Autoria, devir e interdição: os “Entre-lugares” do sujeito no romance Úrsula

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This research aims to identify the "between-spots" of the subject from the title “Ursula” by Maria Firmina dos Reis, a romance from nineteenth century in Maranhão, located in the romantic temporality. This book, published in 1859, in the province of São Luis, Maranhão’s capital, has as a main theme some aspects of slavery and the inferiority conditions faced by women in colonial Maranhão in nineteenth-century society and the unprecedented presence of women as writers in the above-mentioned context. This scenario gives us the dimension of the analysis from some discursive formations of the characters and the knowledge about the author’s positions, identified by the pseudonym "Uma Maranhense" which constitutes the main subject of this dissertation. For the matter of the development of this research, we opted for the theoretical postulates of Discourse’s analysis (DA) by the French line of work, which seeks to stablish a closer dialogue with Michel Foucault, from where we will discuss details of the relation between history and literature by Foucault, in order to see how these concepts can be integrated into the DA’s field. Throughout the work, we heed to Foucault's concepts of author, history, subject and power. Added to the Foucault’s postulates, the concept of "become", designed by Gilles Deleuze, who had helped us to understand the romance as a "between-spot", which indicates both the membership of the author to literary discursive practices of the century XIX and the breakdown of some established models. Primarily, this research deals with the DA’s disciplinary fields , embraces the context of Maranhão’s nineteenth-century society related to literature and customs of society and discusses the theories that will support the analysis. Finally, it develop some analysis about novel’s sequence enunciations, which deals with the issue of female authors writing in the nineteenth century and the subaltern condition of women and blacks in Maranhão’s society. In this sense, the analysis, from the "between-spots" inside the novel’s speech , we analyze the movement that indicates a dialogue between the authorial project mentioned in the prologue with the characters and narrator’s words, from the discursive formations around the slavery, female submission and patriarchy. With the Foucault’s help, we understand that discourses are always related to society and history; For this reason, the analysis of the discursive events in “Ursula” led us to question why this work would be out of the canon and understand how the discursive practices of the nineteenth century tried to ban works by female authors and abolitionist themes.



Análise do discurso, Úrsula, Autoria, Devir, Interdição, Discourse analysis, Ursula, Authorship, Become, Prohibition


RIO, A. C. C. Autoria, devir e interdição: os “Entre-lugares” do sujeito no romance Úrsula. 2015. 136 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2015.