean Silveira dos; Stacciarini, José Henrique Rodrigues;; Stacciarini, José Henrique Rodrigues; Silva, Magda Valéria da; Avelar, Gilmar Alves deThe objective of this master's research is to understand the diversity of self-employment in Brazil, above all, due to the precariousness and autonomy aspect. Its specific objectives are to understand the reasons that lead to the need for self-employment in Brazil; analyze how these informal works are developed and organized; investigate under what social context workers are inserted in these activities and understand which political strategies are considered to combat precarious and atypical jobs. It is known that the productive restructuring of capitalism significantly impacted the Brazilian labor market in the 1980s and, since then, the growth of the so-called informal sector has been noted along with the precariousness of formal work. In this sense, many workers excluded from the formal sector perceived, in informality, a possibility of support and autonomy. Based on this logic, self-employment is presented as an alternative, it is perceived as a territorial expression and part of urban daily life, where many workers seek to meet their needs and goals. The present geographic research is of a qualitative nature and is characterized by a bibliographic review in different areas of knowledge, by authors and authors from the “world of work”. This time, some questions are fundamental for the construction of the dissertation chapters, namely: what personal reasons and structural reasons drive the need for self-employment, in the reality of the Brazilian working class? How is the organization of the different works on its own account, from a strategic point of view? In what context are these workers inserted, considering the absence of protective labor laws and what are the policies that seek to face possible and relative social fragility? Seeking to answer these questions, the master's thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter presents a discussion on the reality of unemployment and low wages as aspects that compel or motivate workers to work on their own; the second chapter talks about how these works are carried out and organized, highlighting the possibility of a relatively low investment, the use of Information and Communication Technology in individualized work and family work; the third chapter concerns the vulnerability of work and self-employed workers, in addition to analyzing some policies to combat precarious work and promote work that is said to be decent from the perspective of the United Nations.Item A modernização do território e as estratégias de reprodução social camponesa na comunidade Ribeirão em Catalão (GO)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-07-04) Rosa, Marcelo do Nascimento; Stacciarini, José Henrique Rodrigues;; Stacciarini, José Henrique Rodrigues; Mendonça, Marcelo Rodrigues; Avelar, Gilmar Alves deThe objective of our analytical effort in this research focuses on understanding the strategies of social reproduction built by peasants in their living space, existence, in short, their way of being and living in the countryside. That is the question that guides the present research, which geographical cut-out is the Ribeirão Community, in the Municipality of Catalão (GO), both are (re)built daily in a network of internal and external relations to the unit of production and, above all, the symbiotic combination they establish between land, work and family. The strategies developed by the peasants and their families presuppose the control of a fraction of the territory, therefore, making the space that is occupied by the peasants a peasant fraction of the territory. The existence of peasants who experiment, in a practical way, actions to promote their permanence on the land highlights the different forms of land use. In other words, the process of peasant reproduction does not presuppose geographical contiguity, but an arrangement made of mosaic, in which both forms of production in the countryside are combined. Since they are carriers of different logics, the way they both organize space is also disheartening, which does not require much effort to find out when they are to be identified. And peasant territorial ordering is assured first and foremost by autonomy with the material and social conditions of reproduction. The research was developed methodologically following the steps, built concomitantly: a) theoretical research; b) documentary research; c) field research, in order to better understand the given objectives. The importance of research, within the scope of Geography, is that it aims to satisfy the need for understanding the strategies of peasant reproduction, from the process of modernization of agriculture that occurs in Goiás territory in the recent decades. The different elements that set up reality are constantly being built and reconstructed in different times and geographical spaces, making new territories and territorialities, contributing to the permanence of already constituted territories, enabling the reterritorialization of subjects. This, for Geography and for geographers, constitutes an important challenge on understanding the complex and contradictory reality in which spaces, territories, regions, places, landscapes and the subjects that act in them are constantly modified.Item Resíduos sólidos urbanos: o gerenciamento em Cumari (GO)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-06-25) Silva, Siza Bete da; Lima, João Donizete;; Lima, João Donizete; Lima, Samuel do Carmo; Ferreira, Idelvone MendesThe issue of solid waste generated in urban areas is nowadays one of the main topics for discussion in all media, especially in the setting of municipal administrations. Most municipalities do not have a management model and management of solid waste and therefore the management is carried out without any planning through routine operations. Thus this research aims to understand the management of solid waste in Cumari (GO), the production, packaging, collection, transportation, treatment and final disposal in the period 2011 to 2012. The proposal is to observe reality, provide the local government authorities for the preparation of a Management Plan for Solid Waste. The research was developed from a theoretical base guided by authors like: Lima (2004), D'Almeida et al. (2000), Berrios (2003), Monteiro et al. (2001) Philippi Jr. et al. (2005) and Rodrigues (1998). To accompany this work was chosen using the method of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews and also through direct observation and site visits The actions to be undertaken by public action should consider improving the working conditions of employees of the public cleaning, collection and recycling, the creation of an association of collectors, the intermunicipal consortium for final disposal or implementation of the landfill, seeking to involve the whole society through environmental education programs and solid waste management.Item Território e mídia: cannabis na imprensa digital(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-10) Souza, Randolpho Natil de; Mendes, Estevane de Paula Pontes;; Silva, Ronaldo da; Fernandes Junior, Antônio; Mendes, Estevane de Paula PontesThis research seeks to theorize about the relationship cannabis x man, deepening in this world of divergence of opinions and foundations presented in scientific works and especially in the news published in digital media G1 Notícias and Carta Capital. The methodological theoretical effort undertaken here concerns the application of discourse analysis described by Foucault, along with the development of the discussion about territory, by authors such as Raffestin and Haesbaert. The proposal is to reflect on the formation of public opinion in relation to Cannabis from the news conveyed in the aforementioned digital media and also to understand the territorial arrangements created according to the needs of each historical moment. Therefore, we enter the social trajectory of cannabis, taking a historical perspective of the use, interest and its prohibition in the world, we go through the concepts of territory, media and discourse and start to analyze the recurrent medicinal and criminal statements in the media. G1 Notícias e Carta Capital. Understanding “media” for all media of information diffusion that constitutes an intermediate means of expression capable of transmitting messages and as a set of mass media, such as cinema, the press, communication satellites, electronic media and other media. / the telematics and recalling some periods of history, such as the Military Dictatorship, it became evident the role played by the media with regard to social control, which was / is more than a disseminator of information, being considered an opinion maker, Since newspapers and magazines are responsible for the production and circulation of informative content and their function is not only the social communication, but also to disseminate positions of subjects and influence the construction of the senses, acting as a private apparatus influenced and controlled by institutions and institutions. ruling classes. In view of the study, it became possible to infer the importance of studying the media with regard to social control to understand the environment internally and externally as competences of the geographer, as this is a dialectical movement that includes production, circulation and consumption. / decoding of news and facts. Finally, it can be concluded that Brazil is not prepared for the ban, since the number of people (young) incarcerated and killed in this process is alarming, and it can be seen that the war on drugs has failed worldwide, already that illegality allows the emergence of a trafficker's monopoly and this results in territorial conflicts in which organized crime articulates the control of the territory, the flow of drugs and, consequently, of consumers.Item Clima urbano: análise do campo higrométrico nos bairros Setor Universitário e Residencial Barka em Catalão (GO)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-05-26) Santos, Marina da Silva; Rodrigues, Rafael de Ávila;; Costa, Rildo Aparecido;; Costa, Rildo Aparecido; Bueno, Edir de Paiva; Mendes, Paulo CézarUrban spaces currently house a large part of human relations where economic, cultural and social activities are carried out and the concentration of large population masses in the same area. Which, in turn, are responsible for energy demand and raw material, resulting in the imbalance of the relationship between man and environment. For this reason, the growing number of studies on the urban climate, the relationship between man and the natural environment, is necessary to understand and solve the problems resulting from this interaction. This research was developed in the city of Catalão (GO), using a sensor with readings on an hourly basis and an automatic station, the data also obtained on an hourly basis. As a general objective, the research proposes to evaluate the climatic conditions in the neighborhoods Residencial Barka and Setor Universitário, using an automatic sensor and an automatic station. The sensor was planned and designed by Professor Dr. Tércio Alberto dos Santos Filho and his team from the Department of Computer Science at the Federal University of Goiás Regional Catalão, in partnership with Professor Dr. Rafael de Ávila Rodrigues. the opportunity to develop this dissertation. WTIM (Wireless Transducer Interface Module, were developed using the XBee PRO S2 radio transceiver module2 manufactured by Digi International) and NCAP (Network Capable Application Processor) to acquire the data, then the information is processed and finally sent to the command central that is installed at UFG / Regional Catalão called the Coordinator, where it is connected to the internet network, which is used to send the data to the site. The process of sending a message requesting the data is made by the Coordinator and the one who sends the information is the Microcontroller, which is installed at UFG-RC campus II. Such procedures are done via radio. The graphs presented data from the sensor on an hourly basis with values for both humidity and temperature, always higher compared to the graphs of the automatic station, moreover, they showed that between the neighborhoods there are differences in both relative air humidity and air temperature, in the days of the research the difference of the maximums between the two places was of 4ºC. In the University Sector the configuration of urban elements (houses, buildings, paving, etc.) is more dense than in Residencial Barka, in relation to land use and occupation.Item A expansão urbana nas cabeceiras do Ribeirão Pirapitinga e suas derivações urbano - ambientais na cidade de Catalão – GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-11-21) Lima, Érica Marinho; Orlando, Paulo Henrique Kingma;; Rodrigues, Rafael de Ávila;; Rodrigues, Rafael de Ávila; Mauro, Cláudio Antônio Di; Koga, Ana Paula Novais PiresThe process of urbanization directly implies the occupation of the relief, which appropriated by man inappropriately, alters the natural dynamic balance and causes environmental impacts. To understand this relationship between society and nature and how it manifests itself in the urban space, we sought to analyze the occupation of topographic compartments over time, in which the study of the drainage headwaters of Ribeirão Pirapitinga, located within an area of urban expansion of the City of Catalão (GO). The objective of this study was to identify the urban density and the types of occupation of the compartments, with the temporal analysis of the vegetation aspects, in order to diagnose the environmental conditions related to the occupation process. The study was based on Tricart's Theory of Ecodynamics (1977), on the evaluation of the impacts of human intervention on the ecosystem, providing the classification regarding the degree of instability. Through a bibliographic survey on the subject, together with field recognition and aerial images, it was possible to obtain data and maps that showed the dynamics of the processes that contributed to the negative impacts, some as the silting of the river channels, the increase of the runoff, alteration in water recharge, deterioration of water quality, among others related to anthropizationItem Avaliação físico-química da qualidade da água pluvial em Catalão (GO)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-05-26) Prado, Leonardo Ferreira; Rodrigues, Rafael de Ávila;; Rodrigues, Rafael de Ávila; Costa, Rildo Aparecido; Mendes, Paulo CezarThrough the population and industrial growth observed in the last decades, there is a need to seek alternative sources to solve the air pollution problems that constantly occur in cities. The work aimed to make a physical-chemical assessment of rainwater in the urban space of Catalão (GO) in order to obtain aspects related to acid rain, to monitor the quality of this water. Acid rain is considered to be one that exhibits pH values below 5.6. The decrease of a pH unit means a tenfold increase in the concentration of the hydrogen ion. In order to assess the quality of the urban environment in the municipality of Catalão-GO, the values of pH, nitrate, nitrite, turbidity and hardness of the rainwater collected in eight neighborhoods of the city, from January / 2018 to December / 2019, were measured. 08 Ville de Paris type rain gauges were installed, where the collection was made at eight points of this pluviometric network. Based on the average pH values analyzed and classified as normal according to the ordinance 2914/2011, the rains in the region did not present any immediate risk of acid, since the mean values of turbidity, nitrate, nitrite and hardness were analyzed in eight points of the city in the period from 01/18/2019 to 11/18/2019 presented in two neighborhoods Pontal Norte and Jardim Catalão values above the maximum allowed for turbidity, nitrate and nitrite according to the current legislation on the quality of water for human consumption and its standard of potability ordinance 2914/2011.Item Diferentes usos das terras: distritos de Catalão, Pires Belo e Santo Antônio do Rio Verde, em Catalão (GO)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-11-06) Costa, Jairison da Paixão e; Orlando, Paulo Henrique Kingma;; Orlando, Paulo Henrique Kingma; Araújo, Rogério Bianchi de; Lima, João DonizeteThe present research in this dissertation is result of observation of growing replacement of typical Cerrado vegetation by pasture and various plantings of exotic cultures in Catalão county. It was made a historical survey searching to understand how Catalão territory has reached its present configuration and what factors make their economic development over the last two centuries. Then, considering the idea of General Systems Theory, was performed the landscape reading aiming understand the historical and environmental factors that facilitated the establishment of land use in Catalão territory currently, as well as which environmental factors contribute to the maintenance of remnant sections of Cerrado within county limits. Through empirical research it was possible to find welldefined land use patterns and that are repeated throughout the county: flat land with extensive agriculture presence; rugged relief lands generally occupied by pasture for cattle breeding and; the remnants of typical Cerrado vegetation was find, as a rule, in environments where the implementation of mechanized agriculture is not favored. Even in sections with native Cerrado remnants, was noticed different degrees of anthropization occasioned usually by cattle breeding in natural and exotic pastures that invade the environments with remaining Cerrado.Item Setor sucroenergético em Goiatuba (GO) e a dinâmica da Associação de Fornecedores de Cana (AFC)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-09-30) Alves, Anna Sarah Soares; Matos, Patrícia Francisca de;; Matos, Patrícia Francisca de; Silva, Juniele Martins; Cleps Júnior, JoãoThe reserch aims to understand the act of capital in Goiatuba territory through changes ocurred in the city as a result of sugar-energy sector arrival and how AFC (Sugarcane Suppliers Association) influenced the socioeconomic dynamic of this process of territorialization. The first station installed in the city was Goiasa in the mid 1990s. In 2006, it was created AFC (Sugarcane Suppliers Association to Bom Sucesso Station). The association was created from the merger of 16 landowners whose main objective was escape from economical monopoly of grains and to have a productive alternative. Therefore, after an approval of Goiatuba municipal power it was done an invitation to Farias group so that they would settle down to a sugar-energy unit in the city. With this, in the year of 2010 it was started in progress Bom Sucesso station. Functioning, both stations installed in Goiatuba’s territory make the city one of the most sugarcane productors in the region. With this, all productive dynamics involving the sugar- energy bring splits that caused concerns subsidizing the development of this research. How had happenned the process of sugarcane in the city? What are the forms of access to land realized by the station? What was the paper of AFC in the plant installation trolleys and the access to land? To answer these questions, the research used the qualitative and quantitative method, in order to realize the interpretation and tabulation of resulting data from theoricals and documentals researches, it has been searched foundation in authors like Bunde (2017), Matos (2011), Mendonça (2004) e Pessôa (2013). It is used to raise, sites that the researcher used as IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), IMB (Mauro Borges Institute), UNICA (Sugarcane Industry Union). After it has proceed to fieldwork in order to concretize the theorical part of the research. Upon the synthesization about informations it was possible to connote territorial transformations and socio-spatial dynamics changes in the city. Another remark realized is about landlords dominant role in the region, where the union of 17 agricultors was responsible for installation of one sugar-energy company in the region. Fact that causes questions launched throughout the research and that will still be future research study. Sugarcane Suppliers Association had an overwheight paper to dynamic of sugar-energy sector in Goiatuba, which is confirmed by researches and realms realized to research consolidation. Where it was possible to connote the articulator paper of Association between Rural businessmen and Station and between the Station and Rural businessmen. Shaping and brokering in contractual forms of land access.Item Uso do solo urbano e apropriação dos espaços públicos: as calçadas da Avenida Dr. Lamartine Pinto de Avelar em Catalão (GO) - 2020(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-09-11) Pinheiro, Ainglys Cândido; Mendes, Estevane de Paula Pontes;; Mendes, Estevane de Paula Pontes; Ferreira, Idelvone Mendes; Araújo, Rogério Bianchi deDue to a mode of economic development based on modern policies under the basis of neoliberalism, the urban population grows more and more. In this movement, the city is (re)structured based on socio-spatial practices that occur in the uses of urban land and reveal different appropriations of spaces. However, the logic of industrialization that prioritizes speed in locomotion, arising from the technical-scientific-informational environment, creates a concept of a modern city, which should streamline the flow of people, goods and information, overlapping space by time. Consequently, the urban space is thought according to this logic. In this scenario, cities are planned to prioritize the flow of cars over pedestrians. Therefore, citizens who do not have motor vehicles for locomotion are marginalized, since car has the priority in the city. So, it is notorious the importance of sidewalks for human promotion in the city, which must ensure safety and comfort for pedestrians. In this atmosphere, we are concerned with the uses and appropriations of public spaces, more specifically the sidewalks, taking Dr. Lamartine Pinto de Avelar Avenue, in the city of Catalão, in Goiás, as the locus of analysis. On these sidewalks, public and private come together, which allows the observation and the debate about the appropriation of these spaces, reflecting the need to restructure the city from the human dimension. To this end, the concept of walkability is used in the text, as it points to the right that citizens have to a more democratic and sustainable space. To understand the uses and appropriations of the public space, we carried out three types of research: bibliographic survey, documentary research and field research, where photographs were taken. We realized that space is far from being a simple neutral support for social activities. The analyzed sidewalks show some situations of appropriation, compromising accessibility and mobility. In these situations, there is a symbolic control of the private sector over public space, which appropriates the sidewalk to transform it into a parking lot for its customers or to exhibit its products. These practices give sidewalks new forms of use, interfering in the city's restructuring movement, which is influenced by the demands of capitalist logic. This reveals the dialectical conflict between local and global, where capitalist interests overlap with local interests and culture. With this, a new format for the uses of public space is imposed, making them increasingly precarious and less attractive to pedestrians. Thus, thinking about the city in a democratic way is to prioritize pedestrians, where sidewalks offer adequate conditions for the appropriate use by people. This research, therefore, arrives from the need to build a democratic urban space, focused on people and biodiversity. This study, however, is a small part of what needs to be problematized, reflected and done. Looking at sidewalks and their uses is to contribute to a greater and more significant transformation of the city.Item Mulheres e política de moradias populares: o caso do Residencial Campo Alegre Módulo Ecológico, no setor Sul da cidade de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-12-06) Beserra, Raphaella Karla Portes; Costa, Carmem Lúcia;; Costa, Carmem Lúcia; Silva, Magda Valéria da; Grisolio, Lilian MartaThe lack of housing for the working class is a historical and structural problem, which has perpetuated itself over the years, the main cause, is the existence of private property, however the State tries to circumvent the problem in an erroneous way, building new units housing when in fact it should strive for empty units to fulfill the social function. This reality is no different in Uberlândia (MG), where since the 1920s, this issue has become latent. The objective of this research is to understand the housing policies practiced by the Brazilian State, having as a case study the Residencial Campo Alegre - Ecological Module, which has the specificity of having been built by women. This achievement is the result of their struggle along a trajectory. In order to seek such an understanding, we carried out a theoretical and historical reference about housing policies in Brazil, as well as the struggle of women taking Soviet women as their starting point, the uprising of the feminist movement, in Europe, in the United States of America and in Brazil . From the articulation of theoretical and empirical research through fieldwork, it was possible to observe that women have not yet emancipated themselves, even with the conquest of numerous rights, including economic ones. Therefore, we understand that a deep social and political transformation is necessary for women to be emancipated, just as the Brazilian State guarantees housing policies that meet the interests of the working class.Item As processadoras de fertilizantes em Catalão (GO): do consumo produtivo do agronegócio à produção do espaço urbano(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-06-24) Santos, Thais Paula Linfonso dos; Silva, Magda Valéria da;; Silva, Ronaldo da; Deus, João Batista de; Silva, Magda Valéria daThe industrialization process in the municipality of Catalão, starts from the 1970s in line with the Goian and national context. The first industries that installed in the municipality werw mining companies, (Metago) in 1968, (Goiasfertil) in 1975 and (Mineração Catalão) in 1976, howevwe, this process has intensified since 1990 with the industrial economic decentralization of state legislation and industrializatin incentives taking to migration of various industries to the Centro-Oeste, is involved in this process that Catalão received several companies from vehicle manufactorers, of harvesters, and their respective subsidiaries. The investments in the verticalization the chemical processing of phosphatesand on the part two (current CopeBras and Mosaic) and the national growth of agricultural production made it possible to attraction of fertilizer industries, mainly post 2002. These are the factors that justify the problem the presente research, to which we seek answers to the following question: What conditions and aspects influenced the attraction of the processing industries of fertilizers in Catalão (GO)?. And that sustain the general objective of this research what is: Understand the factors that induced installation of fertilizer processing industries in Catalão/Goiás, through the organization of productive circuits that articulares the space on multiple scales and with effects on dynamics local urban. The procedures methodological, are based on research theoretical that adresses the importance of the industrial process, of consumption productive agricultural, of the circuits of the economy urban, the role of the processing industries of fertilizers in production and reproduction of urban space in Catalão. The main concepts used are: urban space, industrialization, consumption productive, and the two circuits of the urban economy, sustained by theorists how: Santos (1979), Corrêa (1989), Elias (2003), among others. For documentar research we use data from IBGE (2015, 2018), IMB (2015,2019) and others to analyse the process of urban expansion and economic development. Finally, visits of field that werw based on observation and photographic record of fertilizer industries (without nominal identification) and some commercial establishments linked to the productive consumption of agribusiness. Therefore, per hour, this study it is important to understand better production of space in Catalão, once, that in that same space are distributed some productive segments important for the economy.Item Imigração de “maranhenses” para Caldas Novas (GO): contexto imigratório e crescimento populacional no período 2000-2010(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-10) Cabral, Renato dos Reis Borges; Stacciarini, José Henrique Rodrigues;; Stacciarini, José Henrique Rodrigues; Silva, Ronaldo da; Silva, Juniele MartinsThe research analyzes the phenomenon of immigration occurred in Centro-Oeste Region and its consequences to state of Goiás, especially to Caldas Novas county, as the significant presence of northeastern immigrants, mainly maranhenses, from 2000 to 2010, which resulted among other aspects, in its fast population growth. To sustain the results of the research, it was contextualized occupation process, formation and transformation of the county in face of the exploitation of natural resources – thermal waters – located in the territory, as well as the influences suffered by construction of Brasília and other changes that occurred at the time. The presentation of this historical panorama revealed the facets of the immigratory dynamic of Centro-Oeste Region, Goiás and Caldas Novas, exposing the relationships that integrated natural resources, economy and immigration. The methodology used was theoretical and documental researches. The combination of these strategies made possible the exposure of quantitative data about immigration of maranhenses to Caldas Novas in the period of national economic optimism 2000-2010 and how intra and intermunicipal transformations operated on the maranhense immigrant public. The results obtained revealed that Caldas Novas is a micro and regional highlight in attracting immigrants, mainly those born in state of Maranhão. This configuration directly reflected in the population growth of county, especially in the period after 1980, moment when the city was publicized, internationally, as the capital of thermal waters.Item Relação cidade-curso de água: a canalização do Ribeirão Pirapitinga em Catalão (GO)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-05-26) Alves, Vitor Alfredo de Rezende; Orlando, Paulo Henrique Kingma;; Orlando, Paulo Henrique Kingma; Mauro, Claúdio Antônio de; Lima, João DonizeteThe modern western society has been structured around a fragmentary world view, and that has permeated the spatial practices ever since. This movement has reflections in the relationship between cities and watercourse, producing a way of contradictory appropriation, that demonstrates the idea of nature domination with the adequacy to the dynamic of the city, the canalization of watercourses being the spatial form that express such view. It is the case of Ribeirão Pirapitinga in Catalão (GO), which had 3.323 linear meters channeled within the city. Thus, the aim of this study is to analyze the city-watercourse relationship, from the multiple determinations and consequences of watercourse canalization, emphasizing the Ribeirão Pirapitinga canalization, in Catalão City, as a practical example of this fragmentation process in the society-nature relationship. In the first chapter, aspects related to society-nature relationship will be presented, focusing on the city-watercourse relationship, based on the practice of canalization, with its multiple determinations and consequences. In the second chapter, it will be time to approach the specific study object, that is, the city-watercourse relationship in Catalão (GO). Finally, the third chapter, intends to contemplate proposals for another form of relationship between cities and watercourses.Item Análise da paisagem do distrito de Santo Antônio do Rio Verde, em Catalão (GO)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-12-18) Melo, Mychelle Priscila de; Lima, João Donizete;; Lima, João Donizete; Costa, Rildo Aparecido; Pires, Ana Paula NovaisThe transformation of the Cerrado landscapes has occurred, more intensely, since the 1970’s, due to technological advances and expansionist and internalization government policies in Brazil, giving the Domain an agricultural predisposition through agribusiness. The exploitation of natural resources resulting from the unsustainable use and occupation of land has generated several environmental impacts and part of them, discussed in this research, are in the Santo Antonio do Rio Verde district in Catalão (GO). The current analysis had as methodology the geomorphological studies carried out by Ab'Sáber (1969), to evaluate how the relief and the type of soil, together with the various technologies in machinery and inputs, allowed the vigor of soybean and corn cultivation, especially in this area. Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing techniques were used for the elaboration of geological, geomorphological, pedological, hypsometric, land use, image chart and agricultural suitability maps, as well as documentary, bibliographic research and field visits. Threats to the paths, erosion, siltation of watercourses, loss of biodiversity, water compromise by contamination and supply of central pivots are just some of the numerous problems detected in the District. In addition to agriculture, which predominates almost half of the total area, other land use classes raised are pasture, forestry, urban area, Cerradão/Gallery forest, Cerrado, exposed soil and pivots. The recovery of already degraded areas is urgent, and the conservation/preservation of those still surviving the excessive invasion of agribusiness. The lack of efficient supervision, coupled with unregulated agricultural practices, severely compromises the Cerrado biogeographic system, with consequences on larger scales, requiring proper planning and practices that reverse the real situation.Item Dinâmicas e funções regionais da pequena cidade de Monte Carmelo (MG)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-05-10) Oliveira, Carlos Roberto Machado de; Silva, Magda Valéria da;; Silva , Magda Valéria da; Ramires, Julio Cesar de Lima; Silva , Ronaldo daEl objeto de estudio de esta investigación es la Pequeña Ciudad, cuyo recorte espacial se da para el municipio de Monte Carmelo, que se ubica en la mesorregión del Triángulo Mineiro y Alto Paranaíba del estado de Minas Gerais. Con tal propuesta, el foco temporal es comprendido entre 1950 y 2018, período que se caracteriza por la intensa modernización de los equipamientos urbanos de Monte Carmelo, ampliando cada vez más su influencia en el contexto regional. El objetivo general es comprender la formación espacial, las dinámicas y las funciones que caracterizan a Monte Carmelo, Minas Gerais, como pequeña ciudad, así como destacar las relaciones que marcan su inserción en la red urbana regional. Y los objetivos específicos serán: a) Destacar el proceso de formación espacial de Monte Carmelo, considerando la fragmentación territorial y su perfil socioeconómico; b) Levantar las principales funciones originarias y actuales presentadas por Monte Carmelo en diversas escalas de análisis que caracterizan como una pequeña ciudad; c) Analizar la relación de Monte Carmelo en la red urbana de la Mesorregión del Triángulo Minero y Alto Paranaíba y de la Microrregión de Patrocínio, Minas Gerais. Los procedimientos metodológicos utilizados en la investigación fueron: 1) Investigación bibliográfica en libros, artículos, tesis y disertaciones; 2) Investigación documental con colectas de datos recogidos en el Instituto Brasileño de Geografía y Estadística (IBGE), Instituto de Investigación Económica Aplicada (IPEA), Servicio Brasileño de Apoyo a las Micro y Pequeñas Empresas (SEBRAE), Universidad Federal de Uberlândia (UFU), De acuerdo con lo establecido en la Ley Orgánica del Poder Legislativo, en el marco de la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático, entre otros relevantes a la investigación. 3) Investigación de campo realizada en el área urbana de Monte Carmelo (MG), con el propósito de absorber las informaciones con más precisión, así se necesita ir al campo, vivenciar la realidad y conocer más allá de la teoría. En este sentido, la investigación busca responder cuestionamientos sobre la formación espacial, la dinámica y las funciones de Monte Carmelo, llevándonos a la siguiente hipótesis: Monte Carmelo se confirma de hecho como pequeña ciudad?Item Geoprocessamento aplicado a detecção de risco de incêndios vegetacionais na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Dourados (MG)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-05-25) Silva, Rúbia Cristina da; Lima, João Donizete;; Lima, João Donizete; Ferreira, Idelvone Mendes; Silva, Mirna Karla Amorim daThe existence of vegetation fires is considered a threat to biodiversity conservation. There are an agglomeration of reasons for the occurrence of such a fact, such as: lightning, fires caused by anthropic action, burning for cleaning, among others. The fires concern both scientists and environmentalists and also the whole human society, as it causes a series of consequences, the so-called environmental impacts, where these impacts happen due to the recurrent incidence of vegetation fires in a given region. After the fires, one of the great damages that occur is the loss of vegetation and, in a sequential way, after the loss of the leaves, the soil is exposed and subsequently can result in soil erosion. With erosion there is a load of sediment in the waters during the rainy season, which can lead to the silting up of rivers. These impacts occur in a sequential manner, harming the entire area. The great occurrence of vegetation fires in the BHRD (Rio Dourados Hydrographic Basin - MG) area, has been of great concern to the region's residents, mainly because the basin's economy is based on the activity of agriculture and livestock where vegetation fires cause a series of damage to local populations. Thus, there is a need to map the areas with the highest risk of vegetation fires and the environmental impacts caused by fire. In order to arrive at this risk mapping, a modeling of climatic and topographic variables that are of natural origin and variables, which originate from anthropic action, is made. Through this mapping it is possible to see if in the basin area there is a risk of vegetation fires. For this, geotechnologies were used, including Geoprocessing and GIS, and for the identification of environmental impacts, fieldwork was used. The results found were the risk mapping for each of the variables used, the final risk that was obtained by crossing these variables, with BHRD having as a predominant class the Medium Risk with 94.45% of the entire area. The other areas are: 2.69% with high risk and 2.86% with low risk of vegetation fires. In relation to environmental impacts, loss of vegetation, impacts on rural properties and fauna were identified through fieldwork. The others, such as soil erosion and silting up the Dourados River, found that this type of impact happens not only due to fires, but also due to other causes acting together. Even though BHRD has the Medium Risk class as its predominant class, the basin suffers from constant Vegetal Fires, these fires being of great proportions. Most of these fires are intentional, that is, they are caused by the human being. So a way to prevent it would be to raise the awareness of the entire population, as the best way is to prevent the fire from starting than to control it, because the basin has great fire propagation capacity.