Programa institucional de bolsas de iniciação à docência, formação de professores e a constituição da identidade docente
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The purpose of this study was to analyze the contributions of the Institutional Program of
Initiation Scholarship to Teaching (Pibid) in the scope of undergraduate courses of the
Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Regional Catalão (RC), for initial formation and identity
formation teacher. Specifically, we aimed to: characterize the organization and operation of
the Pibid UFG-RC subprojects; Analyze the meanings attributed by the students to the Pibid;
And to verify the role of the said program for the formation and the constitution of the
teaching identity. The qualitative research involved 145 scholarship recipients (ID) from the
UFG-RC. For the data collection, first, questionnaires were applied to 145 fellows, and then
semi-structured interviews were conducted with 24 of them. For the analysis of the collected
data, we used the Discursive Textual Analysis, developed by Moraes and Galiazzi (2007),
which allowed the production of meanings from the organization of the sense units. The
results of the research indicate that the structure of the Pibid, by guaranteeing the financial
grant, allows the IDB scholars to spend more time dedicating themselves to the studies,
making them more involved and committed to the initial formation process, which ends up
contributing to the permanence in the course , Reduction of school dropout and
strengthening of teaching as a professional career. It was also verified that the entrance into
the Pibid, still in the beginning of the graduation, because it is linked to the basic school,
allows the scholars to know the students in their contexts, as well as to participate in the
planning, and then to identify spaces and strategies Methodologies for each moment. In
addition, there is an advance of the same ones with regard to the production and
socialization of works in scientific events. The attendance at school has been space and time
of action, in order to indicate how the pedagogical work should be organized. In addition, it
is a place of reflection. ID scholarships make a constant comparison of the internship with
Pibid, linking this program to the actions of greater time in the school, and understanding that it provides a more effective dialogue with the school administrators, and consequently,
it promotes greater articulation between university and basic school. In relation to the
internship, the scholars consider that there is no interaction between the management group
and the students of the university; There is therefore no space and time. However, the ID
grantees do not consider the time, nor the pedagogical, personal and financial structure that
is offered by the Pibid. ID scholarships understand that the relationship between theory and
practice, in general, is not one of cleavage between theory and practice, or of dependence
on theory for the development of practice. In addition, fellows are aware of the instability of
the teaching career, as well as the privatization policies in the area. Even so, the Pibid
contributed to them if they affirm in the professional choice of the teaching, although they
feel uncertain about the future in this race. Considering that the Pibid provides in one of its
objectives the valuation of teaching, it is necessary to rethink the value of the financial
scholarship, as well as the expansion of the attendance to the undergraduate students. It is
important that public policy makers in the field of teacher education know the influence of
these policies on students' personal, academic and professional lives. Finally, it is concluded
that the Pibid has contributed to the development of the ID grantees in the process of initial
formation and the constitution of the teaching identity.
Pibid, Formação de professores, Identidade docente, Organização e funcionamento, Teacher training, Teacher identity, Organization and operation
SANTOS, Marília Rita dos. Programa institucional de bolsas de iniciação à docência, formação de professores e a constituição da identidade docente. 2017. 221 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2017.