2019-07-032022-04-262022-04-262019-04-24SILVEIRA, Graciele Alves de Brito. A educação infantil como direito: o acesso e permanência de crianças de 4 e 5 anos em escolas rurais de Paracatu-MG. 2019. 167 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2019.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/9776The Education of the Field has become a space of struggle for the valorization of people who live in the countryside and need to seek the prevalence of their rights within the living environment without needing to be absent from their environment and the culture they experience on a daily basis. Based on this scenario of struggle for the education of the schools inserted in the field, it makes the following problematic: How has the pre-school been configured in the rural education in Paracatu-MG? Faced with this dilemma the objective of this work is to investigate the access and permanence of 4 and 5 year old children in pre-school in rural schools in the city of Paracatu-MG. Based on this objective, three specific objectives have been identified: they are to map out the children attending pre-school in schools in the Paracatu-MG field, to analyze the insertion of pre- school children in schools in the Paracatu-MG municipality, to understand the factors that lead to the permanence and / or avoidance of pre-school children in schools in the Paracatu-MG municipality. In the opportunity this work brings a bibliographical review carried out in the main sites of academic searches SCIELO, CAPES, BDTD and ANPED about the theme of Infantile Education and schools of the field. The research was carried out in the municipality of Paracatu - MG in two schools of the field, such as the José Palma Municipal School and the Pedro Silva Neiva Municipal School, both of which serve children in Early Childhood Education. The agents participating in this research were the principals of the schools and the Pedagogical Director of the Municipal Education Department. Among the instruments used in the research are semi-structured interviews, photographic records of the infrastructure of the countryside schools and documents. The work makes an approach to Early Childhood Education and the process of human development seeking to highlight the importance of the school in the formation of the historical cultural subject. It reflects the concept of rural education as well as the history of the struggle of these peoples for the right to education. The main authors who contributed to the progress of this research are Arroyo (2011, 2015), Caldart (2011) Fernandes (2011), Kramer (1993), Leontiev (1978), Saviani 2001, 2006, 2009). We found that the rural schools do not have adequate infrastructure to attend Early Childhood Education, evidencing several demands on the part of the managers, especially in what concerns the first phase, which affects the quality directly interfering the access and mainly the permanence in the education compromising the guarantee of the right to education as well as to the value of a quality education, strengthening space and life in the countryside.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEducação infantilEducação do campoDireitoAcesso e permanênciaChild educationField educationRightAccess and permanenceCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOA educação infantil como direito: o acesso e permanência de crianças de 4 e 5 anos em escolas rurais de Paracatu-MGChild education as right: the access and permanence of children of 4 and 5 years in rural schools of Paracatu-MGDissertação