Apropriação e conflitos pela água: dinâmicas socioespaciais a partir da bacia do rio Bezerra no município de Arraias – TO
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The research was developed in the Graduate Program (StrictoSensu) in Geography ofthe Federal University of Goiás – Regional of Catalão (Goiás) and had as a goal to
identify, comprehend and qualify the due conflicts of the appropriation and use of
water in the municipality of Arraias (state of Tocantins), from the basin of
the Bezerra river. The research was mostly made using the qualitative methodology,
although in some phases quantitative methodology had been used to measure the
rainfall index during the time scope of the research. In this research, we looked for
identifying the causes that take to the lack of water in Arraias and the beginning of the
expansion of conflicts for water between the mining company and the people reached
by the enterprise, as socio-environmental conflicts. As the area of study, we Selected
the basin of the Bezerra River Where is the mining company Itafós
Mineração Ltda. Bezerra river borns in Arrais and runs from east to west, draining into
the river Paranã next to a region known as “Vão do Moleque” in the municipalities of
Monte Alegre de Goiás/Cavalcante/Arraias. After 20 kilometers of its source pass to
bound the political borders of the states of Goiás and Tocantins, its condition until its
mouth. Since its source, the socio-environmental conditions are aggravated by the
disorderly occupation of the soil with deforestation and building of dams. The maxim
point of this degradation are the dams of rejects and supplies, built in 2011
by Itafós MineraçãoLtda. These dams changed considerably the dynamics of the river
which passed to show signs of intermittency in the followed years, as found during the
research. Deforestation, the building of reservoirs and artesian wells in the rural
properties through its course are added to mining activity. Therefore, we realize the
fight for the territory seen in the Communities reached by the mining since 2010. The
families were kicked out of their homes and displaced to settlement areas and or urban
centers of the region, in other words, Arraias and Campos Belos. This amount of
problems puts the basin of the Bezerra river, mainly in its superior portion, as a
territory in dispute, which the agriwaterbusiness and mining occupy spaces and
peasants are expelled of their locals of origin to give place to capitalist enterprises, like
Mining. The analysis and impressions in this research are results of the accompaniment
of this reality along the population in several incursions through the territory in
different periods and, in all of them we have verified water and deterritorialization
were the main concern of the local inhabitants. The certainty came with the conclusion
of the research!
Apropriação da água, Mineração, Territórios em disputa, Rio Bezerra, Arraias (TO), Appropriation of water, Mining, Territories in dispute, Bezerra river, Arraias (TO)
PEREIRA FILHO, P. Apropriação e conflitos pela água: dinâmicas socioespaciais a partir da bacia do rio Bezerra no município de Arraias – TO. 2018. 123 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2019.