Andrade, Polliany Vieira de2025-01-282025-01-282021-09-30ANDRADE, Polliany Vieira de. Experiência de leitura: tertúlia literária dialógica de forma remota com adolescentes no município de marzagão-go. 2021. 212 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Curso de Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Catalão, Catalão (GO), 2021. research has as its object the reading experiences and, as a guiding research question, the question: are dialogical literary gatherings configured in reading experiences based on the narrative of teenagers remotely in the city of Marzagão-GO? Thus, the general objective was to understand the reading experiences narrated by teenagers through virtual dialogic literary gatherings; specifically, the objective was to characterize the reading practices that already exist in other contexts of the participants' daily lives; identify the reading experiences that occurred remotely from the virtual dialogic literary get-togethers and describe and analyze these reading experiences through these get-togethers. To carry out this investigation, we worked with virtual dialogic literary gatherings, which are remote encounters mediated by the reading of a work of universal classical literature; this activity encouraged the participation, remotely, of a group of teenagers from the city of Marzagão-GO, who performed the shared reading of the literary text and context. Egalitarian dialogue, cultural intelligence, transformation, instrumental dimension, creation of meaning, solidarity and equality of differences are the seven principles that compose and guide dialogic learning and that, together, are articulated and corroborated for practices with dialogic literary gatherings (FLECHA; MELLO, 2005). As theoretical support, the research was supported in different scientific areas that support the concepts explored, such as: reading, in Freire (2019a, 2019b, 2019c, 2011); literary reading, in Cosson (2019a, 2019b); experience, in Larrosa (1996, 2002, 2003, 2004); dialogic literary gathering, in Girotto (2007, 2011), among others. Therefore, we sought to carry out a qualitative approach research guided by the Critical Communicative Methodology (CCM), which, in addition to describing and explaining reality, intends to understand it, interpret it and, above all, transform it, with meanings that are communicatively constructed through dialogue (GÓMEZ et al., 2006). In the construction of the data, the techniques offered by the CCM were used: communicative report, communicative observation and discussion group. First, a semi-structured interview was carried out, which are the communicative reports; at that time, we tried to get to know the participants, as well as their literary reading practices, and then we moved on to communicative observations remotely, which were the virtual dialogic literary gatherings, and, finally, at the end of each work reading, the meetings took place. As a result of the analysis of the subjective data, the contributions of the dialogic literary get-together were highlighted, through the transforming, exclusionary and recommendation elements; from the participants' speech, it can be seen that these gatherings provided opportunities for reading experiences for adolescents in the city of Marzagão-GO.application/pdfptAcesso AbertoTertúlia Literária DialógicaLeituraExperiênciasExperiência de Leitura7.08.00.00-6 EducaçãoExperiência de leitura: tertúlia literária dialógica de forma remota com adolescentes no município de Marzagão-GODissertaçãoPeres, Selma Martines