2019-09-132022-04-262022-04-262018-09-27ALVES, Kênia Larissa Santos. A luta pela terra no sudeste goiano: o assentamento Olga Benário de Ipameri (GO) pela narrativa de agentes pastorais da Comissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT). 2018. 110 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2018.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/10015Studies on the agrarian question have been effervescing since the 1980s, and the theme is continually arousing interest, especially among the human and social sciences. Generally, an agrarian issue is understood as a problem of land accumulation and thus promotes the development of capital at the cost of unjust land distribution. The Brazilian agrarian question has roots in the colonial period, however, it is with the advent of capitalism that this becomes a more latent issue, arousing the interest of other social actors than those directly involved in principle, and still impels the organization of the latter in social movements. The Pastoral Land Commission (CPT) is one of the organisms that is born due to the social injustice that the agrarian issue is concerned and since 1974 it has been denouncing conflicts in the field, advising peasants and promoting popular education. In order to understand how the actions of the Land Pastoral Commission are being carried out, it is proposed through the narratives of pastoral agents of the CPT - Centro-Sul Regional and of the Diocese of Ipameri (GO), to study and analyze them. For this purpose, the Olga Benário de Ipameri (GO) Agrarian Reform Settlement was defined as a geographical area of ​​research. In order to reach the objectives, the methodological path was chosen, which included the theoretical contribution on the subject, interviews conducted from semi-structured questionnaires, participant observation and analysis of the data obtained. It was verified that, although the Land Pastoral Commission is a body linked to the Catholic Church, its work in the Diocese of Ipameri has relevant autonomy and articulation even with religious leaders of other faiths. As for the CPT's work with the settlers of Olga Benário, it was verified that the first contact was still in the camp and extends to the present day through various actions, with emphasis on the training offered and the encouragement of female protagonism , which is notorious for knowing the functioning of the two largest associations of the settlement. It is verified that the relationship of the families settled with the CPT is friendly and solidary of both parties. Currently the challenge for the settlers of PA Olga Benário is the permanence in their plots, the survival in the land and, in this sense, the Land Pastoral Commission has contributed decisively, if using its political articulation with other actors to provide improvements for the Settlement. The intervention of the CPT with the peasant communities occurs through pastoral agents that are inserted in the respective local contexts, as is the case of the work of the Ipmart diocesan CPT, this work is denominated by the entity as basic action, as the name itself suggests, is this work the pillar, which sustains and gives meaning to the existence of the Land Pastoral Commission.application/pdfAcesso AbertoQuestão agráriaComissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT)Assentamento Olga BenárioIpameri (GO)Agrarian questionLand Pastoral CommissionOlga Benário settlementIpameri (GO)GEOGRAFIA REGIONAL::REGIONALIZACAOA luta pela terra no sudeste goiano: o assentamento Olga Benário de Ipameri (GO) pela narrativa de agentes pastorais da Comissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT)The struggle for the land in Goiás southeastern: the Olga Benário settlement of Ipameri (GO) by the pastoral agents narrative of the Land Pastoral Commission (CPT)Dissertação