Práticas de ensino de língua portuguesa escrita como segunda língua para surdos
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
Studies related to deaf education are, historically, themes that worry many professionals in education area, especially when they relate to reading and writing skills, since most of deaf learners finish elementary school without having mastery of these skills. Notwithstanding, studies which focus on Portuguese as a second language (L2), for deaf learners, have been the sources of such concerns. Thus, we problematize: What are the teaching practices of written Portuguese Language that have been developed by the professors of deaf students? And what are the reading and writing practices experienced by deaf students that contribute to the acquisition of written Portuguese Language? Therefore, this study, generally, aims to analyze the teaching practices of written Portuguese as a second language for deaf leaners of elementary school and, specifically: to describe the practice of teaching Portuguese language for deaf students; to analyze the reading and writing practices that contribute to the learning of written Portuguese language as an L2 for deaf in the context of inclusive education, and to characterize teaching methodology and assessment of written Portuguese Language as an L2 for the deaf. This research was developed with two participating subjects; they were Portuguese language teachers from two elementary and public schools in a town that belongs to the micro-region of the Southeast of Goiás. To do so, we adopted a qualitative approach, with semi-structured interviews and nonparticipant observations. The collected data were transcribed and categorized in relation to formation, reading and writing, Portuguese as an L1 and L2, written assessment of deaf students, interaction of teacher and interpreter, and interaction of deaf and hearing students. The results showed that the teaching of Portuguese Language as an L2, in the written form, is not effective in the everyday school life of the deaf elementary school students in the researched context, considering they are in the learning phase of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) and Portuguese Language simultaneously. Thus, it is not possible to learn and/or to teach an L2 before the learners have already systematized their L1. Furthermore, the process of teaching these two languages is under the responsibility of the Brazilian Sign Language interpreter, since the students neither attend the Educational Specialized Service nor have contact with deaf instructors and besides, regarding the evaluation of written productions by deaf students we observed that teachers are in doubt about how and what to assess, since the written ability is still limited.
Práticas de ensino, Língua portuguesa escrita, Segunda língua, Surdos, Teaching practices, Portuguese written language, Second language, Deaf
SILVA, W. J. D. B. Práticas de ensino de língua portuguesa escrita como segunda língua para surdos. 2016. 129 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2016.