2019-08-302022-04-262022-04-262019-02-21NASCIMENTO, A. L. R. Habitus professoral de normalistas em Morrinhos-GO.: (1962-1971). 2019. 156 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2019.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/9974The research Teacher’s Habitus in Normalistas in Morrinhos-GO.: (1962 – 1971) has been intention to analyze the Teacher’s Habitus in the normalizes narratives, conducted by question: How made that Teacher’s Habitus in Morrinhos? The research enjoys with theory reference – methodical of Oral History for narrative analyses produced by dialogues and interviews. The theory reference has been used Bourdieu (1998, 2012, 2003, 2004) for understand the Habitus and the Teacher’s Habitus. Alberti (2004) Portelli (1997) were the reference to make our methodology by the Oral History, while Bretas (1991) situate the Education History in Goias, Silva (1995), Canezin (1994) branded the existence of Normal School in the Goias State and Morrinhos city. The narratives obtained with collaboration of 3 narrators: Campos, Canedo e Souza, constituted in the principal source of research. The appropriation of Teacher’s Habitus of normalists had the principal source the teacher’s narratives, made in the period what they working in different positions and functions. We glimpse in the official prescriptions and narratives features as religious morality, Christian Ethics and standards of norms and rules, in the conformation of legitimate culture by the society, as the woman’s condition while student of Normal Course and after active normalists on the Education. Based on the concept of Bordieu (1998), understudied an internalization movement of codes, conducts and external rules and socialized in the practices forms, while the results realized in the narratives and analyzed conceptually, the Research has been evidenced, the singularities of conduct norms, moral, prescript religious, revealing the devices of Habitus Professoral evidenced on the normalist practices in different routes, from the form process and the teaching performance. Modes of affirmation, emancipation, financial independence, social projection, authenticity and recognize in the normalist condition, mark the distinct social place occupied by certification.application/pdfAcesso AbertoHabitus professoralNormalistasNarrativasHistória da educaçãoTeacher’s habitusNormalistsNarrativesEducation historyCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOHabitus professoral de normalistas em Morrinhos-GO.: (1962-1971)Teacher’s habitus in normalistas in Morrinhos-GO.: (1962-1971)Dissertação