2021-10-282022-04-262021-10-282022-04-262021-07-16OLIVEIRA, T. P. A formação inicial dos professores de Educação Física e os alunos público alvo da educação especial. 2021. 157 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2021.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/11693This research is linked to the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Catalão/UFCAT, in the line of research Teacher training, educational practices and inclusion. The guarantee of access to the Target Audience of Special Education students in regular classrooms in the regular school has given the teacher different challenges, among which teacher training stands out. In this perspective, it is important to broaden the reflections on the initial training of teachers in the field of Physical Education and understand how this training has prepared future teachers to work with the PAEE student. Thus, the present research entitled "The Initial Training of Physical Education Teachers and PAEE students, has the general objective: To investigate the initial training of Physical Education teachers for the inclusion of PAEE students, considering the narratives of undergraduates and teachers, and, by specific: Identify and analyze the Pedagogical Project of Courses (PPC), regarding the offer of subjects and contents related to Special Education and its target audience; to analyze the way in which subjects and other academic activities contemplate the education of PAEE students based on the speech of undergraduates and teachers; understand the training of trainers and initial training in order to meet PAEE student. Thus, the theoretical framework that guides the discussions is based on Vigotski's historical-cultural approach and on qualitative research with the aim of understanding social phenomena in their active process, therefore in their historicity. Within this perspective, this research will be developed in public institutions of higher education, UFCAT and ESEFFEGO/UEG. The procedure for data collection was a semi-structured interview in the virtual space of the WhatsApp application through audio recording with undergraduates and teachers of Physical Education courses at UFCAT and ESEFFEGO/UEG. In addition to the semi-structured interviews, subsidies were also sought through the document discussion process in which the analysis of the (PPC) made available by higher education institutions was carried out. Data were analyzed from the perspective of Bardin's (2011) content analysis technique. As a result, it is evident: that the Special Education debate is not limited to specific disciplines, but that it enables discussions to be held regarding the work with target public students of Special Education in other disciplines; regarding the internship, it was found that the courses offer the possibility for the academic to carry out the internship in Special Education schools. However, during the internships in regular schools, work involving the inclusion of PAEE students was not observed; the results show that it is important that undergraduates not only experience the mandatory curricular components of their courses, but that they seek to take advantage of the various possibilities that the University offers in the context of teaching, research and extension and other training activities; in this context, extension was found to be an important space in the professional training of the interviewed undergraduates, as it allowed various educational possibilities for academics. It is also found that despite the teacher trainers have contemplated specific disciplines in the area of Special Education during their academic training, it is necessary to ensure that these professionals are prepared through continuing education to act in an inclusive perspective.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalFormação inicialEducação especialEducação FísicaAbordagem histórico - culturalInitial trainingSpecial educationPhysical education PEHistorical - cultural approachCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOA formação inicial dos professores de Educação Física e os alunos público alvo da educação especialThe Initial training of Physical Education teachers and students target public of special educationDissertação