2018-06-292022-04-262022-04-262018-05-24SANTOS, Roberto Magalhães dos. O processo de construção da consciência histórica em relação às religiões de matriz africana no ensino religioso escolar em Uberlândia-MG (2016-2017). 2018. 182 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2018.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/8615In this dissertation we propose to carry out a research reflecting on which Historical Consciousness has been evoked in the schools of the city of Uberlândia, in relation to the Regions of African Matrix (RMA), through the analysis of didactic materials of schools of the Uberlandian municipality, besides analyzing the training course of teachers, seeking to answer the question: What treatment has the RMA (Regiões de Matriz Africana) received in the spaces dedicated to this study, in the classes, in the teacher training programs, in the school didactic materials in the city of Uberlândia MG? Thus, starting from the analysis of laws 10.639 and 11.645, and studying some concepts related to history and the theme of RMA, we started our way of constructing this text. We continue, in the first chapter making a historical reconstruction on the religions of African Matrix in Brazil, speaking if its origin in the country, identifying its rites customs and practices, highlighting its creative diversity and its history of persecution and prejudices. We proceeded in a second chapter analyzing these religions from the materials collected in the schools and from the teacher training programs, arriving at some conclusions after the analyzes carried out in the various materials obtained in our partnerships, noting that there are still many prejudices and the RMA (Religião de Matriz Africana). Thus, in order to overcome prejudices and disrespect for Afro-Brazilian religions, what would be the last chapter of our dissertation was formed in a paradidate material, as a way of providing information to teachers and students of basic education about such religions.application/pdfAcesso AbertoReligião afro-brasileiraHistória e consciência históricaRespeito e tolerânciaAfro-brazilian religionHistory and historical consciousnessRspect and toleranceCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAO processo de construção da consciência histórica em relação às religiões de matriz africana no ensino religioso escolar em Uberlândia-MG (2016-2017)The process of construction of historical consciousness in relation to religions of african matrix in religious school teaching in Uberlândia-MG (2016-2017)Dissertação