2014-12-222022-04-262022-04-262014-07-09ELIASSIM, Cristiano Curtis. Léxico relativo às profissões de tropeiros e condutores de gado em Tropas e Boiadas de Hugo de Carvalho Ramos. 2014. 133 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2014.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/3817The use of language permeates the relationship between human beings and with the world around them, especially in the forms of naming objects, actions, feelings, sensations. Thus, it is possible to observe and analyze words and phrases that a person or group uses in its different activities. The economic, social and cultural issues of a people manifest themselves through the lexicon. When reading the work Tropas e Boiadas was possible to come across regarding the bushman work lexis with the troops and with the herds, enabling a lexical analysis of this corpus. Thus, the study of lexicon concerning professional activities on the work of Hugo de Carvalho Ramos that allows you to analyze how these words and expressions are manifested, at a particular time and space, making part of the language of this people and as a way of building their identity. A study that aims to analyze the language should consider the social and cultural contexts in which it occurs are basic elements and, often, determinants of its variations, explaining and justifying facts that only linguistically would be difficult or even impossible to be certain. In the specific case of the lexicon, the entire world view, ideology, the value systems and socio-cultural practices of human communities are reflected. This work intends to analyze words covering the professional activities of the cattle dealer drovers and cattle drivers in Tropas e Boiadas, which allows us to think of the intrinsic relationship between lexicon and culture. The development of lexicographic records as well as the organization of the lexis in lexical fields enables the verification of the meanings in the narratives, enabling a study of the relationship between lexicon and culture. In addition, this analysis backed the drafting of a glossary, which is very relevant in a job like this, identifying specific words of professional activities and their respective meanings in narratives, allowing a better understanding of the texts narrated describing different situations uses of language and making it possible to analyze the lexis in more detailapplication/pdfAcesso AbertoLéxicoCampo lexicalCulturaAtividades profissionaisNorma linguísticaLexiconLexical fieldCultureProfessional activitiesStandard linguisticLETRAS::LINGUA PORTUGUESALéxico relativo às profissões de tropeiros e condutores de gado em Tropas e Boiadas de Hugo de Carvalho RamosLexicon about professional activties of the cattle dealer dorvers and cattle drivers in Tropas e Boiadas, of Hugo de Carvalho RamosDissertação