Identidade e espaço literário: um estudo da obra Os Ratos, de Dyonélio Machado
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
Considering the study of space’s relevance in literature and the complexity of human life expressed in Dyonélio Machado’s works, the present study had the purpose of verifying occurrences of spaces and analyze them according to the identity presented in the novel The Rats (1935). For this, we interpreted the spaces provided in their concrete mode (physical) and abstract (psychological) placing the theory of space and their descriptions to foundations that support the deciphering of the human and social phenomena. Thus, the analyzed scenes in the course of this work rely on the approach of the theory of space, the Topoanalysis. This theory fosters the concepts about space and their effects, and consolidates all the research developed about the novel that handles social, urban, human and moral concerns which make literature a distinguished human issues’ provoker.
NOLETO, L. Identidade e espaço literário: um estudo da obra Os Ratos, de Dyonélio Machado. 2017. 79 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2017.
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