2019-09-102022-04-262022-04-262019-07-03FREIRES, A. S. Transformações socioambientais das paisagens no município de Ouvidor (GO) - 1960 a 2019. 2019. 148 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2019.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/9997Society has experienced a series of changes in Cerrado’s landscape, mostly after the 1970s, due to the technological revolution, driven by Brazil’s expansion and internalization politics, that have printed to the biome an agricultural vocation, through agrobusiness. As a result of the socioeconomic development model that’s been in force throughout the years, predominate as a common point, the occupation and exploration of the environment in an unsustainable way, but in different paces, inherent to the associated economic activities, the environment and culture/habits of the population. In this context, this work seeks to identify how anthropogenic intervention has taken place in the county of Ouvidor, Goiás State of Brazil, with quantitative and qualitative analysis of landscape change, in the period of 1960 to 2019, making use of remote sensing and Geoprocessing techniques, through letters of land use and occupation, from the years 1964, 2000 and 2018, in addition to bibliographical and field researches, under the bias of observation and perception. Based on the records of the recent occupation in 1964, in the surveyed area, by family farmers and communities essentially centered in the countryside, as a standard use of natural resources, priority was given to livestock, the greatest area condenser, and agriculture in areas with more fertile and / or humid soils. This scenario has started to change significantly in the 1980s with the installation of the Hydroelectric Power Plant of Emborcação, in the region, flooding native vegetation areas and eliminating the phyto physiognomies of the riparian forests in the county, and with the insertion of mining activities, which extraction has altered local dynamics and boosted other land uses, such as forestry and urban sprawl. In the year 2000, agriculture occupied 1.38% of the county area, cattle raising, 63.14%, forestry, 1.35%, urban area 0.59%, mining, 1.31% without anthropic use, only 31.07% of the original coverage, contributing with the general panorama of threat to the Biome’s integrity. By the land use and occupation letterof 2018, it is possible to state that, currently, the livestock class declined 10.44% of the area previously occupied, making up to 52.7% of the area, the other classes now occupy; forestry 4.2%, urban area 0.7% and agriculture 4.3%. Despite the growth in the sector, the poorly explored agricultural ability contributes to the maintenance of the native landscapes class, which now represents 33.3% of the county’s territory. Even with the simple increase of the primary vegetation, recent activities are subsequent to the apex of Cerrado’s devastation in the surveyed area, which led to the fragmentation and degradation of the biome and has fostered latent socioenvironmental impacts through the different uses, mainly, by the mineral sector, which occupies small portions of areas, but is capable of drastically reshaping the environment/landscape, promoting its artificialization. Therefore, it is stated that the changes in the landscape of the region of Ouvidor (GO) have been guided primarily by the socioeconomic aspects, subjugating the biogeographic importance of the Brazilian Savana, with reflexes in wider landscapes, considering the character of the ecosystem, is required planning and the adoption of practices to reverse this reality caused by the disordered encroachment of nature, which endangers biodiversity, especially fauna and flora, water resources and humanity.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPaisagemCerradoUso e ocupação do soloOuvidor (GO)LandscapeCerradoUse and ocupation of the soilOuvidor (GO)CIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIATransformações socioambientais das paisagens no município de Ouvidor (GO) - 1960 a 2019Social environmental landscape changes of Ouvidor district, Goiás state of Brazil - 1960 to 2019Dissertação