2017-05-042022-04-262022-04-262017-03-28MÁZARO, André Luís. Análise da qualidade de serviços educacionais do curso de Administração de uma instituição de ensino superior privada: aplicação da escala Servqual. 2017. 102 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Gestão Organizacional) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2017.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/7261Brazilian higher education, particularly the private sector, in face of the competitive market requires reformulations and adjustments for its survival in order to improve the quality of services provided to the academic community. The general objective of this research is to analyze and investigate the quality of educational services in a Private Higher Education Institution, from the point of view of the students, teachers and managers of the undergraduate institution in Administration. The methodology used for the elaboration of this research is a descriptive research, of an applied nature, through a survey of the type survey, based on a cross section with quantitative variables on the subjects involved and the data to be collected loco in the Institution through questionnaires with 22 variables within the five dimensions studied: tangibility, reliability, promptness, security and empathy, measuring the difference between expectations and performance of actions. In order to deepen the research lines, a tool was used to evaluate the perception and expectation of groups of individuals about quality, the Servqual, adapted to the educational services. First step was to the application of the expectation and perception questionnaires to verify how the individuals involved in the research see the quality of the educational services offered by the higher education institution. The second step was to tabulate the data collected with the help of Excel 2010 program from Microsoft and SPSS 20.0 from IBM to describe the data. Third step is the comparison of the data to verify the hypotheses raised if the students, teachers and managers of the undergraduate degree in Administration have the same perception of the quality of the educational services provided by the Catalan Higher Education Center. The results were the divergence of opinions for the gaps between the groups studied, teachers and managers for the five dimensions evaluated. The proposed research aims to contribute to the improvement of the educational services offered by the Institution of Higher Education for its representativeness in the region, as well as to direct managers to better understand the individuals involved in their organizational structure.application/pdfAcesso AbertoQualidadeGestãoEducaçãoQualityManagementEducationADMINISTRACAO::ADMINISTRACAO DE SETORES ESPECIFICOSAnálise da qualidade de serviços educacionais do curso de Administração de uma instituição de ensino superior privada: aplicação da escala ServqualAnalysis of the quality of educational services of the administration course of a private higher education institution: application of the Servqual scaleDissertação