2018-08-162022-04-262022-04-262018-07-10OLIVEIRA, A. J. Memória e cultura afro-brasileira nas vozes silenciadas: a busca pela nova reeducação das relações étnico-raciais. 2018. 91 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2018.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/8801n this work we aim to make clear and discuss the educational practices that are developed in the school environment with the black students who attend the initial and final years of Elementary School, analyzing the extent to which these practices are related to the ethnic racial diversity present in the classroom, we propose to identify in the relationships that involve teachers and students the formation of the historical consciousness of the Afro-Brazilian population. In the research we selected one of the schools that make up the municipal teaching network of the city of Araguari which is located in the State of Minas Gerais. In that sense, we interviewed the mothers of the black students, making sure whether the daily school life underwent educational changes with the application of the content of the history of Africa and the law 10639/2003. The main source of questioning goes through the analysis of a view from below, according to the look of these mothers, about what they think and expect from education that reach their children through public schools. Theoretically we set up a dialogue with authors who address the racial issues concerned in the interactions with education and history, on this path we approach the works of Nilma Lino Gomes and Kabengele Munanga, allowing inquiries and deep reflections to be understood, investigated and appropriated by the challenge and the redirection of a new pedagogical practice, from the search for the reeducation of ethnic racial relations. The relevance of this work leads us to think and inquire about the future of racial minorities, especially the black students who make up this scenario of spoliation and racial discrimination, as well as the recognition of their potential, belonging, identity formation and human dignity.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEnsino de históriaHistória e formação identitáriaDignidade humanaTeaching historyHistory and identity formationHuman dignityCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAMemória e cultura afro-brasileira nas vozes silenciadas: a busca pela nova reeducação das relações étnico-raciaisMemory and afro-brazilian culture in silenced voices: the search for the new reeducation of ethnic-racial relationsDissertação