2019-06-122022-04-262022-04-262019-04-15NASCIMENTO, Selma Soares do. Educação especial e inclusão escolar na educação infantil e anos iniciais do ensino fundamental. 2019. 197 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2019.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/9701Special Education, based on the principle of Inclusion, has defined an audience and guidelines for the organization of its offer in educational systems. With this in view, the following question arises: How do the municipalities of Goiás organize the attendance of the target audience of Special Education in early childhood education and initial years of elementary education? From this question, the general objective of this research is to analyze the offer and organization of Special Education for students of early childhood education and initial years of elementary education in municipalities in Goiás. The specific objectives, seek to: analyze the regulatory policies and Special Education School inclusion of municipalities in the state of Goiás; describe the organization and services of Special Education offered for early childhood education and for the initial years of elementary education; and identify the subjects involved in Special Education, students and professionals. Three municipalities were defined to compose the research, and the selection criterion was that they were all from the South Goian mesoregion, one of large, one medium and one small. From each municipality, two schools were selected, one for children's education and another for initial years of elementary education, with a multifunctional resource room in operation. As participants, two teachers from each school, the specialized educational service and the regent, as well as the support professional, were selected. Also participating in the study were municipal managers, such as Inclusion Coordinators, Secretary of Education, Pedagogical Director and Superintendent of Education. The methodological procedures performed were documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews with all participants of the research. As a result, this research has shown that there are few specific guidelines for Special Education in the education systems of the investigated municipalities, which make misleading and restricted interpretations of national regulations. It was verified that there are no guidelines that define the role and attributions of the professionals who work in this area, although these are constituted in the context of practices, hidden policies, whether in the secretaries or in schools. Another aspect observed was that in the multifunctional resource rooms, the focus is on the teacher of specialized educational services, and there are limits of this space to work in the contraturno and to restrict the attendance to the defined target audience of the Special Education in the National Policy of Special Education in the Perspective of Inclusive Education (BRASIL, 2008). In two municipalities there are Multidisciplinary Centers, which complement the service offering care with health professionals. Considering the above, the research indicated the need to formulate policies focused on Special Education and Inclusion of students with disabilities at the municipal level, as well as the relevance of defining the roles of the professionals involved in it.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEducação especialInclusão escolarEducação infantilAnos iniciaisSpecial educationSchool inclusionChild educationEarly yearsCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOEducação especial e inclusão escolar na educação infantil e anos iniciais do ensino fundamentalSpecial education and school inclusion in early childhood education and early years of elementary educationDissertação