Mapeamento socioambiental e riscos laborais na regional Catalão da Universidade Federal de Goiás - ano 2018
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The work environment is one of the most experienced places of a worker who stays in it,
sometimes more than eight (08) hours a day. In this way, this environment must offer means
that guarantee the preservation of the salutary physical and psychosocial condition of its
employees. In this context, in the context of public and private universities, there is a clash
between the interests of the socioeconomic system and the guarantee of the Quality of Life of
these professionals, effective or outsourced servants, who offer their work force for the
development of activities within the same . The legislation has evolved a lot up to now, but
professionals in the area of occupational safety, who work with social and environmental
surveys, identify that few people know the importance of applying techniques that ensure the
quality of life at work and the very preservation of the environment , which interacts directly
and indirectly with the production or services they perform. In order to understand the
environmental risks present in various activities of an educational institution, in its practical
activities in laboratories or in the daily activities of those who make the university work, this
research aimed to understand the dynamics of the work carried out at the Federal University
of Goiás - Regional Catalão (GO), seeking to verify the socio-environmental risks that are
present in these activities. The methodological procedures used were the bibliographical
research and readings of theses and dissertations that version on the subject; Field research
based on observations and field journal records. The results of the data and interviews
collected in field work were exposed in the second and third chapter of the present research.
The third chapter shows the types of environmental risks that exist and the possible preventive
measures to eliminate or neutralize them. Among other aspects, the research pointed out that
there are psychosocial and socioenvironmental factors that can lead to the illness or the
occurrence of accidents with effective, outsourced and student employees in the Institution.
Riscos laborais, Segurança do trabalho, Regional Catalão/UFG, Labor risks, Workplace safety
SOARES, Daiane Dizielle Meireles. Mapeamento socioambiental e riscos laborais na regional Catalão da Universidade Fderal de Goiás - ano 2018. 2019. 212 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2019.