2019-03-252022-04-262022-04-262019-02-28CRUZ, T. K. V. A intertextualidade em sexameron, de Luiza Lobo. 2019. 87 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2019.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/9379This work aims to analyze the novel Sexameron: novelas sobre casamentos, by Luiza Lobo, published in 1997, by the bias of intertextuality. To this end, we make the course of the concept of intertextuality, going from the origin to its systematization. We use Mikhail Bakhtin, with his book Problemas da poética de Dostoiévski (1981), for his reflections on Dostoevsky's work will give rise to Julia Kristeva's creation of the term intertextuality, and systematizes it in her book Introdução à semanálise (1974). We also use others theorists and critics who talk about intertextuality as Laurent Jenny (1979), Gérard Genette (2010) and Antoine Compagnon (1996). Thus, we assume that intertextuality is inherent to the text, and we propose to analyze how the presence of the intertext contributes to the construction of meaning in Luiza Lobo’s narrative. Finally, we try to fit Sexameron as a postmodern parody, and understand that Luiza Lobo seeks in the work Decameron, by Giovanni Boccaccio (1351) elements to make her critical at the end of the 20th century, mainly in what concerns the condition of the woman in different periods of history.application/pdfAcesso AbertoSexameronDecameronIntertextualidadeParódia pós- modernaIntertextualityPostmodern parodyLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTESA intertextualidade em Sexameron, de Luiza LoboThe intertextuality in Sexameron, by Luiza LoboDissertação