2014-10-302022-04-262022-04-262013-09-12CARDOSO, Camila Rocha. Organização do trabalho pedagógico, funcionamento e avaliação no atendimento educacional especializado em salas de recursos multifuncionais. 2013. 188 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/3475The legislation that deals with Specialized Educational Service provides that it must be based on respect for individual differences and for diversity, with a focus on the ways and conditions of student learning and always maintaining a flexible character. Although this service has as function the support to regular education, we assume that it has not been in line with the educational process of students with special educational needs due to several factors, including the difficulty of implementing the Multifunctional Resource Rooms program and the pedagogical unpreparedness in the action of the teachers who work in these rooms. Thus, we question: how to organize the pedagogical work of the specialized educational services in the Multifunctional Resource Rooms? And how does the planning, development and evaluation of this service work? We aim, in the proposed research study, to analyze the ways of organization of educational work in the Multifunctional Resource Rooms. This research is part of the Catalano Special Education Observatory, which is linked to the National Special Education Observatory and focuses on collaborative research, which has a focus on intervention procedures that aim to change certain reality, emancipating the individuals who belong to it and bringing the two dimensions of educational research together: the production of knowledge and continuous teacher training. The research was conducted with teachers of the Multifunctional Resource Rooms related to Education Secretariat of the region of Catalão. Data collection was made through interviews, all meetings were filmed, and the audio files were, Afterwards, transcribed. Seventeen teachers participated in the study in 2011, and, thirteen of these, in 2012, totaling eight meetings. Interview data were analyzed in a joint work with participants and, then, categories were established, covering discussions on planning, contents worked in the multifunctional resource rooms and assessment processes of students with special educational needs. The results show a lack of understanding from teachers in relation to their pedagogical role in the multifunctional resource room, which has consequences in the construction of an inclusive education. It was also noted that the kinds of teacher training and the conditions of implementation of these rooms create constraints for the work of this teacher. An alternative used to overcome the problems faced by these teachers daily was the collaborative research, which provided them an experience exchange, very rich discussions and reflections that certainly may contribute to their performance in the multifunctional resource rooms.application/pdfAcesso AbertoSala de recursos multifuncionaisOrganização do trabalho pedagógicoEducação inclusivaEducação especialMultifunctional resource roomOrganization of pedagogical workInclusive educationSpecial educationEDUCACAO::PLANEJAMENTO E AVALIACAO EDUCACIONALOrganização do trabalho pedagógico, funcionamento e avaliação no atendimento educacional especializado em salas de recursos multifuncionaisEducational organization of work, no service operation and evaluation specialist in rooms educational resources multifunctionalDissertação