Mestrado em Física - PPGF

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    Construção de um sensor de pulsos cardíacos para a aprendizagem ativa de eletricidade no ensino médio
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-09-18) Moura, Luiz Carlos de; Jesus, Denis Rezende de;; Jesus, Denis Rezende de; Sousa, Adellane Araújo; Pereira, Ana Rita; Souza, Eduardo Sérgio de
    Physics education needs to deal with a contrasting scenario in which new technologies of communication and access to information are becoming increasingly accessible, but the school environment is still maintained on content bases and in a rigid classroom model, centered on the teacher. Acting as a teacher in a professional technical course in electronics, from 2010 to 2014, I realized that practical activities tend to motivate and to increase the students' interest, even for complex subjects. For this reason, this work aimed to develop a similar approach in physics classes for high school in a public school, providing a dynamic learning for students. The proposed activity consisted of assembling a heartbeat sensor in the classroom, constructed with low-cost materials that, through an active teaching methodology with practical activities, allowed to develop part of the electricity program content studied in the third year of high school program. The proposal was applied in two classes of a public high school institution in the city of Uberlândia - MG, one class from regular education and the other from Young Adult Education (EJA). In practical activities it was possible to explore interdisciplinarity, addressing: electricity and electronics, light, human physiology and notions of computer programming. During the application, it was observed an improvement in the participation of students throughout the process of construction of the equipment, a relative increase in the interest about the conformity between theoretical concepts and practical results and, consequently, better fixation of the subject. Despite the small sample set, we highlight the positive results, indicating the possibility of applying similar approaches in other scenarios.
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    Unidades de ensino potencialmente significativas para ensinar lançamento oblíquo através do esporte
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-12-11) Pinto, Cássio Ramos; Silva, Marcionilio Teles de Oliveira;; Silva, Marcionilio Teles de Oliveira; Pereira, Ana Rita; Corrêa, Eberth de Almeida; Jesus, Denis Rezende de
    Teaching physics is not an easy task, since high school students, for the most part, have a great aversion to this discipline. One of the big reasons that contribute a lot to make this problem worse is the lack of interest on the part of students in learning physics. It becomes necessary, then, for the teacher to reflect on his practices in the classroom so that he meets all these objectives and makes teaching physics more efficient and useful in the student's life. When looking for a way to teach physics so that it is part of the student's life, before and after the tests, we come across precisely the model proposed by Marco Antonio Moreira, based on the studies of David Ausubel. The Potentially Significant Teaching Units (UEPS) model fits perfectly with what was previously described. The work was developed based on the elaboration of a didactic sequence in the form of UEPS to teach oblique launching through sport. The general objective is to apply the UEPS and analyze its learning efficiency. The research done in this work was of a qualitative nature. This type of research was chosen because it is the one that best fits the objectives defined for this work. We used three different instruments for data collection: participatory observation, records / notes and the questionnaire. We then found that the educational product was quite successful during its application. Except for some specific cases, all the questions in the questionnaire brought us a positive result, some as expected and others with good surprises.
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    A hidrostática ensinada através de experimentações em sala de aula
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-09-11) Medeiros, Rivo Lopes de; Pereira, Ana Rita;; Pereira, Ana Rita; Pereira, Rosângela Borges; Silva, Marcionílio Teles de Oliveira; Cunha, Jalles Franco Ribeiro da
    There is a growing daily lack of interest among high school students in the exact sci-ences subjects. This attitude stems, among other factors, from the difficulty most students have in dealing with fundamental mathematical concepts (proportion, directly and inversely propor tional quantities, functions etc.), elementary arithmetic calculations (the four basic operations), and reading and interpretation of texts. Thus, the purpose of this proposal is to verify the real impact that the use of classroom experimentation has on the significant learning of high school students. We start from the conception that experimentation is a way of favoring the establishment of a link between the world of objects, the world of concepts, laws and theories and that of symbolic languages. Given this, we propose strategies for teaching hydrostatic content, using experimentation as a way to stimulate students' interest in knowing and understanding important physics content and to participate in classroom discussions on the subject.
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    Uma proposta metodológica para a inserção de elementos de estatística como organizadores prévios em conceitos básicos de termodinâmica
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-05-29) Silva, Luciano Ferreira; Ortiz, Julio Santiago Espinoza;; Ortiz, Julio Santiago Espinoza; Jesus, Denis Rezende de; Cunha, Jalles Franco Ribeiro da; Correa, Eberth de Almeida
    The teaching of thermodynamics, among the other contents of the curriculum of the discipline of physics, at the same time presents itself as interesting, in the aspect of arousing the curiosity and interest of the student and challenger, from the point of view of the Teaching - Learning process. especially when it comes to high school. The subject, because it has remarkable applicability in situations of our daily life, naturally arouses the interest of those who have the opportunity to know it. However, the routine commonly established in the classroom mitigates students' interest in science, whereas in most situations they are offered only problem solving of direct formula applications as a teaching methodology. In the present work we propose a didactic sequence whose objective is to enable the application of a methodological proposal, within the perspective of the Meaningful Learning Theory, for the insertion of statistical elements as advance organizers in basic concepts of thermodynamics. The proposal consists of three stages: firstly, historical aspects of the evolution of thermodynamic concepts, the inductive method and its application as a scientific methodology and, in sequence, basic concepts of statistics will be exposed. The second stage is essentially composed of three experimental activities where practical, basic concepts of statistics are introduced, namely the coin tossing of the frequency of incidence of “heads” or “crowns” results comparing these results to the theoretically defined ones; the throwing of non-biased dice where the result of the sum of the faces of two thrown dice will be computed; and the random path in two dimensions where, through randomly defined elements, a random walk - 2D is made and the results are used to define statistical quantities such as amplitude, standard deviation and variance. Following, the third stage brings the use of Java simulators whose objective is to expand the concepts raised in the second stage. Finally, it is proposed to link the concepts presented in previous activities to thermodynamic quantities according to the content mostly proposed in the Physics curriculum applied to high school.
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    Aprendizagem ativa de física quântica no ensino médio
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-02-28) Sales, Carlos Henrique Moreira; Andreata, Mauro Antonio;; Andreata, Mauro Antonio; Barros, Marina Valentim; Cunha, Jalles Franco Ribeiro da; Carneiro, Alessandro de Souza
    We present in this academic production a class proposal in which its development is dedicated to the use of active teaching of Quantum Physics through centers of interest to discuss a specific subject, namely: the Uncertainty Principle, established in 1927 by the German physicist Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976). The centers of interest offer a learning perspective different from the expository classes, in a dynamic in which the student-knowledge relationship is the result of a construction. While, in most cases, in the expository model of the class, the figure of the teacher prevails, with “endless” monologues, thus making him the protagonist of the educational process, on the other side of this educational structure there is the figure of the student, who for the most part of time is just a listener and note taker. The centers of interest were developed by the Belgian educator Ovide Decroly (1871-1932) and aim to transform education into self-education, placing the student at the center of the educational process. In particular, we suggest carrying out a simple and modest experiment that will be the center of interest from which the Heisenberg uncertainty relationship can be discussed.
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    Inversão de conteúdos curriculares no ensino médio: o começo pelo fim e as apropriações do saber em física
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-12-14) Franco, Donizete Lima; Pereira, Ana Rita;; Pereira, Ana Rita; Lavelli, Lara Fernandes dos Santos; Ortiz, Julio Santiago Spinoza; Cunha, Jalles Franco Ribeiro da
    This dissertation is the result of a bibliographical and field research within the Postgraduate Program in Physics Teaching of the National Professional Master's Degree in Physics Teaching (MNPEF) at the Federal University of Goiás - Regional Catalão. The activities proposed were developed with students of the 1st year of the Electrotechnical course integrated to the High School of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the Triângulo Mineiro (IFTM) - Campus Ituiutaba in the year 2017. These activities were based on the ideas of Jerome Bruner (1978), which states that any subject can be taught to people of any age and stage of development, provided it does so with intellect and organization. Our product was based on the development of contents of Electromagnetism, which is normally taught to students in the 3rd year of high school, to students of the 1st year of high school. The objectives that led to the study were: to show the importance of Jerome Bruner's learning theory, emphasizing its application in the proposed and realized activities, trying to understand and discuss the process of Bruner's "spiral teaching", relating it to proposed in this work. In addition, it was reported the development of the proposed didactic sequence, trying to identify, catalog and relate, through forms answered and evaluations carried out the results obtained. In the analysis of the results it was considered the classes taught, the activities in the room and at home, exercises for note and tests, all evaluated within the context of the content taught. As a result, we highlight the agreement with Bruner that it is really possible to teach a content to students of any age and stage of development, provided that it does so responsibly, as we have verified that the students obtained satisfactory results.
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    Robótica educacional nas aulas de física
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-07-20) Costa, Wesley Borges; Silva, Jean Carlo da;; Andreata, Mauro Antonio;; Cunha, Jalles Franco Ribeiro da; Carneiro, Alessandro de Souza; Barros, Marina Valentim
    Nowadays, within the class rooms, many pupils relies just in what has been given to them, memorizing only lists of substances that something is made of – formula. This blinds the students leaving them with no vibrancy - unmotivated - and does not bring them to realize the connection between the subject and experience they could experiment in everyday life. They are not even able to expose what they had studied throughout the course. In meaningful learning, the learner cannot be considered only a container ready to be fill up, he must be able to use and pass ahead what he has just learnt and internalized, in a substantive way rather than arbitrary manner, so as to capture the meanings of educational materials. That is, the apprentice builds his knowledge. Looking forward to enhance the learning of Physics in the High School of the Escola SESI Guiomar de Freitas Costa (Uberlândia/MG), we have used Educational Robotics to stimulate interest in physics and meaningful learning in the students. Educational Robotics allows students to improve an ability to develop hypotheses, investigate solutions, make the best connections and draw conclusions, all with well-distributed and controlled time. In this research, we have reported how a robot was built up and also how it was used allowing the students of the first year of high school of the SESI and the Guiomar de Freitas Costa (Uberlândia/MG) to construct the concepts of average speed, types of movements and launching of projectiles, showing how much this part of the mechanics is present in our daily life. During the activity, students were able to understand the main physical concepts involved in the experiments by actively participating in the class.
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    Ensino híbrido no ensino de eletromagnetismo
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-08-15) Moura, Renato Pereira de; Carneiro, Alessandro de Souza;; Carneiro, Alessandro de Souza; Barros, Marina Valentim; Barros, Jupyracyara Jandyra de Carvalho; Cunha, Juliana Bernardes Borges da
    This work consists in the development of a Didactic Sequence in a private network college in Trindade, Goiás. This sequence addresses the study of Electromagnetism, and aims to present and discuss the use of active methodologies in physics teaching, with a perspective Hybrid Teaching with a focus on teaching personalization, using diverse methodological approaches, involving presential and non-presential activities to know the main magnetic phenomena and their use in our daily life. The proposed activities were developed in two classes of second grade of High School. During the planning, the preparation and execution of this sequence the focus of the learning process was the student.
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    Bases da informação quântica no ensino médio através da plataforma Moodle
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-07-13) Mendonça, Rafael Victor Helerbrock; Assis, Paulo Eduardo Gonçalves de;; Odashima, Mariana Mieko; Barros, Marina Valentim; Moreira, Nilton Luis
    The present work aims to describe pertinent theoretical aspects related to the scope of quantum computation, an increasing ascent area in contemporary physics, besides presenting the elaboration and application of a virtual learning environment created in the Moodle platform directed to high school students. Through AVA, it was intended that students produce new knowledge, seeking to promote their scientific literacy regarding the fundamental aspects of quantum computing
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    Instrumentação para o ensino de Física na educação básica
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-08-22) Rosa, Marcos Diniz; Pereira, Ana Rita;; Pereira, Ana Rita; Cunha, Jalles Ferreira Ribeiro da; Jesus , Denis Rezende de; Santos, Wytler Cordeiro dos
    The discipline of physics for many is difficult to understand due to its abstractions, even though it is so present in our day-to-day life and relevant in the great discoveries that drive development in many areas. The present dissertation discusses and analyzes the use of low-cost experiments as a didactic-pedagogical resource in a proposal where the experiments were performed with the active participation of the students of Basic Education and facilitate the acquisition of the knowledge of physics from the students. Thus contributing to the mediation of the construction of knowledge, by creating meaningful relationships and connections, reaffirming the social commitment of educational practice. With the activities carried out, we can prove the effectiveness of the use of experimentation in Basic Physics classes based on the experience in the classroom, showing an improvement in the academic performance of the student, whose positive effects resulted in an increase in school averages teacher in the construction of classes that arouse the interest to learn physics.
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    Modelo pedagógico de resistores elétricos para descrever fraturas em sistemas físicos
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-08-09) Cunha, Airton Modesto da; Ortiz, Julio Santiago Espinoza;; Lavelli, Lara Fernandes dos Santos; Pereira, Ana Rita; Cunha, Jalles Franco Ribeiro da
    The present dissertation is the result of the educational, “Teaching model of electrical resistors to describe fractures in physical systems”, product worked in a class of the third year of high school of the State School Prof. Marcolino de Barros of the municipality of Patos de Minas-MG. In which, we present a simple pedagogical model with the purpose of studying the complex process of ruptures in physical systems. For this, we developed an experimental model together with its theoretical counterpart where we consider a system of electric resistors network subject to a potential difference and analyze the current that passes through the system as a function of the random removal of their resistive components. We use a circuit board, voltage source stabilized at a pre-established potential difference, and a resistor network with a few ohms units each. After the proposed experiments are executed, we obtained appropriate experimental data and from these graphs are generated with which the dependence of the current through the circuit with the interruption of the joints is shown. Taking into account that this system behaves as an ohmic system, the model is used to study several relevant physical concepts. As is the case of an elastic solid subject to Hooke’s law- like deformations, this is then a very broad model.
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    Fluidodinamica computacional no ensino de fisica
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-02-24) Fernandes, Thiago Felipe Domingos Dias; Moreira, Nilton Luis;; Moreira, Nilton Luis; Silva, Claudio José da; Souza, Eduardo Sérgio de; Assis, Paulo Eduardo Gonçalves de
    This master's thesis aims at use a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) under an educational perspective, targeting disciplines of fluid mechanics and transport phenomena in the initial series of engineering and physics courses. In this thesis are presented the construction techniques and modeling of flows to be used in an educational perspective at Andragogic Theory of Knowles and the Theory of Meaningful Learning of David Ausubel, major educational theories applied during this research. The importance on basic formation is widely supported by the literature, however, is proposing to work the computer simulation so not only statement, but inserting the students as directly responsible for analysing and encoding data and results of simulations. The students will be able to view the physical event, establishing an relationship between the mathematical prediction of the system equations and analised phenomenon. The educational product developed in this work is an interface for manipulation and control of the OpenFOAM, a opensource software. The educational product developed in this work is a manipulation and control interface opensource software OpenFOAM. Its purpose is to avoid the student responsibility for direct manipulation and editing source code and the typical complex scripts of control of this program. In this essay are included the basics in fluid mechanics and mathematical and computational modeling of fluid dynamics, along with an entire functional structure of the J.A.R.V.E.S. interface, this being the main reason for this work.
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    Ensinagem de cálculo às equações de Maxwell no ensino médio: proposta extracurricular à luz da aprendizagem significativa
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-03-17) Ferreira, Paulo Roberto; Castro, Paulo Alexandre de;; Castro, Paulo Alexandre de; Sobrinho, Marcos Fernandes; Andreata, Mauro Antônio; Moreira, Nilton Luis
    The proposal of this dissertation is the development of an extracurricular project that meets the demand of students that are about to conclude high school, of notable knowing in mathematics and physics, specifically in basic electromagnetics. Using the theory of meaningful learning of David Ausubel, the proposal of this project is to incorporate through expositive classes concepts of differential and integral calculus, dot product and vector product of higher education exact sciences courses to the high school environment in order to help high school students that present resourcefulness in exact sciences and yearn for new knowledge. Such mathematical tools presented are going to serve as prior organizers, according to the meaningful learning theory, to the understanding of the pool of the four most influential equations of electromagnetism as a whole: Maxwell's equations. The immediate solutions of Maxwell's equations allow students to link new concept with subsumers already acquired in their regular classes, providing a more detailed view of formulas and concepts only quoted before without any previous reference. In this sense, the goal of this dissertation is not to teach the whole concepts pertinent to higher education, but sharpen the interest for the study area, which is already shown by most students interested in joining exact sciences, engineering courses and similars. Hence, the project improves the performances of apprentices in higher education entrance exams and foments interest in subjects which are classified as boring and difficult both to teach and to learn for most students, although fascinating.
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    O ensino de física por meio de experimentos com materiais do lixo eletrônico
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-03-10) Santos, Rafael Henrique dos Reis; Silva, Marcionílio Teles de Oliveira;; Silva, Marcionílio Teles de Oliveira; Anjos, Jorge Luiz Vieira dos; Carneiro, Alessandro Souza; Andreata, Mauro Antônio
    This work is focused on the development of experimental activities, methodologies that favor knowledge and success in the teaching-learning process in the Physics discipline. The Educational Product is an alternative to work with high school students, with an interest in strengthening the critical and scientific sense, besides being able to guide them to the professional market and academic education. The raw material used in the development of the activities comes from electronic scrap as well as electrical and electronic devices that are not put into operation. Along with the activities, a theoretical support material is provided for the student, as an aid to interpretation of the results obtained in the experiments. The work was developed with students of the third year of High School, in total, twelve experimental activities divided into four teams were carried out by the students under the guidance of the teacher, which addressed topics related to electrical charges, electrodynamics and electromagnetism. According to the obtained results, which were "measured" by means of a diagnostic evaluation, made by the students in the first moment before the development of the experimental activities and another one after the activities, it was possible to verify an improvement in the learning of the physical concepts involved In the experiments. In addition, there was a greater awareness on the part of students about the correct use and disposal of waste from electronic equipment and the importance of teamwork.
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    Fluorescência: uma abordagem para o ensino de Física moderna e contemporânea no ensino médio
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-02-20) Silva, Gustavo Almeida e; Souza, Eduardo Sérgio de;; Souza, Eduardo Sérgio de; Cunha, Juliana Bernardes Borges da; Ferrari, Paulo Celso; Neves, Adriana Freitas
    Modern and Contemporary Physics has aroused enormous interest on young people because it brings topics related to scientific advances. On the other hand, the teaching of Physics in Secondary School is not following these advances in a satisfactory way, this impairs the student education in respect to the scientific literacy and they perception of daily relation with Physics. Therefore it becomes necessary the insertion of topics of Modern and Contemporary Physics (FMC) in high school. There are official documents that guide and regulate the Physics teaching, reinforcing the importance of Modern and Contemporary Physics in classes of High School. Thus, the aim of our work was to teach Modern and Contemporary Physics by using the phenomenon of fluorescence. For that, a didactic sequence, in the form of Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units (PMTU), was developed to work concepts of FMC, as well as the elaboration of a lecture note for the students, with the theoretical support of the subjects treated, and also proposals of experiments involving the phenomenon of fluorescence. In this way, we present a qualitative analysis of the impressions of high school students of a public school about the intervention, using Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units, seeking a meaningful learning in the teaching of Modern and Contemporary Physics. We observed that the students meaningfully learned scientific concepts related to quantization of energy, energy levels, electronic transitions, and many others. They have been able to formulate coherent speeches on the subject. It was possible to perceive the importance of the use of experiments as a didactic approach in secondary education, as well as the need to introduce modern and contemporary physics themes. It was observed the potential of the lecture note and it was concluded that the teaching of FMC contextualized with the daily life of the student combined with the appropriate use of experiments contributes significantly to the student's learning.
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    Objetos digitais de aprendizagem no estudo das oscilações harmônicas: contribuições ao ensino de física
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-02-16) Oliveira, Marcus Vinicius Pinto de; Castro, Paulo Alexandre de;; Castro, Paulo Alexandre de; Souza, Eduardo Sergio de; Sobrinho, Marcos Fernandes; Moreira, Nilton Luis
    This dissertation is an account of experience in the elaboration, implementation and application of the present educational product, which gave the opportunity to investigate alternative ways of producing a virtual learning object for the teaching of the topic of physics in general called simple harmonic movement (SHM). Developed in the form of webpages and containing animations in Adobe Flash on html pages, the educational product illustrates various physical situations / physical models, molded into the SHM content. The educational product aims at the meaningful learning of this topic of physics, we seek to establish a less abstract character, which facilitates and enables the teaching-learning process of oscillatory physical systems, thus leading the students to reflect the contents and better understanding of the them
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    Experimentos com materiais alternativos: sugestão para dinamizar a aprendizagem de eletromagnetismo
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-02-16) Guedes, Luciano Dias Dos Santos; Castro, Paulo Alexandre de;; Castro, Paulo Alexandre de; Carneiro, Alessandro; Sobrinho, Marcos Fernandes; Andreata, Mauro Antonio
    The job’s proposal of this dissertation consist in use experiments of electromagnetism made with alternative materials, along of exposed classes, with the intention of promote the integration theoretical-practice seeking the advance of apprenticeship of the contents, by part of the students. Therefore, it was built a manual with four experimental activities, for contain texts about the theoretical basis of each experimental activity and orientations about the building’s proceedings and accomplishment of experiments, as some questions to be answered by people who make use of, at the long of execution of the activities, in the perspective of integration’s promotion theoretical-practice. This job was realized with two classes of third year of the second grade in a School, in town Trindade-Go, it had been one class with twenty-two students and other with twenty-four. The present study was implemented during the first semester of 2016. The methodology of the datas incorporated communicate’s observations, traditional written tests, at the long of the semester, and a questionnaire of opinions by multiple choices. The educational’s product, in the form of experiments’ manual, it was produced as originate from this job, it can find ready for use by the teachers who are interested, with intention to help in the pedagogy’s practices. Among the gain results, the most impacted was all the students who participated in the activities, agreed with the experiments helped them to be better in the comprehension of the scientific’s ideas who were worked.
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    O ensino de eletromagnetismo para alunos com deficiência visual
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-12-08) Mota Filho, Mironaldo Batista; Pereira, Ana Rita;; Pereira, Ana Rita;; Furtado, Wagner Wilson; Assis, Paulo Eduardo Gonçalves de; Silva, Marcionílio Teles Oliveira
    The number of students with visual impairment enrolled in mainstream schools is increasing. School inclusion is based on the principle that there is a significant change in the whole system to receive these students in regular environments, to ensure learning for all, respecting the differences, and with no prejudice. Work with blind students can become a frustration for the teachers, if they believe that every student learn at the same way. So, how to teach Physics to a blind person? This issue arose when a high school enrolled a visually impaired student in a regular school. It were rethought strategies for teaching electromagnetism to this student and, from there, we started building models-tactile that facilitate the understanding of Physics concepts and better performance in Physics assessments. All the work was based on teacher Eder Pires de Camargo, great reference in this area. In addition, they tried to educate students in the class about visual impairment blindfolding them in a class where he worked the right-hand rule of the content (electromagnetism). In order to strengthen the Physics learning for the visually impaired, it was given a workshop at Simpósio Nacional em Ensino de Física (SNEF) about the how to build models-tactile. High School Teachers and / or students undergraduate and graduate were the target audience. This work is therefore a qualitative research, through description and transcription of the development of all these activities, showing that they are effective in visual impairment students’ inclusion in Physics classes. It is hoped that this material works as guide support to regular school teachers who encounter the presence of blind students and who want to ensure the learning of these people supporting them on Ethics, Justice and Human Rights.
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    A inserção de tópicos de física não-linear no ensino médio: desafios e potencialidades
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-10-13) Andrade, Douglas Xavier de; Anjos, Petrus Henrique Ribeiro dos;; Assis, Paulo Eduardo Gonçalves de;; Assis, Paulo Eduardo Gonçalves de; Gonçalves, Tânia Maria Nunes; Moreira, Nilton Luis; Genovese, Luiz Gonzaga Roversi
    Among the main problems faced by Physics teachers in the Brazilian Basic Education system are: the distance of the contents studied from the daily lives of students and the lack of materials and methodologies suitable to work topics of Modern and Contemporary Physics in the classroom. Given the need to give referrals, at least in part, the problems mentioned above, the authors of this paper sought basically to work in three fundamental points: 1) Curriculum - expand undulating physics content to cover non-linear aspects of physical systems known such as the mass-spring system, the simple pendulum, waves on a string and shallow water in order to introduce the concept of soliton and some of its applications. 2) adaptable and accessible material for topics of Physics Nonlinear - talk about the educational potential of creating a website using the tools provided by "google sites"and present disclosure page (Solitons and phenomena nonlinear) and 3) methodology - report the experiences of the discussion of topics in nonlinear physics for high school students verifying the challenges and prospects of use of a website in the classroom context of a school public high school in the state of Goiás. Thus, it is _rst introduced the subject of study by presenting the research objectives and the dissertation of the structure and then we present topics of nonlinear physics based on systems which are usually treated only in a linear fashion in high school such as: the simple pendulum (when built a pendulum corresponding to na arrangement of coupled pendula), the mass-spring system (when we study a chain of particles coupled to each other by means of springs) and linear wave equation. The study of these systems leads respectively to the equation Sine-Gordon, the Toda model, and KdV equation when they are treated in a non-linear fashion. After these equations are discussed presented their solutions 1- and 2-solitons solutions using Hirota method. After analyzing the above systems, we discuss some natural physical phenomena where solitons are present and some of their technological applications. Later we perform a review of the literature, where we use theoretical concepts to support the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in science education, and presented a website built to introduce the subjects of nonlinear Physics in high school. Then we discuss a teaching sequence designed in order to provide the use of the internet page in the classroom and the results of the didactic sequence implementation are reported in the classroom indicating that the creation and use of a website is a important tool to work subjects of Nonlinear Physics in high school to allow the use of multiple virtual learning objects and motivate the continuity of the learning process outside the classroom context.
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    Contribuições do pátio da ciência da Universidade Federal de Goiás para a educação formal
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-02-23) Martins, Magda Cardoso de Oliveira; Cunha, Juliana Bernardes Borges da;; Cunha, Juliana Bernardes Borges da; Melo, Wanessa David Canedo; Santee, Donald Mark; Souza, Eduardo Sérgio de
    This paper describes the experience of the application an educational product that was developed to verify the contributions of non-formal education to formal education for students from the ninth grade of elementary school in the to Educação de Adolescentes Jovens e Adultos (EAJA) in Goiânia - Goiás. This work is primarily engaged allow the students of basic education the discovery of new ways of learning to Physics, looking for the awakening of interest in science and technology as well as verify that somehow, there was the acquisition of scientific knowledge conceptual. We had four classes of two hours each, namely: The visit to the Pátio da Ciência of UFG and application of pre-test; class on environmental impacts in the construction of hydroelectric plants, renewable sources and the types of sources for power generation; class up the Oersted experiment, Faraday's Law and Lenz and last meeting was performing experiments by students mediated by monitors of Pátio da Ciência ending the application of the product to an interview with the subjects. It is a qualitative research and the methodology chosen was the exploratory applying the focus group technique. This is considered the goals of lessons, discussions and responses from the pre-test by students and interview with them. It is concluded that the Pátio da Ciência when working complementary to formal education brings contributions: public satisfaction; awakening in science; promotes the student as an active subject, as well as acquisition of concepts Physicists.