Avaliatividade em discursos de surdos no ensino médio: uma análise sistêmico-funcional

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This research is directed from Applied Linguistics (AL), from Systemic-Functional Grammar (SFG) – in relation to the lexical-grammar, of the Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL) and a semiotic and holistic view of the language, elaborated by Halliday (1994) – from the semantic- discursive system of Appraisal discussed by Martin and White (2005) and theoretical assumptions that address the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), as well as issues associated with deaf culture (STROBEL, 2007, 2008 and 2009), deaf identities (Perlin, 1998, 2003, 2005 and 2016) and Canclini (2011), which allow the validation of investigations that unfold in the communicative process of the Deaf students in the school environment through the use of a visuospatial language, more specifically, their evaluations. In this sense, this research proposes as a general objective to investigate how and what evaluations are expressed by the deaf who share academic experiences under the perspective of the inclusive perspective. Already as specific objectives it aims to broaden the application of the studies in SFL and to categorize these discourses through the system of Appraisal and more specifically of the Attitude subsystem. Thus, this research is based on a quanti- qualitative perspective (DÖRNYEI, 2007), since, in terms of data collection, the numerical data of the occurrences of the most evaluative lexical-grammatical elements serve as a framework for the qualitative analysis of the corpus are organized and carried out. For the purposes of sampling, this research initially counts on the participation of five Deaf students ("S") enrolled in the 3rd year of high school in public education institutions located in the metropolitan region of Goiania, the capital of the state of Goiás and which are respectively named S1, S2, S3 and S4.The data collection is done from the filming based on the elaboration and application of a semi-structured script. These data are transcribed (McCLEARY; VIOTTI; LEITE, 2010) and translated into semantic and communicative (UDAYA RAVI, 1997; NEWMARK, 1988) for the Portuguese Language. Applied to this analysis are the computer tools Elan 5.2 and WordSmith Tools Scott 7.0, with the aim of selecting the data, from the quantitative perspective of this research, which is guided by the system of Appraisal. Regarding the qualitative analyzes, it is possible to observe that the speeches of the Deaf interviewees evaluate their insertion in the educational environment by four macro categories, they are: a) Affection: emotional self-assessments, b) Self-judgment: social experiences of self-perception, c) Appreciation: evaluations of things and phenomena, and d) Third-party evaluations. Through the results obtained and the combination of the theoretical- methodological frameworks organized, it is evident from this investigation that the Deaf live in a complex and borderline school situation, based on the linguistic, cultural and identity barriers that promote the failure of these students to the present inclusive educational system. This research, therefore, will contribute to the greater reflective development on the area of education of the Deaf, its methods and even on the pedagogical and instructional quality offered to these people who share a visuospatial language, in this case, Libras.



Linguística sistêmico-funcional, Sistema de avaliatividade, Subsistema de atitude, Surdos, Libras, Systemic-functional linguistics, Appraisal system, Attitude subsystem, Deaf people


SANTOS, Lucas Eduardo Marques. Avaliatividade em discursos de surdos no ensino médio: uma análise sistêmico-funcional. 2019. 220 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2019.