2018-10-302022-04-262022-04-262016-07-07VALE, S. A. Redefinições do trabalho docente: a territorialização do Pacto pela Educação no Colégio Estadual João Netto de Campos em Catalão - Goiás. 2016. 159 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2016.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/9014The neoliberal educational reforms in Brazil and other Latin American countries, since the last decades of the XX century promoted the restructuring of education and teaching work, which not only achieves the school, but the entire organization of public education, by altering the nature of school work, intensifying the exploitation of labor and therefore more making flexible labor rights. The analysis dedicated itself to school scheduling policies and teaching work as the logic of capital, focusing on goiana reform entitled: Policies of the Pact for Education: a better future requires changes implemented by the state the end of 2011. The fact that it is imposed on the school routine, without dialogue and transparency, politics raised questions about the relationship between the State and the education of the public network in Goiás. It became centers for this work in the effort to unravel the essence of this educational reform, so it is conceived to teaching as a work influenced by educational policies that expand the territory within the state school, establishing a relationship of power between the state and the school community. In this sense it is established as a disputed territory. The investigation of qualitative approach consisted in a case study in Colégio Estadual João Netto de Campos, which he was held semistructured interviews with fifteen teachers and observed the school routine, which based the establishment of a field diary. It was collected informations in the school office, Subsecretaria Regional de Catalão and SINTEGO as well as research on official sites of the MEC, INEP, Seduce and others. The conceptual theoretical framework consists of authors who approach the world of work, such as: Antunes (1999), Harvey (2011), Nogueira (2004), Pinto (2007), Engels (1977), Thomaz Jr (2011), Moreira (2009). About the teaching profession and the precarious conditions of the activity related to the restructuring process: Chamon (2005), Santos (2009), Oliveira (2004), Costa (2012), Sampaio and Marin (2004), Caetano (2014), Santos (2013), Libâneo (2011), Giroux (1997), Saviani (2007), Frigotto; Ciavatta (2003), Rocha (2010), Mészaros (2005). State and public policies: Alves (2015), Höfling (2001), Mello-Théry (2011). Regarding the territory category Haesbaert (2007), Cattaia (2011), Raffestin (1993). It is understood the school as a territory, produced by the dispute between rationalism of educational reforms and demands derived from the experience of workers of education. The concepts of levels and dimensions of Henri Lefebvre supported the search for understanding how policy developed in the distant order - the superstructure and the State - reaches and intervenes at the secondary level - where the Colégio Estadual João Netto de Campos - and how this interferes with everyday life, producing power relations and confrontations to an elaborate policy without taking into account the reality of who is in school. The research showed that there is outrage at the issues of education policy in the state, but that it does not manifest in effective participation in the union claims or actions by teachers. Thus, the study of everyday life, or the private level was fundamental for the analysis because control policies and Pact management to settle in school results in clash of powers, putting in contrast the distant level - the legislated actions - and lived as they reveal the strategies on rules that do not always represent everyday necessities.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPacto pela educaçãoTerritorializaçãoEscola pública estadualReestruturação do trabalho docentePact for educationTerritorializationState schoolRestructuring of the teaching worCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIARedefinições do trabalho docente: a territorialização do Pacto pela Educação no Colégio Estadual João Netto de Campos em Catalão - GoiásResets of teaching profession: the territorialisation of the Pact for Education at Colégio Estadual João Netto de Campos in Catalão – GoiásDissertação