Mestrado em História

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    A escola sem partido e o discurso conservador no cenário da educação brasileira
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-04-28) Silva, Alessandra Cândida da; Grisolio, Lilian Marta;; Grisolio, Lilian Marta; Teixeira, Flávia do Bonsucesso; Freitas, Eliane Martins de
    The present dissertation entitled “The School Without a Party and the conservative discourse in the Brazilian education scenario”, analyzes the movement / program School without a Party, as well as its main bills and their impacts on education. We describe the aforementioned movement / program as part of a conservative ideology that plagues Brazilian society, considering that its projects function as authoritarian mechanisms and impose the characteristic advances of a secular and democratic state. The main points of investigation will permeate since a historical context starting from the 2000s, the 2016 coup against President Dilma Vana Rousseff, passing briefly through the Bolsonaro government, to better understand the movement / program Escola sem Partido along with the analysis of its main PLs. Finally, we will talk a little about the idea of the defense letter of Escola sem Partido, showing what is at stake, the attack on Paulo Freire's legacy and the threats to teachers' autonomy
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    Ensino de história e direito à inclusão: uma proposta analítica a partir da literatura de Cordel
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-05-07) Trombeta, Luciana de Morais; Solazzi, José Luís;;; Solazzi, José Luís; Santos, Márcia Pereira dos; Campos, Crispim Antônio
    This research, with a transdisciplinary approach, aims to discuss the need to think about materials and methods for the inclusion public, especially for the disabled. It was with this in mind, that this work was divided into three distinct chapters, each one develops discussions in different areas, but which were necessary to reach our purpose. The first, based on authors such as Pantano (2009), Brogna (2009), Bampi, Guilhem and Alves (2010), among others, spoke about the emergence of the social perspective of the disabled, carried out through the historical and social analysis of medical models and that determined the perceptions and legitimacy of disability paradigms and models. The second chapter analyzes the legal documents, understood as a result of discussions about the paradigms, that we can understand how the State and society treat, build and apply, today, the rights of the disabled as a group belonging to the inclusion category. It is also in this chapter that we deal, as an example, with Cultural History as a fruitful theory that makes it possible to think of contextual didactic material about components and curricular contents of History Teaching for the numerous groups, based on texts by Torres (2014) .Finally, in the last chapter, also as an illustration of our objective, we make use of Cordel as a rich historical material, which allows the development of a critical social sense for citizenship of any diversity group, especially that of the disabled, with the support of discussions of Luyten (1992), Souza (2006), among others. All of these results were obtained through a qualitative bibliographic search, which was based on texts – articles, monographs, theses, books, among others – to answer our hypotheses and reach our goal, through the association of the three fields – broken down into three chapters – but all with the purpose of demonstrating the potential of research methodologies and practices that deal with the rights of inclusion and make us think of the continuous need to discuss materials and methods aimed at guaranteeing the participatory insertion of any diversity in society in general .
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    Literatura e ensino de História: racismo e cidadania no contexto de sala de aula
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-04-29) Rocha, João Pedro Pereira; Santos, Regma Maria dos;; Santos, Regma Maria dos; Menezes, Marcos Antônio de; Santos, Márcia Pereira dos
    The Teaching of History in Brazil is a research field established starting the efforts of researchers concerned, among others, with the space of languages in the classroom, especially traditional ones, such as literature. Thus, the present work aims to analyze the presence of the concepts of racism and citizenship, in the teaching of History, problematizing them through and from literature. For that, we chose as primary sources the novels O Mulato (1881) and O Cortiço (1889), works by the Brazilian writer Aluísio Tancredo Gonçalves de Azevedo. From this choice, we built a methodology that uses the works as a source of discussions around and from the problematization of the concepts of racism and citizenship in the history discipline, in Basic Education. The research draws on other literary works, both period and contemporary, such as the Germinal novels, A Mulata, Úrsula, XIX century novels, and, Um defeito de cor, O racismo explicado aos meus filhos, contemporary works. The work methodology was also based on the approximation of theoretical aspects located in the field of historiography and History Teaching. The results achieved allow to indicate that literary art, represented in Aluísio Azevedo, is a fruitful path for didactic-pedagogical proposals interested in addressing the concepts of racism and citizenship in the history discipline and in relation to the social and political formation of Brazil in the context of the analyzed sources , the 19th century. For their historical value, O Mulato e O Cortiço means, for the teaching of History, the opportunity to problematize racism and citizenship in the context of the historical formation of Brazilian society. O Mulato allows, above all, to discuss the place of the black in the slave society and how this is related to the formation of racial prejudice in Brazil, based on the historicity of racism. Likewise, O Cortiço allows critical analyzes about the construction of citizenship in Brazil, something that can be done from the perspective of slavery, the life of popular workers and the tenement as a popular housing at the end of the 19th century. The issue of rights in the history discipline. For the classroom, this research indicates the possibility of thinking about racism and citizenship in their historicity regimes, and the history teacher can promote dialogues with aspects of the configuration of concepts in contemporary times. This reflection helps in the construction of meanings for historical knowledge in the classroom, as it takes into consideration the present and past relationship, in view of the observation of current issues, in which the student is inserted, and in relation to racism and citizenship.
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    A Educação Física e a formação de professores: pluralidades, projetos pedagógicos, sociedade brasileira e intervenção formativa democrática
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-23) Martins, Paulo Maciel Cordeiro; Carmo, Luiz Carlos do;;; Carmo, Luiz Carlos do; Ferreira, Andreia Cristina Peixoto; Grisolio, Lilian Marta
    In view of the Brazilian population diversity, it is becoming increasingly urgent to carry out studies and pedagogical practices related to social plurality and, consequently, the understanding of Brazilian society. Physical Education and the problem of the difficulties of teacher training processes, given the Brazilian multiplicity, come up against the attempt to propose school classes / interventions that respect and observe school audiences. In this combination of elements, we seek to debate the possibilities and difficulties in teacher training on Afro-Brazilian and indigenous history in the face of the demands of Law 10.639 / 03 as well as 11.645 / 08 that regulate the mandatory theme “Afro-Brazilian History and Culture Brazilian and Indigenous ”in basic education and to understand elements of this complex relational dynamic. We present a study that investigated several Pedagogical Projects of Physical Education Courses in their textual / formal discourse, with Physical Education courses from the Federal University of Goiás- Regional Catalão (RC / UFG) the starting point. In addition to observing the adequacy to the legislation, we tried to problematize the process of training Physical Education teachers at national level, looking for the way in which cultural diversity, the presence of different groups of Brazilians were thought / not in the training process of the Physical Education teacher. And finally, we report a pedagogical experience with Maculelê that shows us in the practical field how the articulation of ethnic-racial issues, training in the area and Physical Education classes at school works.
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    “Todo dia é segunda- feira”: um estudo sobre as práticas e saberes das mulheres rurais da comunidade de Corumbajuba, município de Orizona/GO
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-10-08) Otoni, Rônia Batista Vaz; Inácio, Paulo César;; Inácio, Paulo César; Grisólio, Lilian Marta; Carmo, Maria Andréa Angelotti
    This research had as object of study the women residing in the rural community of Corumbajuba, located in the municipality of Orizona, Goiás. Their social practices and their knowledge that are present in the work relations between men and women in family farming were elucidated and that they outline the confrontations of contemporary social insertion of rural women in the manifestation of the social spaces occupied by them, in order to learn about the presence and strength of patriarchy in their daily lives. For this, the research was developed through meetings with a focus group of rural working women in this community. Methodologically, in partnership with Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Rural (SENAR), in the unfolding of the training given to the group of rural women in Corumbajuba, semi-structured questionnaires were applied with a script of questions to promote the construction of the research, open to inherent questions the momentary circumstances the interview, aiming to hear them and, thus, understand social representations in a dialogue with authors such as Carla Bassanezi Pinsky (2012), Mary Del Priore (2017), Denize Bernuzzi de Sant'anna (2014), Flávia Biroli (2018), José Maria Tardin (2012), Laura Barcella and Fernanda Lopes (2014). Michelle Perrot (2007), for example, resorted to the historical process to analyze the history of women, highlighting what is sometimes taken as natural, assuming control fields for women's participation in political, social and family life. During this journey, our intention was also to give visibility to rural women and to contribute to the elaboration of the history of women in Brazil in the reach of different social groups.
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    Um olhar sobre o racismo no Brasil: sua construção pelo Estado e a luta dos negros pela sua superação
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-08-27) Barroso, Ivan Gomes; Cunha, Getúlio Nascentes da;; Cunha, Getúlio Nascentes da; Barros, Fernanda; Costa, Ismar da Silva
    The objective of the present work was to systematically reflect on the historical formation of blacks in Brazilian society, examining the social construction in order to realize that differences based on skin color are associated with an imposing system of social inequalities because we understand that slavery was a heavy obstacle to the formation of a true nation, for maintaining a portion of the population subjugated in a naturalized way and another with “natural” privileges as enemies to each other, preventing the country's social and political integration. Our trajectory begins in the 19th century, where we discussed external pressures to end trafficking, the emergence of abolitionist movements, actions of rebellions on the part of enslaved people and the work developed by parliamentarians and jurists in the process of laws that would gradually prepare the way for the Golden Law signed by Princess Isabel on May 13, 1888, which freed and incorporated the former slaves to civil rights, however this incorporation took place more formal than real, where in practice it brought few social changes to the newly freed . With the Proclamation of the Republic in 1889 and the ratification of the first Republican Constituent in 1881, there was no affirmative law that promoted the integration of the freedmen now into class society. We argue that even in the face of apathy on the part of the competent authorities, the population, mostly composed of freedmen, did not stand idly by and went to fight, organized themselves in clubs, created newspapers and founded the Black Movement, an organized movement that started to claim and fight for a better placement of blacks in society.
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    Cine delas: o empoderamento das mulheres através do documentário “Entre elas”
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-09-30) Nascimento, Isabella Cecília do; Araújo, Rogério Bianchi de;; Araújo, Rogério Bianchi de; Griosolio, Lilian Marta; Carrijo, Gilson Goulart
    In the city of Catalão - GO, there are hardly any public policies and actions geared toward women, particularly those relating to awareness-raising and support groups. Through the empowerment of the women in this scenario can be reversed, and to make it a reality for hundreds of thousands of women. The first step is to open up the space to ensure that the voice of women to be heard and shared, and one way to do this is through the film, and its enormous potential for education. To that end, there arose an interest in the research on empowerment, and producer of the documentary film "Entre Elas". the end product of this research. A film about six women who live in the Catalan, where the narrative of the life and which are told by themselves, bringing out thoughts and emotions about who they are, what they want, their challenges and their dreams, and in one of them, for they are, and where the voice of the one empowers the other. The whole process of the production of the film, from its conception, is reported to have a step-by-step, showing you what is possible for women to make a film, as well as the importance of more women to be and to be recognised in the film.
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    A história do sujeito-aluno da EJA no município de Cristalina - GO
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-08) Gonçalves, Rosimeire; Costa, Ismar da Silva;; Costa, Ismar da Silva; Alves, Maria Zenaide; Cunha, Getúlio Nascentes da
    In this study, a research about the experience and school routine of students of Youth and Adult Education (EJA) will be presented. This research has as object of study the students of the EJA of Elementary Education II, of the Municipal School Eduardo de Paiva Rezende, located in the municipality of Cristalina-Goiás in the academic period between 2015-2018. This qualitative / quantitative case study was carried out in two stages: bibliographic research and field research, in which the life stories of these students are presented and analyzed in order to, through them, identify and understand how the factors external factors contribute to the permanence or not of this student in the classroom. Seeking to ascertain, primarily, how the profession, especially of rural workers, interferes in the access, permanence and conclusion of the studies of these students. For this, some aspects were considered fundamental, such as class, gender and work relations issues, being guided by scholars, Arroyo (2012); Freire (2002); Frigotto (2001), the labor relations in Engels (2001), Marx (2004); Antunes (1999); the gender division in Saffioti (2013); Scott (1990) and rural work in Barros (2015); Oliveira (2014) and Silva (2015).
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    Relato de experiência: reflexões sobre o ensino de história mediado pela educação histórica
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-05-14) Martins, Layanne Grigório; Santos, Márcia Pereira dos;; Santos, Márcia Pereira do; Silva, Jaciely Soares da; Costa, Ismar da Silva
    This dissertation aims to report the action research carried out during the Professional Master's course of the Postgraduate Program in History, Catalan Regional. The investigation emerged from the concerns arising from the experience as a teacher. The difficulties faced in the classroom awoke me to the need to problematize questions about the teaching and learning of students in the discipline of History. For that, I used Cultural History as a theoretical support to think about History, Historical Education as a methodological support to problematize the development of activities that involved an action research perspective and the experience report as a way of presenting the work. The investigation concluded that, playing the role of mediation, the teacher offers students more autonomy. Working with methodologies such as the Classroom, for example, using Local History for this, provides students with the process of reflecting on their experiences and brings them closer to historical learning, and, finally, promotes the recognition of students as historical subjects.
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    Millôr Fernandes e o humor gráfico: representações e contribuições para o ensino de história
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-02-18) Faria, Daiane Cristina de; Santos, Márcia Pereira dos;; Santos, Márcia Pereira dos; Costa, Ismar da Silva; Silva, Henrique Martins da
    This dissertation presents the importance of working with cartoons and cartoons in the classroom, as well as showing the life and work of the author Millôr Fernandes, who contributed a lot to this type of text. The research formulated a didactic proposal in a classroom-workshop model for teaching History, using cartoons and cartoons referring to the period of the Military Civil Dictatorship in Brazil. The perspective was to make classes more dynamic and interactive, and with that evolve the critical sense and reflective look of the subject in learning.
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    “Cinema contra homofobia”: a utilização do cinema como recurso pedagógico contra a homofobia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-12-10) Queiroz, Marcos Tadeu Pereira de; Grisolio, Lilian Marta;; Grisolio, Lilian Marta; Martinez, Fabiana Jordão; Paula, Marise Vicente de
    Esta investigación tiene como objetivo proponer el uso del cine como un recurso pedagógico para las discusiones y combatir los problemas relacionados con la homofobia en el entorno escolar. El objetivo es ayudar y comprender la necesidad de mejorar los debates sobre la homofobia en la sociedad y más específicamente en las escuelas. Por lo tanto, esta investigación tiene como producto final una propuesta de intervención pedagógica que se denominó "Cine contra la homofobia", utilizando la película Hoy quiero volver sola. Se basa en la comprensión de que la escuela completa la formación del individuo, siendo la función social del educador hacer que los estudiantes sean conscientes de los derechos y deberes necesarios para una convivencia social armoniosa, especialmente en vista de las alarmantes tasas de violencia y discriminación practicadas contra el grupo de estudiantes. Noticias de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transexuales o transgénero o transgénero (LGBTQ +) de hoy. Por lo tanto, estas discusiones no pueden quedar fuera del proceso educativo, especialmente teniendo en cuenta que la escuela es uno de los entornos más favorables para la proliferación de prejuicios, como el acoso homofóbico. En este sentido, este documento busca demostrar que es posible insertar estas discusiones en las escuelas como parte de la relación de enseñanza-aprendizaje mediante el uso de recursos fílmicos y prácticas pedagógicas para combatir los prejuicios y la discriminación.
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    “Quem canta seus males espanta”: 40 anos de mística e música na CPT a partir da análise do cancioneiro
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-12-11) Santos, Bruno Viana Ulhôa; Maia, Cláudio Lopes;; Maia, Cláudio Lopes; Santos, Regma Maria dos; Maciel, David
    The present work aims to understand three main elements that gave rise to the research being these: how the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, in a certain historical context, takes a Preferential Option for the Poor, thus giving a turn in their positions on the historically placed land question and giving origin to the CPT, that is, at first we seek to map the Church's trajectory of the legitimation of the latifundial to the Preferential Option for the Poor; what is the mystique made by this pastoral and how it incorporates and translates the vision of the Church in relation to the land issue in Brazil and what kind of consciousness the CPT works in their mystics; and finally, what is the importance of music for the process of formation of this consciousness previously quoted, therefore, we will seek to understand the concept / practice (s) of mysticism experienced / incorporated by the members of the CPT and propagated by it socially especially to understand how music plays a fundamental role in the construction of this process through the analysis of the "Cancioneiro da CPT", a book of songs used in pastoral meetings, celebrated in the 40th anniversary of the same one that took place in 2015.
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    Identidade e memória em Diário de Bitita, de Carolina Maria de Jesus: uma “história contada” acerca dos anos de 1920 a 1940, no interior do Brasil
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-11-28) Neves Junior, Romildo Rodrigues; Borges, Valdeci Rezende;; Borges, Valdeci Rezende; Paulino-Pereira, Fernando César; Costa, Ismar da Silva
    Resumo em língua estrangeira: El trabajo de Carolina María de Jesús se está volviendo cada vez más conocido en el mundo de las letras y el mundo académico, siendo extremadamente relevante para una lectura crítica sobre el mundo en el que vivió. Por lo tanto, se estableció como el objetivo general de esta investigación, analizar, en términos generales, la historia de vida de esta escritora entre las décadas d e 1920 y 1940, utilizando su libro autobiográfico Diario de Bitita, para comprender las complejidades. de memoria y su proceso de construcción de identidad. Como objetivos específicos, buscamos reflexionar sobre el movimiento de la formación de la identidad del personaje, abordando los aspectos socioculturales que circunscribieron su existencia y sus experiencias al tratar con la representación del mundo social, surgiendo de sus prácticas y recuerdos surgiendo y formando un imaginario social en el. años en que vivió dentro del Brasil, domiciliado en Sacramento / MG (1914-30) y en Franca / SP (1930-37). La relevancia de este estudio es que tenemos una historia narrada desde el punto de vista interno de Carolina y su vida cotidiana, aspectos muy diferentes de los compendios, tratados teóricos y trabajos historiográficos. La trayectoria, el camino trazado por el escritor en su existencia, nos abre posibilidades para ver el mundo desde la perspectiva del personaje construido, com sus dolores y alegrías, anhelos, emociones, expectativas y proyecciones. Al abordar el tema de la identidad, intrínseco a la historia y los recuerdos de Carolina, no queremos agotarlo, sino contribuir a los estudios del autor y el tema en el campo de la psicología social, la literatura y la historia. La metodología utilizada se basa en los supuestos de Historia y Psicología, estableciendo un diálogo con autores que desarrollan y trabajan los conceptos de identidad, memoria, representación, imaginación y cultura, y que utilizan la Literatura como fuente documental y testimonio histórico. Por lo tanto, nuestro procedimiento es utilizar el texto literario de Carolina, Diario de Bitita, así como otras fuentes, como libros, capítulos, artículos científicos, disertaciones y tesis. Partimos de la perspectiva de que la literatura, lejos de ser algo histórico y atemporal, fruto solitario de la fantasía, se basa en la sociedad y en el momento en que se produjo y a la que se refiere. Como una propuesta de intervención en la enseñanza de la historia, diseñamos un material pedagógico que explora la relación Literatura y cómics, para trabajar con los estudiantes temas específicos inherentes a las experiencias de los negros que impregnan la sociedad brasileña presente en el Diario de Bitita. Como investigad or, nuestra propuesta era buscar y profundizar el conocimiento sobre los temas del tema insertado en el mundo y su relación con el entorno social y cultural, contribuyendo así a la emancipación de los sujetos como tales. Para esto, buscamos a través de la mirada del autor reconstruir no solo las dimensiones de una vida personal, sino también considerarlo como simbólico porque representa la existencia de otras personas y facetas de una sociedad y una época pasada, llena de elementos para analizar que Nos ayu daron a comprender cómo se estructuraba y constituía lo social desde el punto de vista de una pobre mujer negra.
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    Ensino de história e o teatro universitário brasileiro: uma proposta com Carcará: não vai morrer de fome do Corpoencena da UFG/RC
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-09-25) Borges, Michele Christine; Costa, Ismar da Silva;; Arantes, Luiz Humberto Martins; Santos, Marcia Pereira dos
    The investigative intention is to elaborate a theoretical-methodological proposal for teaching history in high school, from the analysis and systematization of creative processes with immanent literary, theatrical and audiovisual sources, the production of the “Carcará: will not starve” staging performed by Grupo Corpoencena of UFG / RC, which are inserted in the context of artistic- cultural movements of resistance to the Brazilian military dictatorship in the 1960s of the twentieth century. The text is staged in three acts, demarcated by the following scripts: In the first act we describe the History of the Corpoencena; We situate Carcará as a production of Corpoencena; We narrate about the motivating sources; We mark the montage and present the Festival and Colloquium. In the second act we investigate the immanent literary, theatrical and audiovisual sources the production of the staging, especially those that make up the Brazilian university theater scene. In the third act, we dialogue with authors of the area and the notes of curriculum educational policies, which guide about dealing with cross-cutting, multicultural and interdisciplinary themes; We carried out the systematization of a theoretical-methodological proposal for the teaching of history. We used as methodology to analyze the sources of inspiration composed by the literature, visual arts, music in composition with the performing arts: Death Life Severina (and scenic montages); of digital painting Di Cavalcanti - The Retirantes of Cândido Portinari, of the song “Carcará” in the context of Teatro Opinion and Grupo Barbatuques. And the research data found in field diary notes, audiovisual records (photos and videos), as well as articles and scholarly work. We hope that this proposal can somehow help and inspire teachers from the field of history and other areas to carry out collective work, adding knowledge and overcoming challenges, scarcity and existing differences at a time when we are fragile in the hope of hope for change. in political conjunctures and social relations.
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    A cidade de Catalão em Um homem e sua família, de Braz José Coelho: tempo e espaço, experiências e memórias, paisagem e cultura urbanos
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-09-30) Tomé, Lélia de Fátima; Borges, Valdeci Rezende;; Borges, Valdeci Rezende; Fernandes Júnior, Antônio; Costa, Ismar da Silva
    This work aimed to study the literary work of Braz José Coelho, Um homem e sua família (1997), in order to apprehend his figurations regarding time, space, places of experience, memories, landscapes and sensitivities. sociability, linked to the cultural practices of the city of Catalão (GO). Therefore, in an interdisciplinary bias between History, Geography and Letters (Linguistics and Literature), we sought to conduct a dialogue between the work of Coelho and the theoretical references relevant to the dimensions mentioned above. Thus, it was intended to treat the time in the historical process of constitution of Catalão taking into account temporalities as the time oforigin, the time of formation and the development of the place, as well as its configuration in the period of 1950, period in which the narrative. We also pay attention to the mentions of spaces, landscapes, experiences and human and social practices of the city that are described by the author in the narrative associated with these aspects, especially referring to the first two temporalities. Thus, we seek to show some different aspects of human activity and experiences lived in such time- spaces and spaces, which metamorphose the landscape. It is through the analysis of the traces of human existence in the past figured by the literate in this urban space that we can understand a little about how the dimensions may have been experienced in the time of the characters and probably in the time of the author. Through the research it was possible to verify that the work gives us to know part of the history of Catalão, because it allows to glimpse landscapes, social and cultural characteristics, as well as the sociability practices and the sensibilities that emerge from and in the social relations established in the period described in the narrative. Finally, as part of this dissertation and thinking about the objectives of the professional master's program, we present a didactic product focused on the application of the researched content in Elementary School II and High School, in order to emphasize the importance and potentiality of this program. type of source for social knowledge, besides contributing to educational practices with the production of pedagogical and scientific materials that value the importance of interdisciplinary work and local or regional issues.
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    História ambiental: saberes e fazeres no ensino de História
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-09-12) Souza, Dienes Januário de; Costa, Ismar da Silva;; Costa, Ismar da Silva; Alves, Maria Zenaide; Maia, Cláudio Lopes
    This research consists of a study of the relationship between the environment and the teaching of history, focused on the theme of environmental history, seeking an interdisciplinary dialogue with other areas of knowledge, such as geography and biology. The main theme for the debate on changes and human grasp in the exploration of the environment, the Institute Federal Goiano (IFGoiano), the Campus Urutaí. The central theoretical discussion was evaluated as an Environmental History can be worked within a Technical Course in Agriculture, knowing that it is focused on Agribusiness. The journal adopted was of analysis documentary, naked texts of body executive and executive in federal and state, document documents internal in IFGoiano and relevant bibliographies an environmental theme were analyzed. To verify the students' profile, two questionnaires were applied, one before and one after a workshop. As a result it was found that after conducting the workshop, the critical sense of the students was awakened and the rate of positive responses in favor of the Environment was higher when compared to the first questionnaire.
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    Um olhar além da máscara: análise da Caretada como forma de preservar a identidade e cultura em Paracatu
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-08-15) Silva, Keli Evangelista da; Silva, Luzia Márcia Resende;; Silva, ͣLuzia Márcia Resende; Carmo, Luiz Carlos do; Ribeiro Júnior, Florisvaldo Paulo
    This paper presents a study in the bibliographic report format and the elaboration of two videos about the Caretada. Dance of African origin, is a tradition passed from generation to generation in the quilombola communities in Paracatu. The argument will start from research done in books and dissertations that explain and show us why the Caretada is decreasing its performances around the city also the number of participants in the dance each year. The relevance of this study lies in seeking alternatives for the dissemination and diffusion of the Caretada. Therefore, we think of actions that can contribute to this goal. One of the possibilities was the elaboration of informative and educational videos, directed to teachers and students who, when approaching themes related to culture, memory, tradition, quilombolas, religious dances, etc. within the discipline of History or others, may make good use of this material. The videos intend to subsidize the teaching material of the teachers with the elementary school students II, that when using the videos to treat transversal subjects, their result becomes more efficient, because they will contribute to a bigger fixation of the learning. Thus, it is expected that even living in a digital age, and knowing that the implementation of the material at school will be a slow process, we will be able to make children and young people who represent the future of the country understand the relevant mission of knowing and spreading the word. Caretada culture in our municipality.
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    A busca do sensível: impressões visuais, improvisações artísticas e composições históricas
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-11-29) Silva, Marcos Vinícius da; Santos, Márcia Pereira dos;; Santos, Márcia Pereira dos; Duarte, Ana Helena da Silva Delfino; Grisólio, Lilian Marta
    Thinking about the relationship between art and history is a theme that has guided many researchers. The abstractionism of Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) poses a challenge to the historiographic process. Starting from this challenge, I seek in this research to understand the Russian abstractionism of Kandinsky, through the history. His works are the source that unveil the subjective universe that permeates artistic productions in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, characterizing Modern Art. The use of abstractionism as a source has guided us to new readings of historical events such as the First World War and the Russian Revolution. This research is the attempt to understand the search for a new sensibility, in the context of post-revolution Russia. Art is therefore the path to understanding, history guides, in this sense were selected works (paintings and writings) of the painter, from the period 1910 to 1921, from his first abstract production to his compositions.
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    Reforma do ensino médio e a disciplina história: leituras sobre as repercussões da proposta da BNCC
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-07-17) Felício, Silvio Célio; Santos, Regma Maria dos;; Santos, Regma Maria dos; Silva, Luzia Márcia Resende; Nunes, Radamés Vieira
    High School Reform and Discipline History: Readings on the repercussions of the BNCC The research High School Reform and Discipline History: Readings on the repercussions of the BNCC proposal was generated by participating in the discussions of BNCC - National Basic Curricular Base of Elementary Education homologated in 2017 and also BNCC of the average level homologated in December 2018. The The objective of the research was to deepen some of the issues that appeared there, including the consequences and changes that would occur from the High School Reform to the History discipline and how the debate about this proposal circulated / circulated in the press. We also aim to contribute to the debate by creating access so that other professors and researchers can follow the development of BNCC's application through digital media. In this sense, we elaborate two chapters. In the first one, we present, in general lines, what is the BNCC of high school for the area of Human Sciences, we discuss about the analyzes of theorists and experts on the subject and the process of its application via Provisional Measure, proposed by the Michel government To fear. In the second chapter we analyze how the press, through virtual publications, exposes the thinking of society and the interests of certain groups in the course that the provisional measure runs until the approval of Law 13.415 in February 2017 and the final approval of BNCC in 2018 . Finally, we created a blog titled (EM) REFORMA with the objective of divulging, in the same space, several texts about the theme, as well as providing a debate among those interested in the subject and also divulging the paths of this research, authors, articles and materials used in the composition of the text that we will present here.
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    Blues: a música do gueto como elemento cultural no ensino de história
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-05-29) Santos Júnior, Rui Gonçalves; Santos, Regma Maria dos;; Santos, Regma Maria dos; Ribeiro, José Eustáquio; Alves, Saulo Sandro
    The purpose of this research is to observe how Blues is part of a culture that allows circularity of knowledge and practices that are appropriate and reworked at certain moments in history. In this sense, just like the blues, which is a song by those on the sidelines, today the funk, rap are also. The idea is to observe how these different musical styles come from below and project as culture and reach the school environment and can be used as sources and methods of teaching. The main focus of the work in proposing a teaching practice is to establish the bridge between blues and contemporary young music. For blues is the starting point for protest music and, in a direct or indirect way, it is the forerunner of the rhythms present in the imaginary and in the daily life of the young, mainly of the inhabitants of the peripheries. I used several types of sources to perform the research. From journalistic articles, films, documentaries and comics. At the same time, I will also mention poetry, philosophy, music and plastic arts. This dissertation will be divided into three chapters. In the first part, we will discuss the blues trajectory by making a brief introduction with the factors that marked its origin, from the music played on the The second chapter will present a panorama portraying the legacy of the Blues, emphasizing its importance as a precursor of music performed by musicians belonging to the exploited and marginalized classes of society, showing how the theme of the blues has expanded, generating new musical languages. The third chapter presents a proposal to make possible the practice of a teaching in which the theme and the historical elements that constitute the blues are used. The objective is to transmit to the students information that allows them to construct a perception in which they visualize connections between this primitive music originated in Africa with styles present in the musical and cultural scenario of the present time.