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A territorialização do setor sucroenergético no município de Morrinhos - Goiás: transformações territoriais e (re)existências

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


As stated by Alves (2007), the productive restructuring of capital expresses the social metabolic reformulation of the capitalist system. In this constant creative action, as Harvey (2011) expresses, the conditions for adaptation and conjuncture creation are drawn up, by which capitalism ensures the exploitative hegemony over labor. Meanwhile, the modernizing action of the Brazilian territory, consisted of geopolitics that guaranteed the capitalist expansion across the country. Among the various structural crisis of capital, the 1970s crisis deserves emphasis for its re-articulation of the territories on a global scale. In Brazil, starting from the late 1980's, the productive restructuring of capital was based on the idea of a supporting neoliberal government, that, as an ideological background of the restructuring process, began to attack the practice of market being controled by government, blaming such practice for the social illness, and implementing the idea of Minimum State by which large corporations would control the economy. The privatizing policies became the flagship of Brazilian politics of that period. In this context, the Brazilian countryside is considered strategic, as happens the strengthening of the actions of large corporations, that start to control important slices of the Brazilian production, by means of agroindustrial complexes responsible for the production of commodities to the world market with substantial spatial developments. Following this line, we investigate the territorialization of capital, from the modernization of the countryside in the city of Morrinhos - Goiás. We assume that this activity is the result of the capital productive restructuring in Brazil that occurred in Goiás by the end of the 1970s. This reality puts Goiás as a strategic point for the productive logic of capital, and the modernization of the countryside as one of the facets of the process of appropriation and use of its territories. The city of Morrinhos enters this logic due to the economic importance that the countryside plays, starting from the arrival of the sugarcane industry which became one of the main productive activities of the city. In this sense, our objective is to understand the socio-spatial implications of capital territorialization by the sugarcane industry in the city of Morrinhos; the new production relations, social and environmental effects, changes in the dairy industry and others, in the frame of the destructive and concentrating capital action. To confront the expansionist action of capital in the city of Morrinhos, we considered the destructive action in the countryside education, the effects in dairy farming and the (Re)Existence set up by the peasant communities. Therefore, we researched COOPERFAT - Cooperative of Family Farmers of Tijuqueiro settlement, and the Morrinhos public policies (PAA and PNAE) that present significant elements of autonomy in relation to agribusiness. For this, a literature review was done, a fieldwork, data collection and document research regarding the city, and interviews with a number of subjects involved in the process of territorialization of sugarcane activity in the city of Morrinhos. Finally, it was noticed that the peasants/family farmers when they appropriate public policies, they set up political actions, in view of social reproduction and ensure healthy food, work, income generation and sustainability.



Setor sucroenergético, Município de Morrinhos (GO), (Re) existências, Sugar-energy sector, City of Morrinhos (GO), (Re) existence


MARCELINO, Marcos Antonio. A territorialização do setor sucroenergético no município de Morrinhos - Goiás: transformações territoriais e (re)existências. 2016. 114 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2016.
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