2015-05-142022-04-262022-04-262015-03-05Oliveira, P. B. Análise dos aspectos socioambientais a partir da explotação de urânio no município de Caetité (BA). 2015. 185 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2015.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/4517Existing uranium reserves in Brazil and the growing energy needs of the country set the stage for an increase in this mineral use. Therefore, this research is a study of social and environmental aspects of the uranium exploitation in Caetité county, located at the South Central region of Bahia state, through the current environmental situation and the impact caused by the mining company from the point of view of both company and community of environmental performance, a discussion involving local actors (NGOs and environmental organizations, trade union and municipal govern). The results aim to contribute to the establishment of policies and actions to improve the relationship between the mining company and the surrounding community. The text was divided into six sections. The introduction shows the theme, the questioning, the goals and basic assumptions. The second section presents a conceptual theoretical debate on the society / nature and the changes in the landscapes dynamics with the exploitation of natural resources, contextualizing the exploitation of uranium ore and its use as a mineral resource. The third section discusses the legal and regulatory instruments governing environmental aspects of mining, following the fourth section presents the main occurrences of uranium in Brazil and highlights three areas: Caldas (MG), the first uranium mine in Brazil, Santa Quitéria (CE) as the largest reserve and Caetité (BA) as the current mining area. The fifth section contains the historical and empirical elements that explain the inclusion of mining in the dynamic landscape of Caetité county, presents and analyzes from the perspective of local actors, how the Lagoa Real / Caetité mining project has taken into the interests of the local community. The last section, includes the final considerations, a reflection on the realization of mineral process and how it interferes with the construction and reconstruction of a variety of social and environmental aspects and, therefore, a set of new situations that prevent the establishment of any linear relationship. Considering this aspect, proposals were presented, from the data collected in the field, as well as suggestions for future work in this area, whose central focus is the relationship of mining projects and the surrounding community in the social and environmental principles.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPaisagemPercepçãoProjeto Lagoa Real/CaetitéRelação sociedade/naturezaUrânioLandscapePerceptionProject Lagoa Real / CaetitéThe society / natureUraniumCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAAnálise dos aspectos socioambientais a partir da explotação de urânio no município de Caetité (BA)Analysis of social and environmental aspects from the exploitation of uranium in the city of Caetité (BA)Dissertação