Utilização de matrizes no estudo de orientação e posição de um braço robótico por meio das coordenadas de Denavit-Hartenberg.

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This work have as the main objective present one a different way to teach the subject matrix multiplication, a way in a ludic form, applied, that can transform the teaching more pleasureable and motivate for the high scholl students, because for many this issue has no practical applications, which for many reasons is the lack of interest in learning such content. The tool used to attract as students so as teachers was the utilization of Kit LEGO® Mindstorms NXT 2.0 for the construction of the robotic arm, or robotic manipulator, that which for this propose, has three rotational joints. The LEGO kit was choosen due its easy interaction with children and adolescents, and to encourage the construction of knowledge stimulating the solution of problems that may arise during the process of building robotic arm.The application of content takes place in obtaining the four parameters Denavit-Hartenberg and those obtained after the placement of reference systems, where three of these parameters are constants obtained by measurement at robotic arm and the fourth parameter is variable dependent on the intended movement or the final position which is to be determined.



Multiplicação de matrizes, LEGO® Mindstorms, Denavit-Hartenberg, Braço robótico, Juntas rotacionais, Matrix multiplication, LEGO® Mindstorms, Denavit e Hartenberg, Robotic arm, Rotational joints


COSTA, Carlos Gomides da. Utilização de matrizes no estudo de orientação e posição de um braço robótico por meio das coordenadas de Denavit-Hartenberg. 2014. 97 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2014.