2021-04-232022-04-262021-04-232022-04-262021-03-19SILVA, M. P. Robótica educacional livre no 9º ano do ensino básico: uma trilha de implementação de robótica com Arduino para o ensino de Física e Matemática. 2021. 184 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Matemática em Rede Nacional) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2021.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/11270This research seeks to evaluate/understand how Educational Robotics, in a Free Philosophy/Perspective, can be used for teaching and learning Physics and Mathematics in Basic Education. For this, we work with students from Elementary School II, specifically from the 9th grade, from a public educational institution. The robotic materials used, met the idea of being: Hardware's and Software's, both Free. For this purpose, it was proposed to use Arduino, scraps and other free materials. Classes were developed, didactic sequences with assemblies, so that the participants could carry out the production of the Robots, whose classes were applied in the after of the classes, from one to two classes per week. This work resulted in this dissertation, a research, as a methodology the Case Study method, with qualitative analysis of the data. Our study was based on a Single Case Study, with integrated units of analysis, having as a case the Lessons developed of Free Pedagogical Robotics, which contains two integrated units of analysis: The development and assembly classes of the Line Follower Robot, as well such as the construction and development of ultrasonic robots, through Arduino and Ultrasonic Sensor. For obtaining and storing data, it was used Documentation in the form of Questionnaires, Record in files in the form of Images/Photos, Videos, Audio Files, Interviews, Direct Observations, Participant Observation and the Physical Artifacts produced by the participants. For data analysis, we use the general strategy for data analysis, the theoretical proposition of treating data “from scratch”. For the specific analysis model, we use logical models, from individual to organizational level. From assembling sequences, a transistorized line follower robot was developed, after modification, started to be controlled by Arduino and robots using the Arduino and Ultrasonic Sensor, which was used to determine the speed of sound in a certain environment, and which was modified for calculate distances by means of Ultrasonic Waves and to function as a D/Presence Sensor. Thus, after data analysis, we observed that, in addition to the Free Educational Robotics classes, in addition to promoting learning by manipulating the apparatus, Learning was promoted by attempting to correct the error, caused by behavioral/social engagement, cognitive engagement and emotional engagement, providing learning, socialization, personal and intellectual growth.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalRobótica educacional livreArduinoEnsino de MatemáticaEnsino de FísicaEnsino BásicoFree educational roboticsArduinoMathematics teachingPhysics teachingBasic educationCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::MATEMATICARobótica educacional livre no 9º ano do ensino básico: uma trilha de implementação de robótica com Arduino para o ensino de Física e MatemáticaFree educational robotics in the 9th grade of basic education: a robotics implementation track with Arduino for teaching Physics and MathematicsDissertação