2015-05-132022-04-262022-04-262014-03-11COSTA, R. L. O setor sucroenergético e a relação capital e trabalho: reflexos da dinâmica espacial no município de Goiatuba (GO) entre 2004 e 2013. 2014. 171 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2014.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/4514The sugarcane is among the crops introduced in the country, the oldest Brazilian economic activity. Inserted in Pernambuco state as a strategy for territorial occupation against possible occupation by the Dutch, the sugarcane became one of the most important economic activities of the Brazilian colonial period. Started in the sixteenth century, the sugarcane is in the XXI century one of the crops that has most increased its planted area in Brazil.Centered in the capital / labor relation, the sugarcane was keeping for centuries and new frontiers of expansion were opened. It is in this context that the municipality of Goiatuba (GO) has been recently one of the territorialization's locus of sugarcane in the Goiás state. Based on the above, the present study aimed to understand the unfolding of the sugarcane insertion in the Goiatuba's municipality (GO) understanding the capital / labor relation as a foundational element of the sugar energy industry's territorialization process. To this end, companies Goiatuba Alcohol Ltda (Goiasa), the power plant Bom Sucesso (BS) and other companies operating in the city, had their actions investigated as a mechanism to propitiate an understanding about the morphology of sector actions which, in various forms , expropriates the manpower and enables the capitalist reproduction. Therefore, the reflections contained herein is arising from a qualitative study approach. This is because qualitative approach has been relevant to portray themes scientific character in Geography, seeking to make approaches and analysis of spatial processes that provide various transformations to space as has been happening sugar and alcohol sector. Through the reflection and research conducted in this study, one can infer how the production system is changed quickly when occurs the junction between the state incentives to private interests. Which, proven in this research are replacing crops like soybeans to the detriment of sugar cane, and consequently, the production system of the municipality is changed.application/pdfAcesso AbertoRelação capital x trabalhoSucroenergéticoTerritorializaçãoCapital x labor relationSugar energyTerritorializationCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAO setor sucroenergético e a relação capital e trabalho: reflexos da dinâmica espacial no município de Goiatuba (GO) entre 2004 e 2013Capital / labor relation: the spatial dunamic and theinsertion reflections of the sugar energy sector in Goiatuba (GO) between 2044 and 2013Dissertação