Sonhos alheios: contornos e limites da (re)organização do sistema escolar brasileiro, Catalão (GO) 1990-2015
Bueno, Angélica Alves
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This research aims to question elements of the Brazilian school system. The main source of questioning involves the analysis of a set of changes that the school field Catalão (GO), from 2013. We seek to understand / seize their organization and provision, establishing the relationship with the formation of the historical consciousness of the subjects it entered. The focus of our analysis was a priori the changes, the continuities and the deviations observed in the touchy and complex municipal education system. From there, it was necessary to extend the investigation to the Brazilian educational scenario, seeking to understand the formation of subjects, the proposals, the various approximations and differentiations that allowed us dialogues and comparisons, as well as to help us understand what has been the training model the new generation offered by the Brazilian government.
Sistemas de ensino, Educação básica, Avaliação em larga escala, Learning systems, Basic education, Large-scale evaluation
BUENO, Angélica Alves. Sonhos alheios: contornos e limites da (re)organização do sistema escolar brasileiro, Catalão (GO) 1990-2015. 2016. 152 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Historia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2016.