2014-11-102022-04-262022-04-262014-03-20SILVA, Raquel DIvina. Heterogeneidade discursiva na mídia impressa: o caso do "maníaco de Luziânia". 2014 . 218 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2014.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/3589This research had as a scope analyze the forms of discursive heterogeneity, a concept coined by Jacqueline Authier-Revuz (2004), present in the media discourse about violence. For this, we will analyze discursive sequences generated on the case of "maniac of Luziânia" in which the builder Admar de Jesus Silva raped, murdered and hid the bodies of six young people in the city of Luziânia-GO. These discursive sequences, materialized in twenty texts - including reports, news and interviews - constitute the corpus of our research. The texts were published between 12 April and 21 May 2010 for four different vehicles: the newspaper Diário de Catalão, of local circulation; the newspaper O Popular, of regional circulation; the newspaper Correio Braziliense, of regional circulation, and the magazine Revista Veja, of nationwide circulation. From the analysis of the presence of discursive heterogeneities we have interpreted the effects of meaning about violence produced by the media discourse. For the development of the theme, adopted as a theoretical and methodological basis the Discourse Analysis (DA) of the French line articulated to the perspective adopted by the linguist Authier-Revuz about the issue of discursive heterogeneity. In our analyzes, we are fundamented especially in the concepts of: subject, meaning effect, ideological formation, interdiscourse, discursive memory (Pêcheux); discursive formation (Foucault and Pêcheux); paraphrase (Pecheux, Fuchs and Athayde Junior) and discursive heterogeneity (AuthierRevuz). Our analysis primarily turns to the constitutive heterogeneity. Through the discursive sequences, we realized that, amid a scattering of statements about the case, some are regular and can be grouped in the same discursive formation. The interdiscursivity contributes to the constitution of the discursive formation, because every discursive formation, by maintaining interdiscursive relationship with the other, just retaking the already-said. This enables the constitution of paraphrastic relations that point to the presence of the heterogeneity of speech. Thereafter, our analysis refers to the heterogeneity of the shown-marked type. We note that the media often uses this heterogeneity to demarcate the presence of the Other in his speech, either as a way to give authenticity to his speech, disclaim of responsibility, cause sensationalism or hype.application/pdfAcesso AbertoHeterogeneidade DiscursivaDiscurso midiáticoViolência"Maníaco de Luziânia"Discursive heterogeneityMedia discourseViolence" Maniac of Luziânia"LETRAS::LINGUA PORTUGUESAHeterogeneidade discursiva na mídia impressa: o caso do "maníaco de Luziânia"Discursive heterogeneity in print media: the case of "maniac Luziania"Dissertação