2015-02-042022-04-262022-04-262014-04-11MATIAS, C. A. C. Estratégias de reprodução social e práticas culturais: as comunidades Anta Gorda e Olhos D'água no município de Catalão(GO). 2014. 108 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2014.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/4081Studies of family farming in Brazil won place from the 1990s. This is because of factors in the political field, conditioning the onslaught of soc ial movements and creating the PRONAF, plus some academic papers. Family agriculture is a segment in which property and work are linked to the family, they have their own cultural aspects passed on from generation to generation, forming the territorial identities them In this sense, family farmers have perfected a territorial identity for the material, immaterial and objective basis, made up from the relationships established with the territory and culture through the values, traditions, beliefs and customs. Thus, we propose to understand the inclusion of family agriculture in modern society, emphasizing the economic and socio -cultural aspects (religious, cultural and emotional ties) communities Anta Gorda and Olhos D'água in the Catalão city . For the article was taken theoretical research on the subject. The practice survey was conducted in communities: a) Anta Gorda, where we apply a total of 9 scripts of interviews with farmers, b) community Olhos D'Agua, where we apply 13 interview scripts with producers. We even made comments in social and cultural events in communities (rosaries, religious festivals). The Anta Gorda and Olhos D'água family farmers identity is part of a historical process construction. In both communities observe the aging population beca use of migration of young people to the city in search of education, employment, and because of the fall in fertility rate. Thus, these factors may compromise the hereditary succession of properties. Farmers have various strategies to reproduce as producti ve diversity.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAgricultura familiarModernização da agriculturaIdentidade territorialComunidade Anta Gorda e Olhos D’água, Catalão (GO)Family agricultureAgricultural modernizationTerritorial identityCommunity Anta Gorda and Olhos D'água, Catalão (GO)CIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAEstratégias de reprodução social e práticas culturais: as comunidades Anta Gorda e Olhos D'água no município de Catalão(GO)Strategies for social and cultural practices reproduction: Anta Gorda communities and Olhos D'agua in the municipality of Catalão(GO)Dissertação