Espacialização do trabalho ambulante de Lagoa da Prata (MG): velhas práticas, novos arranjos

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The world experience in the newest contemporary capitalist production model, the vaunted productive capital restructuring, which began in Brazil in the 1990. A characterized model by processes of flexibility in the production process and the acquisition of workforce. In this context, outsourcing is considered by many researchers, the leader of the precariousness of work and that is present in public and private companies. Added to outsourcing processes, we have employment contracts part time, temporary services, subcontracts, it also occurs a growth in unemployment and the out of rules of the working class. In this context, rights and guarantees conquered by the employee through historical struggles are being lost. Thus it broadens the informality, where many workers have sought livelyhoods. Informal, several times workers are marginalized and desprovided of any labor rights. From the perspective of understanding the informality, the survey's purpose is to understand the dynamics of the informal work done by street vendors of Lagoa da Prata (MG) and then check to what extent the precariousness is present in this activity. The methodological procedures used in the research were: literature searches and readings of theses and dissertations; field research guided by observations, records in field diaries, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews directed to street vendors and old residents of Lagoa da Prata (MG). The theoretical study was given up based on Marx (1983), Alves (2005, 2007), Thomaz Júnior (2009), Antunes (1992, 1997, 1999, 2002), Milton Santos (1979, 1985, 1996), among others. The results of the data collected from interviews in the fieldwork are exposed in the second and third sections of this research. In the third chapter it is shown that the informal work done by vendors of Lagoa da Prata (MG) is permeated by insecurity in labor relations and that informality appears as employment option for many workers, and has its has worked, including playback capital. Among others, the research shows that production held in Lagoa da Prata intendes to supply the informal trade is driven by the work done by street vendors and raffles placers. With the analyzes woven in this research is expected to contribute to the understanding of the changes to the working world, especially for those who make up the informal labor market.



Trabalho, Comércio, Informalidade, Vendedor ambulante, Lagoa da Prata, Work, Trade, Informality, Street vendors, Lagoa da Prata


MORAIS, Valéria Aparecida de Castro. Espacialização do trabalho ambulante de Lagoa da Prata (MG): velhas práticas, novos arranjos. 2014. 135 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2014.