2020-09-162022-04-262020-09-162022-04-262020-02-28LUCAS, S. S. O efeito de enquadramento na escolha de pacotes alimentares. 2020. 195 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Gestão Organizacional) - Universidade Federal de Goiás,Catalão, 2020.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/10722It has been increasingly common, by companies, to adopt management strategies that allow the customization of products or services, leaving the paradigm of standard offers, thus seeking, attending with greater precision according to the different uses used. This study sought to analyze the effect of framing on the choice of food composition, as well as the influence of instructions during the decision-making process. In order to observe the decision maker's choice behavior, an experimental study was carried out applied to a sample of 359 cases in various experimental situations, an effect test or framing effect of the update and downgrade, as well as an influence of the variables generic and specific use in the composition of food packaging. Participants were given the task of choosing a composition from a food package for seven days. During the simulation, participants were informed that they can customize their food package through downgrades or upgrades, according to the scenario to which the individual was inserted. Of six experimental groups, four of them were submitted to specific and generic instructions, presented from a context that involved nutritional information that emphasized or not the importance of being attentive to some variables such as: price composition, quality certification, price among others. These instructions were made available in one step before the start of the experimental simulation. The results confirm, in the various experimental situations in which the variables were tested, the occurrence of the framing effect, as well as the influence of specific and generic instructions during the process of personalizing the food package. However, research in this field that seeks to evidence the framing effect is still desirable, as well as the influence of the information present in the instructions, in the food industry, seeking to test the occurrence of these variables in order to collaborate in order to consolidate the theory from the accumulation of evidence.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 BrazilComportamento de escolhaEfeito de enquadramentoTomada de decisãoChoice behaviorFraming effectDecision makingCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::ADMINISTRACAO::ADMINISTRACAO DE EMPRESAS::MERCADOLOGIAO efeito de enquadramento na escolha de pacotes alimentaresDissertação