A ficção erótica de Márcia denser: afirmação identitária da mulher em diana caçadora

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Eroticism is a variation of human sexual activity that goes beyond the penetration. It binds to sexuality and human sexual practices, in this sense, it is related to the privacy of the human being, besides being a conscious practice of the imagination and of the human desire. Eroticism is one of the features that differ animal and human. So, in eroticism, there is the awakening of desire, constructed from the subtlety of the bodies presentation, allowing arise, at that moment, interest in pleasure. Under the vision of eroticism, we will analyze the work Diana Hunter, written by Marcia Denser, in which the main character is a woman who experiences sexual adventures, since the focus is to give and receive sexual pleasure. In this work, the central subject is sexuality and female identity, which are addressed through heterosexualmeetings of pure eroticism. Therefore, the eroticism is essential to the reflection on Denser´s narrative and is necessary to understand how it is used by the author to think how the phallocentric ideal interfere in female sexual desire and how Denser uses sexuality and desire as a female liberating, besides dicussing an ideology that pleasure is restricted to men, since, by social conventions, the male figure is linked to the representation of power and dominance and female figure is related to the inferiority, devoted to women. Thus, the erotic language is a facet used by the writer to propose changes in the woman´s posture in the midst of a prejudiced society. We will analyze, from concepts of eroticism, the relations built up between this and the assertation of identity of the women in the narrative, because it is through erotic aesthetic that Marcia Denser introduces a discourse of identity assertation in which the expressions of the body, of the sexuality and of the female desire are addressed. The theoretical framework is basea on the concepts of: Octavio Paz (1994), Jesus Antônio Durigan (1986), Lúcia Castelo Branco (2004), Michel Foucault (1982; 2001), Georges Bataille (1987), Sarane Alexandrian (1993), Anthony Giddens (1993), Glaydson Silva (2003), Mary Del Priore (2011), Marina Colassanti (1997), Simonde de Beauvoir (1967), Miclelle Perrot (2003), Stuart Hall (2006)among others.



Sexualidade, Identidade, Erotismo, Feminino, Sociedade, Sexuality, Identity, Eroticism, Female, Society


SILVA, D. A. A ficção erótica de Márcia denser: afirmação identitária da mulher em diana caçadora. 2014. 112 f. Disseertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2013.