2017-12-192022-04-262022-04-262017-12-13ALVES, M. J. A formação de nomes comerciais nas cidades de Palmas (TO) e de Catalão (GO): questões de identidade linguística e cultural. 2017. 134 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2017.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/8057The theme discussed in this study is directly related to the question of the identity of the Portuguese language and consequently the cultural identification since it takes into account extralinguistic characteristics that motivate the use of commercial names considered to be creative and stylized. The main objective is to analyze the formation of commercial names, observing the neologisms of all kinds, including foreignisms and loans from the linguistic point of view linked to the cultural aspect. In view of the importance of the name of an establishment in the commercial context. The hypotheses presented in this study claims that the process of creation/formation of commercial names, as well as the cultural relevance and identities of these names for the inhabitants of the city, through the understanding that the name is an instrument of the definition of identity and is often through neologisms, loans and foreignisms. Furthermore, in the commercial context, naming a product or space with words of a language that is thought to be known by many people, and that conveys the idea of prestige is a way of speaking and negotiating efficiently, providing investments in creative advertising, especially in other languages that convey the idea of a globalized world. For this analysis, first, the names of ten clothing stores and nine salons were collected in Palmas, the capital of the State of Tocantins and in Catalão, a city in rural Goiás, with the intention of comparing the formations of the names and explaining them, after the interviews with the owners of the businesses , which was another important step in the collection information for analysis of training and possible motivations for the use of these names by the busniness owners, as well as demonstrating the type of morphosyntactic structure of these names and their spelling. The studies are based on authors who discuss the changes observed in the Portuguese language lexicon such as Alves (1990), Bechara (1996), Carvalho (2009), Correia and Barcellos Almeida (2012), Bizzocchi (2013), and by those who deal with identity Bauman (2005) and Hall (2005), as well as Cabral and Viegas (2007) with their essays on the importance of name. In conclusion, the choices show the concern with the formation of a commercial name in order to attract the attention of the public and, in the search to differentiate their business, use names with stylized writing, in an attempt to bring some unusual element to the writing. There is also the use of resources that break the rules of official spelling, often imitating the writing of the English language when naming their establishments, whether influenced by products or services they offer, and in making such choices are revealing aspects that motivate the contemporary subject, that is, the need to respond to a global connection that shows, at the same time, something different to the people, the easiness of hybridity in relation to the new and the different.application/pdfAcesso AbertoNomes comerciaisEstrangeirismosNeologismosIdentidade linguísticaIdentidade culturalCommercial namesForeignismsNeologismsLinguistic identityCultural identityLINGUISTICA::LINGUISTICA APLICADAA formação de nomes comerciais nas cidades de Palmas (TO) e de Catalão (GO): questões de identidade linguística e culturalThe formation of commercial names in the cities of Palmas (TO) and Catalão (GO): questions of linguistic and cultural identityDissertação