Levantamento do padrão de consumo de tabaco e outras drogas na gestão de cuidados em saúde em assentamentos de uma comunidade rural
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The increase in the indexes of use and misuse of tobacco and other drugs, both in Brazil and
abroad, constitutes an effective reality. The constancy of social, psychological and biological
damages arising from this use and their potential implications in health make up a global
concern. Accordingly, this study had the objective of investigating the patterns of
consumption of tobacco and other drugs in settlers of a rural community. We held an
Integrative Review (IR) and, subsequently, a cross-sectional study in the Olga Benário
settlement, located in the rural area of the municipality of Ipameri, Southeast Region of the
State of Goiás. The target population was composed of 200 members of the 84 families over
18 years of age who lived in the settlement. The data were collected between September and
November 2014. We used a semi-structured questionnaire and instruments such as Alcohol,
Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST), Family APGAR and the
Self-Report Questionnaire 20 (SRQ-20), which assessed the consumption of tobacco and
other drugs, family functioning and screening of common mental suffering, respectively. The
data were analyzed through the Stata Software Package, version 12.0. Prevalence indexes
for consumption of substances were calculated with 95% confidence interval (95% CI). In
order to estimate the factors associated with the consumption of tobacco and illicit drugs, we
implemented multivariable models, thereby obtaining the prevalence ratio (PR) as an effect
measure. The evidence of effectiveness of ASSIST was concentrated on the assistance in
identifying and classifying psychoactive substances, in different audiences and age groups,
and made up an effective instrument in Health Care. We have found high indexes of
prevalence in patterns of tobacco consumption, and the associated factors were: higher age,
low schooling level, evangelical religion, marijuana consumption, consumption of hypnotics
and/or sedatives and male gender. Regarding the use of illicit drugs, the prevalence of
lifetime use was significant in the surveyed individuals, with associated variables such as:
male gender, tobacco consumption and disfunctionality in the family environment. The
results of this study allowed us to confirm the use of psychoactive substances in the surveyed
population, thereby corroborating the production of knowledge that subsidize health
promotion actions and elaboration of health care policies for this population.
SILVA, Andrécia Cósmem da. Levantamento do padrão de consumo de tabaco e outras drogas na gestão de cuidados em saúde em assentamentos de uma comunidade rural. 2015. 136 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Gestão Organizacional) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2015.
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