O ensino da função linear e do torque através de interações de engrenagens

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This work aims to introduce educational robotics in the classroom of the first year of high school, through the use of a pedagogical form different from traditional teaching in learning the study of linear functions and torque. For this, a crane was built with the parts of a LEGO EV3 kit by coupling the gears of a gear kit, so that, by applying a constant force of the large lego engine to the driving gear, it transmits the movement to the output gear that is coupled to a pulley that generates torque. It was observed that in the coupling of the gears it is possible to learn various contents of mathematics and physics, such as linear functions, proportionality, composite function and torque. As a result, a didactic sequence was developed that shows the step by step of this work for students and teachers willing to use this teaching methodology. Finally, it can be concluded that this dissertation instigates and encourages students' learning with the use of technology in their daily lives, as has been shown, with the practical application of linear functions and torque generated by gear coupling.



Função linear, Torque, Engrenagens, Sequência didática, Robótica, Educacional, LEGO®, Linear function, Gears, Following teaching, Robotics, Educational


VILARINHO, E. A. O ensino da função linear e do torque através de interações de engrenagens. 2020. 84 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Matemática em Rede Nacional) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2020.