Problemas matemáticos com cálculos algébricos: da resolução à formulação no 8° ano do ensino fundamental

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The present study aims to analyze the contributions of the formulation and problem solving as teaching methodology in the study of algebraic calculus for elementary school students. The research had a quatative approach and was carried out through a case study if 8 th grade elementary school students in a state public school, located in city of Patos de Minas – MG. The research it was made on months August to October of 2018 and the data colletion was performed through two questionaries and material produced by students. Initially a sequence was given eight class about the subject and question. After there classes was apply the first questionary to check the acquired knowlegdes in the classes taught. Subsequently, the activities of Problem Solving and Formulation were developed, in the perspective that the students themselves, divided into groups, formulated the questions, always mediated by the teacher's guidance. At the conclusion of the formulation phase, written evaluations were prepared by the teacher, which were solved by the students. Finally, the second questionnaire about the activities worked in this period was applied. The produced data were analised starting of methodology to formulation and solving of problems in content of algebraic calculus by construction guilding aixes and categories emergents of field material. That work aims to analyze how question formulation can develop students' understanding when studying algebraic calculus from the perspective of Formulation and Problem Solving. The results indicate that the students, in general, even with little knowledge of the methodology, were quite receptive to the proposed activities, showing interest and motivation. Was possibily to verificate too that students don ́t accustome to tasks of this nature, which leads to questions difficult to understand. On the other hand, with the medition of researcher teacher, themselves felt a necessited of retruturation that questions for the application to his classmates. Finally, three essential points in the developed activities: the first refers group activities, in which several students became protagonists in the process of making, learning and promoting knowledge among the participants. The second point the improvement in the teacher-students relationship, due to the mutual involvement in the activities. And the third regards the best assimilation of algebraic calculus content by most students, mainly regarding the use of variables in an action plan in solving a problem and in operations with algebraic expressions, with conexions behind the algebra and the geometry linked to algebraic calculus.



Resolução e formulação de problemas, Cálculo algébrico, Ensino fundamental, Matemática, Problems solving and formulation, Elementary school, Math, Algebraic calculus


SILVA, Sérgio Luis. Problemas matemáticos com cálculos algébricos: da resolução à formulação no 8° ano do ensino fundamental. 2019. 74 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Matemática em Rede Nacional) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2019.