Cartografia das classes de solos na área da bacia hidrográfica do Ribeirão Samambaia, município de Catalão (GO)

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


In this work on the "Cartography of Soil Classes in the Ribeirão Samambaia Basin Area in the Municipality of Catalão (GO)", under the perspective of the qualitative and quantitative perception of physical attributes present, where the components of the geographic space exert their regional influences and local, under intense modern anthropic occupation in the process of landscape analysis, in which a series of factors are considered that are conditioning the perception of the same. In this context, uncontrolled soil exploration can lead to severe and intense negative environmental processes, whose current consequences of the environmental exploitation faced by mankind raise awareness about the aggravation caused by its inadequate use. Air, water, soils, biodiversity, among other natural resources, require integrated studies at different scales and different biases of interpretation. From the perspective of Geographic Science the work was able to present the integration between the environmental sciences in the study of relations between society and nature. The physiography of a watershed is directly related to its relief and soil type, culminating in the phytophysiognomic cover, although anthropogenic factors determine considerably the hydrological functioning of the ecosystems, thus the specificities of pedology and geomorphology are presented in an area of the Cerrado biome, presenting in order to identify the soil classes found in the Ribeirão Samambaia Hydrographic Basin (RSHB), in the municipality of Catalão (GO), with a the collection of soils and / or analysis of the landscape and vegetation at predetermined points, with subsequent physical analysis of the soils and classification using the Triangle Guide for groupings of texture classes, thus obtaining the classification of soils. The delimitations of the areas of the soil classes found in the RSHB were realized observing the landscape composition of the area, using the perception about the similar characteristics of the soil, relief and vegetation. A Semi-detailed Soil Map was prepared with the distribution of Soil Classes in the Ribeirão Samambaia Basin, in the municipality of Catalão (GO), which has a total area of 8597.2205 hectares distributed in four distinct classes of soils that are: dystrophic Red-Yellow Latosol (5773.6700 - 67.16%), dystrophic Red Argisol (1943,8500 - 22,61%), dystrophic Cambisol (762,4170 - 8,87%) and dystrophic Littoral Neosol (117,2840 - 1.36%). The importance of this study and the practical objectives in the conservation and occupation of the area is still underlined. In view of the context, it was observed the need to understand the structure and functioning of the interaction between relief, soil and biodiversity, in order to be able to subsidize mechanisms that enable and reconcile environmental conservation and socioeconomic development in the area.



Solos, Bacia hidrográfica, Ribeirão Samambaia, Catalão (GO), Cerrado, Hydrographic basin, Samambaia river, Catalão (GO), Cerrado


ALVES, R. B. R. Cartografia das classes de solos na área da bacia hidrográfica do Ribeirão Samambaia, município de Catalão (GO). 2018. 107 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2018.