2020-11-262022-04-262020-11-262022-04-262020-09-11PINHEIRO, A. C. Uso do solo urbano e apropriação dos espaços públicos: as calçadas da Avenida Dr. Lamartine Pinto de Avelar em Catalão (GO) - 2020. 2020. 96 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2020.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/10944Due to a mode of economic development based on modern policies under the basis of neoliberalism, the urban population grows more and more. In this movement, the city is (re)structured based on socio-spatial practices that occur in the uses of urban land and reveal different appropriations of spaces. However, the logic of industrialization that prioritizes speed in locomotion, arising from the technical-scientific-informational environment, creates a concept of a modern city, which should streamline the flow of people, goods and information, overlapping space by time. Consequently, the urban space is thought according to this logic. In this scenario, cities are planned to prioritize the flow of cars over pedestrians. Therefore, citizens who do not have motor vehicles for locomotion are marginalized, since car has the priority in the city. So, it is notorious the importance of sidewalks for human promotion in the city, which must ensure safety and comfort for pedestrians. In this atmosphere, we are concerned with the uses and appropriations of public spaces, more specifically the sidewalks, taking Dr. Lamartine Pinto de Avelar Avenue, in the city of Catalão, in Goiás, as the locus of analysis. On these sidewalks, public and private come together, which allows the observation and the debate about the appropriation of these spaces, reflecting the need to restructure the city from the human dimension. To this end, the concept of walkability is used in the text, as it points to the right that citizens have to a more democratic and sustainable space. To understand the uses and appropriations of the public space, we carried out three types of research: bibliographic survey, documentary research and field research, where photographs were taken. We realized that space is far from being a simple neutral support for social activities. The analyzed sidewalks show some situations of appropriation, compromising accessibility and mobility. In these situations, there is a symbolic control of the private sector over public space, which appropriates the sidewalk to transform it into a parking lot for its customers or to exhibit its products. These practices give sidewalks new forms of use, interfering in the city's restructuring movement, which is influenced by the demands of capitalist logic. This reveals the dialectical conflict between local and global, where capitalist interests overlap with local interests and culture. With this, a new format for the uses of public space is imposed, making them increasingly precarious and less attractive to pedestrians. Thus, thinking about the city in a democratic way is to prioritize pedestrians, where sidewalks offer adequate conditions for the appropriate use by people. This research, therefore, arrives from the need to build a democratic urban space, focused on people and biodiversity. This study, however, is a small part of what needs to be problematized, reflected and done. Looking at sidewalks and their uses is to contribute to a greater and more significant transformation of the city.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalUso do soloApropriação socioespacialEspaço públicoCalçadaCaminhabilidadeLand useSocio-spatial appropriationPublic spaceSidewalkWalkabilityCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAUso do solo urbano e apropriação dos espaços públicos: as calçadas da Avenida Dr. Lamartine Pinto de Avelar em Catalão (GO) - 2020Urban land use and appropriation of public spaces: the sidewalks of Avenida Dr. Lamartine Pinto de Avelar in the city of Catalão (GO) - 2020Dissertação