2020-01-132022-04-262022-04-262019-12-16NASCIMENTO, N. G. M. S. A experiência da evasão escolar no Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Avançado Catalão (2014-2015). 2019. 130 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão 2019.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/10291School dropout is one of the oldest and most complex problems for which the Brazilian educational system seeks to find answers and solutions. For many authors - such as Patto (1997) and Arroyo (1992) - this complexity is due to the fact that school dropout involves multifactorial issues that are inserted in a broader context, that of school failure involving student, school, family, socioeconomic and cultural issues. However, it is clear that this discussion is still very recent in the context of technical education, with few studies that refer to this theme. Realizing the complexity and relevance of the debate on the phenomenon of dropout, this research brings as object of investigation the dropout in vocational technical education. To this end, we base ourselves on the following question: what is the experience of dropout from the student's perspective? Our overall objective was to understand the meaning of the dropout process of the Computer Technician course of the Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Avançado Catalão, from the life experiences narrated by the students. And, to achieve this purpose, we set four goals: to locate the phenomenon of dropout in technical education, starting from the historical analysis of the implementation and consolidation of technical schools in Brazil, Goiás and Catalão; describe the implementation process of the Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Catalão; know the life stories of the research subjects through (self) biographical narratives; finally, to interpret the meanings of the dropout phenomenon from the experiences lived by the student who dropped out of the course. Our time frame is between 2014 and 2015 and, for this study - that is within the line of Educational Policies, Education Stories and (Auto) biographical Research - were used as source of research the (auto) biographical narratives based on the theoretical concepts of Delory-Momberger (2012), Passegi (2011) and Bolivar (2002). We also guided on documentary sources to conduct an analysis of the structures and functionality of technical education in Brazil, as well as the Campus Avançado Catalão and the Computer Technician course. Data were produced through an interview / conversation with a group of 6 students who dropped out of the course. With this, we obtained (self) biographical narratives which made it possible to know their life histories, the reasons and circumstances that made them abandon the course. For the data we use the content analysis based on Bardin (2010). The biographies of these students gave us the opportunity to interpret the facts narrated by them and we have seen that the impacts of dropout cannot be considered totally negative, as it is put in some works. This is because, despite having dropped out of the course, students did not give up looking for other levels and modality of education.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEvasão escolarEnsino técnico profissionalizanteNarrativas (auto) biográficasSchool dropoutVocational technical education(Self) biographical narrativesCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOA experiência da evasão escolar no Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Avançado Catalão (2014-2015)The school dropout experience at the Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Avançado Catalão (2014-2015)Dissertação